As colleagues, students, alumni, donors and supporters of universities in general, we stand with the faculty and staff of the University of Kansas who object to a new regents policy that suspends the procedures of shared governance, including tenure protection, in order to ease dismissals, suspensions, and terminations. The principles of shared governance and transparency exist to support free inquiry and learning in all universities. We call upon Chancellor Douglas Girod to join the leaders of other Kansas Regents universities by refusing to exercise the policy and respect the long-standing standards of the academic profession.

SolidarITy statement

The following professional organizations support KU faculty and oppose the suspension of shared governance:

  1. African Literature Association

  2. American Academy of Religion

  3. American Anthropological Association

  4. American Association of Italian Studies

  5. American Association of Physics Teachers

  6. American Association of Teachers of German

  7. American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages

  8. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese

  9. American Association of University Professors, national

  10. American Association of University Professors, Kansas conference

  11. American Comparative Literature Association

  12. American Conference for Irish Studies

  13. American Council of Learned Societies

  14. American Folklore Society

  15. American Historical Association

  16. American Institute of Biological Sciences

  17. American Organization of Teachers of Portuguese

  18. American Philosophical Association

  19. American Political Science Association

  20. American Portuguese Studies Association

  21. American Society for Environmental History

  22. American Society for Ethnohistory

  23. American Society for Theatre Research

  24. American Sociological Association

  25. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

  26. American Studies Association

  27. American Theatre and Drama Society

  28. Association for Asian Studies

  29. Association for Jewish Studies

  30. Association for Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab World, Iran, and Turkey

  31. Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies

  32. Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment

  33. Association for Theatre in Higher Education

  34. Association for Women in Mathematics

  35. Association of American Geographers

  36. Association of Collegiate Schools of Plan

  37. Association of Writers & Writing Programs

  38. Black German Heritage & Research Association

  39. Brazilian Studies Association

  40. Central Association of Russian Teachers of America

  41. Classical Association of New England

  42. College Art Association

  43. College Language Association

  44. Committee on LGBT History

  45. Council of Editors of Learned Journals

  46. Dance Studies Association

  47. Distinguished Professors of Kansas Regents Universities

  48. German Studies Association

  49. Haitian Studies Association

  50. Hume Society

  51. International Center of Medieval Art

  52. Jewish Law Association

  53. Kansas Academy of Science

  54. Labor and Working-Class History Association

  55. Latin American Studies Association

  56. Linguistic Society of America

  57. Medieval Academy of America

  58. Mid-America American Studies Association

  59. Middle East Studies Association

  60. Modern Language Association

  61. Modernist Studies Association

  62. Music Library Association

  63. National Communication Association

  64. National Council on Public History

  65. National Women's Studies Association

  66. Organization of American Historians

  67. Pacific Northwest Labor History Association

  68. Renaissance Society of America

  69. Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC)

  70. Shakespeare Association of America

  71. Society for American Archaeology

  72. Society for Classical Studies

  73. Society for Ethnomusicology

  74. Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations

  75. Society for Historians of the Early American Republic

  76. Society for the History of Children and Youth

  77. Society for the History of Technology

  78. Society for the Study of Evolution

  79. Society for the Study of Social Problems

  80. Society of Architectural Historians

  81. Society of Biblical Literature

  82. Theatre Library Association

  83. United Association for Labor Education

  84. World History Association

  85. Working Class Studies Association

The following individuals have signed in support of the statement above:

      1. Allison Ford, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Sonoma State University

      2. Bill Brown, Distinguished Professor in American Culture, University of Chicago

      3. John McKerley, Oral historian, University of Iowa Labor Center

      4. Damian Fisher, PhD, GTA, Philosophy, University of Kansas

      5. Marissa Kaufmann

      6. Mary McDonald, Professor, Hofstra

      7. Brittany Gorelick, Student, Kent State University

      8. Jennifer Chappell Deckert, PhD, KU alumna

      9. Benjamin Balthaser, Associate Professor of Multi Ethnic U.S. Literature, Indiana University, South Bend

      10. Naomi Paik, Associate Professor and HRI-Mellon Faculty Fellow in the Legal Humanities, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

