Lord Martan mac Alasdair

Award of Arms

Created for Pennsic War given at Stierbach Baronial Birthday

Calligraphy & Illumination

K ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


Humans make dead earth live steel,Rigid beam to bending bow;Beasts we teach to heel and drive --We ourselves likewise may grow.
One among Our people shines,Armored sergeant, smith of plate;Proof improving skill and graceLifts mankind from common state.
Thus mac Alasdair do We,Adelhait and Christoph, King,Claim a Noble for our Court --Long may we his praises sing.

Arms awarded read as such:Vert, two poleaxe crossed argentChief three trefoil, green on white.This design none else may flaunt. Given to Martan mac Alasdair at Pennsic War Anno Societatis LIV.
Lord Ishmael ReedRoxbury MillAtlantia


Windsor & Newton GouacheManuscript Fountain Pen, fine nib, & Ink for Calligraphy8.5" x 11" Pergamenata

Paper Size

8.5" x 11"

Assignment Date

9 July 2019


Early GothicRustic CapitalsLombardic Capitals


Genealogy of the kings of England to Edward I.Shelfmark:Bodleian Library MS. Bodl. Rolls 313th century, endEnglandhttps://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/objects/4d29c09d-9b25-4b52-83a8-7c3734ad71f2/surfaces/16e0c817-97e5-46b8-9c9e-56d5f1b3e6a3/