
My research is all about analyzing the relationships between systems. How does a given system evolve in time? Is information about one system useful for predicting another one? Is there a cause-effect relationship between these systems? Most importantly, can I come up with a computer program that will answer these questions using the available data?

With my advisor Petar Djuric and our collaborators, we study these problems in the context of multivariate time series. We also apply these models to neuroscience, where our goal is to improve medical diagnostics and further our anatomical knowledge of the brain.

Research interests:

Keywords: Gaussian processes, causal models, manifolds, time series, differentiation, state spaces, anomaly detection, feature importance, counterfactual queries, confounders

A plot showing a shadow manifold embedded in 3 dimensional space.


Here is a running list of publications and links to their associated materials. 