      11. Andrew Thompson, Visiting Assistant Professor, Ithaca College

      12. Alex Lubin, Professor of African American Studies, Penn State University

      13. Magalí Rabasa, Assistant Professor, Lewis & Clark College

      14. Gerhard Schutte, Professor emeritus, UW Parkside

      15. Adam Frank, Professor, Honors College, University of Central Arkansas

      16. Jason Ruiz, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of American Studies, University of Notre Dame

      17. Jessica Vasquez-Tokos, Professor of Sociology, University of Oregon

      18. Andrea Zuercher

      19. Charles A. Perrone, Professor Emeritus, University of Florida

      20. Rebekah Aycock, PhD Candidate/GTA, American Studies, University of Kansas

      21. Katie Chappell-Lakin, MM, Educator, Allen Creek

      22. Shannon Ryall, GTA, American Studies

      23. Stephen Bocskay, Independent Scholar, Cultural Strategy Consulting

      24. Mindi McMann, Associate Professor of English (KU MA 2005), The College of New Jersey

      25. Hannah Bailey, Graduate Teaching Assistant/PhD Candidate, American Studies

      26. José Héctor Cadena, PhD Candidate/ GTA, American Studies

      27. Craig Huneke, Professor, University of Virginia

      28. Lisa Seidlitz, Associate Professor, Augustana College

      29. Nicholas Mirzoeff, Professor , New York University

      30. Renee Harris, PhD, KU Alumna , Assistant Professor, Lewis-Clark State College

      31. Kristin L. Bovaird-Abbo (Ph.D., University of Kansas, 2008), Associate Professor, University of Northern Colorado

      32. Ximena Ibarra Quintana, Sophomore studying American Studies and Political Science, Chair of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee within Student Senate

      33. Niya Denise McAdoo, Undergrad, Student President, KU Black Student Coalition

      34. Gabriella Fischer, Associate Senator for DEIB and Political Science Major, Student Senate

      35. Max Schieber, University Senate Executive Commitee member, Student Senate

      36. Danielle Wolff, Chairperson of the University Affairs Committee, University of Kansas Student Senate

      37. Mary Morrison, Student and University Senator and Secretary of Students Rights Committee

      38. Hollie Hall, Graduate Student Body Vice President, Student Senate

      39. Emma Whitaker, CLAS Senator, DEI Committee Secretary, Student Senate

      40. Martín Vazquez- Castañeda, Director of Internal Affairs, Student Senate

      41. Claudia dos Reis Motta, Psychology, UFBA ( Universidade Federal da Bahia)

      42. Scott Kurashige, Professor, TCU

      43. hipatia medina, GTA, KU

      44. Cécile Accilien, Chair and Professor of African and African Diaspora studies, Kennesaw State University

      45. KC Hysmith, PhD Candidate, American Studies, University of North Carolina

      46. Kim Fogel

      47. Maya Crocker

      48. Derek Dunn, Chair of Student Rights and Responsibilities, Student Senate

      49. Tracy Floreani, Alumna

      50. Kristina Heiks, Senior Lecturer, Appalachian State University

      51. Merrill Schleier, Professor Emeritus, University of the Pacific

      52. Seungjoo Lee, PhD candidate / GRA, Spanish and Portuguese, University of Kansas

      53. Alana Holland, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, KU alumna, American University

      54. Leila Lehnen, Associate Professor, Brown University

      55. Guillermina Nunez, Assoc Prof. of Anthropology, UT El Paso

      56. Ryan S Mattson, (University of Kansas BA '05, MA '09, PhD '14.) Associate Professor of Economics, West Texas A&M University

