Lord Ishmael Reed

Coral Branch Calligraphy

23 March 2019 at Defending the Gate in our Canton of Sudentorre

This was a Shire collaboration between Ishmael's wife, Lady Adelaide Half-Pint (Illumination), Alias Ela (Lady Elenor de La Rochelle) (Poem), and myself (Calligraphy).


K ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


Adelaide Half PintRoxbury MillAtlantia

Shakespearean Sonnet

"From Ragnarr King and gracious Queen Lynette:Hail and heed our words, Atlantia fair!For poetry written and many a doubletA Coral Branch for Ishmael Reed declare.
He toils with sharp and pointy things each night:A quill, a pen, a needle, sometimes wit.His laborious toil makes Atlantian arts shine brightand keeps the lantern of arts well-tended and lit.
He calls forth words from both the brave and afraidBy easing others’ fears of meter and rhyme.And oh! diverse doublets he helped be made,Manifold shirefolk dressing now sublime.
Thus have we with royal power decreed:Present this Coral Branch to Ishmael Reed."
Alias ElaLady Elenor de La RochelleRoxbury MillAtlantia

Materials for Calligraphy

Manuscript Fountain Pen, fine nib, & Ink

Paper Size

8.5" x 11"

Assignment Date

9 February 2019

Completion Date

21 March 2019


Bastard Secretary

