Lady Alexa de Montoya

Coral Branch

Created for 12 January 2019 at 1001 Atlantian Nights.Presented on 30 March 2019 at Labors of Finn in Our Barony of Tir y Don

This was my very first scroll! It was to be given out 12 January 2019 at 1001 Atlantian Nights: Atlantian Twelfth Night, but Lady Alexa was under the weather that day, so an addendum was made at the bottom, and I also fixed her name (oops) before giving it back to their Majesties for her to receive at Labors of Finn.

Calligraphy & Illumination

K ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


Windsor & Newton GouacheFine Tec Gold GouacheManuscript Fountain Pen, fine nib, & InkWhite 8.5"x11" Pergamenata

Paper Size

8.5" x 11"

Assignment Date

December 2018


Caroline Minuscule (?)Rotunda Capitals

Source Image

Missal1471Manuscript (Ms. 2165)Biblioteca Trivulziana, Milan




1471Manuscript (Ms. 2165)Biblioteca Trivulziana, Milan
"This Missal was made for Ercole I d'Este, elected Duke of Ferrara in 1471. The opulent manuscript has decoration on almost all its 426 leaves, executed by two artists in close collaboration. One has been identified as Martino da Modena, while the other was probably his father,
Giorgio d'Alemagna.The decoration on folio 9, shown here, is the work of Martino. The page is decorated with a wide border of stylised flowers set on a ground of gold filigree divided into compartments. In the circular medallions are shown the archangel Gabriel, God the Father, the Virgin, a putto seated in the Este diamond ring and a warrior in profile. In the lower border is a scene with numerous putti, those at the centre support the Este coat of arms. The historiated initial 'A' of the text shows David in penitence."

Study sheet with cats, dragon and other animals

1513-1515Pen, ink, black chalk on paper

I can not find the origin of this image