      57. Megan Luttrell, PhD graduate from KU Slavic Department

      58. Beverly Socher-Lerner, Executive Director, Makom Community

      59. Neill Kennedy, PhD Candidate in American Studies, GTAC President

      60. Sarah Wolf, Assistant Professor, The Jewish Theological Seminary

      61. Alicia Levin, Adjunct lecturer, Alvin Community College, former KU faculty

      62. Carl Gelderloos, Associate Professor of German Studies, Binghamton University

      63. John Vsetecka, PhD Candidate, Michigan State University

      64. Miriam Golomb, Assoc. Prof. Emerita, University of Missouri Columbia

      65. Laura A. Dean (Ph.D alum KU Class of 2014), Associate Professor, Millikin University

      66. Jill Frederick, Professor Emerita of English, Minnesota State University Moorhead

      67. Jennifer A. Lorden, Assistant Professor of English, William & Mary

      68. Karin Beck, Associate Dean, CUNY- Lehman College

      69. Sofya Aptekar, Associate Professor of Urban Studies, CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies

      70. Robert Patrick Newcomb, Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, Davis

      71. Wendy Matlock, Associate Professor, Kansas State University

      72. Ervin Malakaj, Assistant Professor of German Studies, University of British Columbia

      73. Sarah Strauss, Professor, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

      74. David White, Speech language Pathologist, KU Alumnus

      75. Elise Higgins, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department at the University of Kansas

      76. Dr. Lee Behlman, Associate Professor, Dept of English and Honors Program Director, Montclair State University

      77. Greg Good, Director, American Institute of Physics

      78. John Schaefer, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Miami University (Ohio)

      79. Dr. Elizabeth B. Davis, Associate Professor Emerita, The Ohio State University

      80. Ben Schmack, Graduate Research Assistant/PhD Candidate, American Studies

      81. Jamie Fogg, University of Northern Colorado

      82. Kesair Brubeck

      83. Joseph Michael Sommers, Professor of English and Alum of the University of Kansas, Central Michigan University

      84. Mark Gorecki, Faculty, Centralia College

      85. Víctor M. Macías-González, Professor of History and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, The University of Wisconsin, La Crosse

      86. Talia Schaffer, Professor of English, Queens College and Graduate Center, CUNY

      87. Jeffrey Jones, Instructor, The University of Alabama

      88. Libby Garland, Associate Professor of History, Kingsborough Community College, CUNY

      89. Marta Carvajal, Lecturer

      90. Steven Kurtz, PhD Candidate and Graduate Student Instructor, University of Michigan

      91. F. Regina Psaki, Professor Emerita, University of Oregon

      92. Melissa Cummins, Adj. Professor of Musicology, Sam Houston State University

      93. John Ibson, Professor of American Studies, emeritus, California State University, Fullerton

      94. Brian Connolly, Associate Professor of History, University of South Florida

      95. Marc Vanscheeuwijck. Professor of Musicology, University of Oregon

      96. Garrett Van Curen, Alum and current teacher, Montclair State University

      97. Megan Saltzman, Visiting Associate Prof., Mt. Holyoke College

      98. Patrick T. Lafferty, Professor, Web Development and Digital Media

      99. John Wiehl, KU BA (‘04) MA (‘07), Lecturer, CWRU

      100. Michal Telem, Learning Specialist

      101. Corrie Decker, Associate professor of history, UC Davis

      102. Kirill Ospovat, Assistant Professor of Russian, University of Wisconsin-Madison

      103. Terry Perlin, Professor Emeritus Interdisciplinary Studies, Miami University (Ohio)

      104. Robert Tobin, Professor, Language, Literature and Culture, Clark University

      105. Giang Nguyen-Dien, GTA, American Studies

      106. Gale Sigal, Professor, Wake Forest University, NC.

      107. Joel Gallegos, Student, Lawrence Democratic Socialists of America

      108. Thomas Lafferty, alum

      109. Candace L Lafferty

      110. Betty J Kagan, BA French and Spanish, previous Chair of School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures Advisory Board

      111. Cookie Woolner, Assistant Professor of History, University of Memphis

      112. Michael Neill, Professor Emeritus, University of Auckland

      113. Hannah Zdansky , Assistant Professor of English , Belmont Abbey College

      114. Jessica Adams, Assistant Professor, English, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras

      115. Shveta Chaudhary, Professor, Chemistry, Metropolitan Community College

      116. Jonathan Skolnik, Associate Professor of German, University of Massachusetts

      117. Bernard M. Levinson, Berman Family Chair of Jewish Studies and Hebrew Bible, University of Minnesota

      118. Anold Jerome Calvin

      119. Timmia Hearn-Feldman, Graduate Teaching Assistant, PhD Student, University of Kansas

      120. Jill Fehleison, Professor of History & Interdisciplinary Studies, Quinnipiac University

      121. Valeria Sobol, Associate Professor, University of Illinois

      122. Dr. Clare Echterling, Lecturer, Caldwell University

      123. Kay Holland, Alumnae, Campus Employee

      124. Joshua Marvine, Sophomore studying Global & International Studies and Political Science, KU Class of 2023

      125. Karin Evans, Professor, College of DuPage

      126. Nurbay Irmak, Assoc. Prof. of Philosophy, Bogazici University, Istanbul

      127. david eisenbud, Professor of Mathematics, U. C. Berkeley

      128. Karen Graubart, Associate Professor, University of Notre Dame

      129. John Figgs-hoard, Alum, former adjunct professor, industrial designer, Garmin intl

      130. Martín Boy, Doctor de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Ciencias Sociales / Titular de materia, CONICET / UBA / UNPAZ

      131. Gabriela Soto Laveaga, Professor of the History of Science, Harvard University

      132. Raymond Person, Professor or Religion, Ohio Northern University

      133. Michal Young, Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of Oregon

      134. Ray Lurie, Lecturer, Dept. of History, Sacred Heart University

      135. Viren Murthy, Associate Professor

      136. Monica Carvajal Regidor

      137. Sayan Grover, KU Undergraduate Student, American Studies and Anthropology; Committee Member, DEI Committee

      138. Dr. James Casebolt, Associate Professor of Psychology, Ohio University

      139. M. Folescu, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Missouri

      140. Kenneth Kincaid, Associate Professor of History, Purdue University Northwest

      141. Carolyn Betensky, Professor of English, University of Rhode Island

      142. Kevin Bartig, Professor, Michigan State University

      143. Paul Buchholz, Associate Professor of German Studies, Emory University

      144. Kristine Alexander, Canada Research Chair & Associate Professor of History, University of Lethbridge

      145. Emily Steiner, Professor, University of Pennsylvania

      146. Alexander Thierry, KU Alumnus, Assistant Professor of Art, South Carolina State University

      147. Margaret Kevin Phillips, Professor, Chair, and Associate Dean, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

      148. Evan Torner, Associate Professor of German Studies, University of Cincinnati

      149. Rosa Terlazzo, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Rochester (previously of Kansas State University)

      150. Adele Maday, Physical Therapist (KU ‘99, KUMC ‘01), NorthShore University HealthSystem

      151. Robert Nola, Emeritus Professor, University of Auckland

      152. Barbara Allen, Associate Professor, La Salle University

      153. Shari Wilson

      154. Dr. Pam Lach, Digital Humanities Librarian (Associate, tenured), San Diego State University

      155. Rowen Schussheim-Anderson, Professor, Augustana College - Illinois

      156. Andrea Weis, PhD, American Studies, KU, Alumna, former lecturer and research associate

      157. Francis Borchardt, Associate Professor, Lutheran Theological Seminary Hong Kong

      158. Alexandra Teske

      159. Fintan Moore, Community Faculty, University of Minnesota

      160. Rachel McDonald, Director, Behavioral Research Lab and Adjunct Professor, Columbia Business School, Columbia University

      161. Anne Lounsbery, Professor and Chair, New York University, Dept. of Russian and Slavic Studies

      162. Cynthia Wu, Associate Professor, Indiana University

      163. Jackson Hoffmann, Vice President, Jayhawker Liberation Front

      164. Nellie Landon Kassebaum, Alumna

      165. Ethan Eben, Student, MASP

      166. Dale Miller, Professor of Philosophy, Old Dominion University (Wichita State Class of 1989)

      167. Kevin Lafferty, KU Alumnus

      168. Tom Bishop, Professor of English, University of Auckland

      169. Austin Becker

      170. Paul Espinoza, Alum

      171. Maggie Morgan, Student and Research Assistant, Architectural Engineering Dept

      172. Margot Backus, Moores Professor of English, University of Houston Department of English

      173. Stephen Luis Vilaseca, Associate Professor, Northern Illinois University

      174. Keta Ewing

      175. Paul Pelavin, MSc, MD, Pediatic endocrinologist, Valley Medical Group

      176. David Sobel, Guttag Professor of Ethics, Syracuse University

      177. Paul Lerner, Professor of History, University of Southern California

      178. Mari N. Crabtree, Associate Professor, African American Studies Program, College of Charleston

      179. Alexander Chanay

      180. Deanne Williams, Professor of English and theatre studies, York university

      181. Michael Scott, Student, KU

      182. Melissa Miller, Assistant Teaching Professor of Russian, University of Notre Dame

      183. Lauren Sherwood, Alum, Class of 2018

      184. Daniel A. Hoyt, Professor and KU PhD alumnus

      185. Shannan Clark, Associate Professor of History, Montclair State University

      186. Kimberly Pham, Student, President, KU Lion Dance Team

      187. Zachary Atkins, Undergraduate Student, Mathematics and Computer Science

      188. Carol Grieb, alum

      189. Susanna Esquibel

      190. Seth Howes, Associate Professor of German, University of Missouri

      191. Russell Martin, Professor of History, Westminster College

      192. Kate Padgett Walsh, Associate Professor, Iowa State University

      193. Amber Crabtree, RA, Vanderbilt University Medical Center

      194. Rev. Dr. Jonathan D. Lawrence, Associate professor, Canisius college

      195. Michael Conner, Senior Lecturer, German, Texas State University - San Marcos

      196. Rannfrid I. Lasine Thelle, Associate professor of Religion, Wichita State University

      197. Taylor Cyr, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Samford University

      198. Nichole Neuman, IUPUI

      199. Lawrence Shapiro, PhD

      200. Tiffany Florvil, Associate Professor of History, University of New Mexico

      201. Zach Teutsch

      202. Caroline Kita, Associate Professor, Washington U in St. Louis

      203. Gina L Greco, Chair, Department of World Languages and Literatures, Portland State University

      204. Dan Dennis, Philosophy Tutor, University of Oxford

      205. Joshua Spencer, Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

      206. Kate Holland, Associate Professor of Russian Literature, University of Toronto

      207. Vilna Bashi Treitler, Professor, University of California Santa Barbara

      208. Michael Rothberg, Professor of English and Comparative Literature, UCLA

      209. Linda Esquivel, Supporter

      210. Madeline Hatesohl, Student, Jayhawker Liberation Front

      211. Anna M. Gambucci, M.Ed in Family education, University of Minnesota

      212. Adrienne Mitchell, Faculty member, Lane Community College

      213. Samuel Clowes Huneke, Assistant Professor, George Mason University

      214. Ahmad Sobhy Mustafa, GTA, KU, religious studies

      215. Phil Corkum, Associate Professor, University of Alberta

      216. Anna Nogar, Associate Professor, University of New Mexico

      217. Rebecca Bamford, Professor of Philosophy, Quinnipiac University

      218. Steven L. Thorne, Professor, World Languages and Literatures, Portland State University

      219. Tom Harper, Realtor, Stephens Real Estate

      220. Eva Nunez, Prof Spanish Linguistics, Portland State University

      221. Nancy M. Wingfield, Presidential Research Professor Emerita, Northern Illinois University

      222. Jean-Thomas Tremblay, Assistant Professor, New Mexico State University

      223. Aylar Atadurdyyeva, Undergraduate, CLAS

      224. Bethany Raiff, Associate Professor, Rowan University

      225. Carissa Phillips-Garrett, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Loyola Marymount University

      226. Douglas W. Portmore, Professor of philosophy, Arizona State University

      227. Rosalie Metro, Asst. Teaching Professor, University of Missouri

      228. Marissa Wiley, PhD - Communication Studies, Indiana Univeristy Purdue University Indianapolis

      229. Benjamin Kalinkowitz, PT, DPT (‘10), MPA, Physical Therapist

      230. Martin Shuster, Associate Professor of Philosophy and the Professorship of Judaic Studies and Justice, Goucher College

      231. Sheer Ganor, assistant professor, University of Minnesota

      232. Jenna Lyons, Graduate Student, KU American Studies

      233. Anne Jefferson, Associate Professor, Kent State University

      234. Stephen Darwall, Andrew Downey Orrick Professor of Philosophy, Yale University

      235. Daniel Star, Associate Professor, Boston University

      236. Mija Jones, KU Alumna

      237. Jean Eddy Saint Paul, Professor, Sociology, City University of New York

      238. Yasmeen Hanoosh, Associate Professor, Portland State University

      239. Debra Ford, PhD, ‘99

      240. Julie Wulfemeyer, Associate Professor and KU alumnus

      241. Elisabeth Edelstein, Emergency Medicine Physician/Assistant Professor, University of Colorado School of Medicine

      242. Merle Edelstein, M.D.

      243. Eddy Nahmias, Professor, Georgia State university

      244. Elisabeth McMahon, Associate Professor, Tulane University

      245. Dr. Kirsten Lodge, Associate Professor of Humanities and English, Midwestern SU

      246. Gina Ortiz

      247. Bedelia Richards, Professor, University of Richmond

      248. Liora Halperinm Associate Professor, University of Washington

      249. Joshua Smith, GTA

      250. Timothy G. McMahon, Associate Professor, Marquette University

      251. Serena Peter, Student, University of Kansas

      252. Amrita Das, Associate Professor

      253. Bill Fagelson, Assistant Professor of Instruction, The University of Texas at Austin

      254. Josepha Lanters, Professor, UW-Milwaukee

      255. Francesca G. Bewer, Research Curator, Harvard Art Museums, Harvard University

      256. Connor Lowry

      257. Ivonne Del Valle, Associate Professor, UC Berkeley

      258. David Sanson, Associate Professor, Illinois State University

      259. Matthew Jernberg, Grad Student, FSU

      260. Allyson Nadia Field, Associate Professor, University of Chicago

      261. Sarah E. Zarrow, Assistant Professor, Western Washington University

      262. Aviel Roshwald, Professor of History, Georgetown University

      263. John Mckiernan-Gonzalez, Associate Professor, Texas State University

      264. Alissa Stollwerk, PhD, Political Science

      265. Cynthia Bond, Clinical Professor, UIC

      266. S.C. Kaplan, Ph.D., Independent Scholar

      267. Jossianna Arroyo-Martinez, Professor, The University of Texas Austin

      268. Patrick Mitchell, Professor of Mathematics, Merced College

      269. John W. Steinberg, Professor of History & KU Alumi, Austin Peay State University

      270. Douglas McRae, PhD Candidate, Georgetown University

      271. Edin Hajdarpasic, Associate Professor of History, Loyola University Chicago

      272. Chris Tillman, Professor of Philosophy, University of Manitoba

      273. Gary Alexander, graduate student, University of Kansas

      274. Yolanda Martinez San Miguel, Professor

      275. Dr. Johanna Mellis, Assistant Professor of History, Ursinus College/ASEEES

      276. Jonathan Brande, PhD student, GRA, KU Department of Physics and Astronomy

      277. Jorge Pérez, Professor, University of Texas at Austin (and faculty at KU for 13 years)

      278. Melissa Stiehler

      279. Mary Salazar

      280. Barrett Robertson

      281. Sandie Holguín, Professor of History, University of Oklahoma

      282. Dr. Jeff Hicks, Associate Professor, LACCD

      283. Spencer Shanks, GTA, KU Political Science

      284. S. Joel Garver, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, La Salle University

      285. Sakthi Kasthurirengan, GRA, KU Dept of Physics & Astronomy

      286. Luke Malik

      287. Philip Pettit, L.S.Rockefeller University Professor of Human Values, Princeton University

      288. Aarti Smith Madan, Associate Professor of Spanish and International Studies, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

      289. Vincent Poturica, Assistant Professor of English, Mendocino College

      290. Esther Wetzel, Graduate student

      291. Alex Higley, supporter

      292. Dr. Siân Griffiths, Professor of English, Weber State University

      293. Terri Friedline, Associate Professor, University of Michigan

      294. Cheyla Samuelson, Associate Professor, San Jose State University

      295. Gregory Leung

      296. Don Howard, Professor, University of Notre Dame

      297. Julia Medina, Associate Professor, University of San Diego

      298. Kimberly A. Smith, Professor of Art History, Southwestern University

      299. Christopher Gernon, Student, Middlebury College

      300. Drew P. Burks, PhD, KU alumnus ‘08, ‘18, Instructor of History, University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College

      301. Errol Lord, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania

      302. Charles Herro

      303. James B. Storey, MFA (KU 08), Assistant Director of Writing Studies/Lecturer, Indiana University

      304. Bobby Cervantes, Graduate Research Assistant and PhD candidate, Department of American Studies, KU

      305. April Matthews, Social services, State of Kansas

      306. Ana Williams, Associate Professor of Instruction, Northwestern University

      307. Deborah Esquibel

      308. Stephen Walton, Assistant Professor, Portland State University

      309. Deena Burnett, Retired Educator

      310. Lisa King, Associate Professor of English and KU alum, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

      311. Janice Moore, KU Alumna

      312. Courtney, Alumna, KSU

      313. Avi Serber

      314. Paul Hurley, Sexton Professor of Philosophy, Claremont McKenna College

      315. Dr. Colleen Moore, Assistant Professor of History, James Madison U.

      316. Mariselle Meléndez, Head and Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

      317. Yasmeen El-Jayyousi, Alumna

      318. David Carnegie, Emeritus Professor, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ

      319. Dr. James Coltrain, 2002 KU Grad, Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut, Digital Media and Design

      320. Peter Brian Barry, Finkbeiner Professor in Ethics, Saginaw Valley State University

      321. Cody Gilmore, Professor and Chair, Department of Philosophy, University of California, Davis

      322. Sean B. Franzel, Associate Professor of German, University of Missouri, Columbia

      323. Jean O'Brien, Distinguished McKnight University Professor, University of Minnesota

      324. Daniel Solomon, Vice President, Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees

      325. Suwako Watanabe, Professor of Japanese, Portland State University

      326. Rebecca Geller, Assistant Professor, University of Wyoming

      327. Pamela K Gilbert, Professor, U of Florida

      328. paul robinson, Professor of Humanities, emeritus, stanford university

      329. Cynthia Sloan, Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, Portland State University

      330. Jeffrey Tsoi, PhD student, Georgetown University

      331. MacDonald P Jackson, Emeritus Professor of English, University of Auckland

      332. Richard G Newhauser, Professor of English and Medieval Studies, Arizona State University, ASU

      333. Laurence R Kominz, Professor of Japanese, Portland State University

      334. Jenny Ceciliano, Senior Instructor of Spanish, Portland State University

      335. Aaron Arriaga

      336. Derek Price, Graduate Student and Instructor, Vanderbilt University

      337. Mike Budd, PhD, KU Alum

      338. Danielle St. Hilaire, Associate Professor, Duquesne University

      339. Anthony Adler, Professor of German and Comparative Literature, Yonsei University

      340. Angela Davis

      341. Jennifer Perlmutter, Professor of French, Portland State University

      342. benita sampedro, Professor, Hofstra University

      343. Allison Lewis, Doctoral Student/GTA, American Studies KU

      344. Claire Anderson

      345. Sarah J. Townsend, Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, Penn State University

      346. Enrique E. Cortez, Associate Professor of Spanish, Portland State University

      347. Alison Burke, LCSW, MSW, KU alumna

      348. Austin Wilson, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Kennesaw State University

      349. Camilo Lund-Montano, Assistant Professor of History, Whitman College

      350. Pamela Budd Behan, Alumna, American Sociological Association

      351. Romie Chavez

      352. Catherine A. Fiorello, Professor, Temple University

      353. Francisco Javier Gallego, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

      354. Ana Sáez-Hidalgo, Professor, Universidad de Valladolid

      355. Lorenzo Costaguta, Lecturer in US History, University of Bristol

      356. Hunter Heyck, Professor and Chair, University of Oklahoma

      357. Sarah Senk, Associate Professor, CSU Maritime

      358. Michael J. Grofe, Professor of Anthropology, Sacramento City College

      359. Emily Klein, Associate Professor of English, Saint Mary’s College of California

      360. Margaret Lazarovits, PhD Student, KU Physics & Astronomy

      361. Brent McDonnell, PhD candidate, Georgetown University

      362. Kim Zarins, Professor of English, The California State University at Sacramento

      363. Patricia Esquibel-Kennedy, Alum and Parent of GTA Student, Concerned Taxpayer

      364. Joyce Coleman, Bambas Professor of Medieval English Literature and Culture, University of Oklahoma

      365. David Squires, Assistant Professor, UL Lafayette

      366. Roberta Yee, PhD student

      367. Emily Thomas, Alum

      368. David M. Luebke, Professor of History and Vice for Tenure-Track Faculty, United Academics of the University of Oregon

      369. Valerie K Orlando, Professor of French & Francophone Literatures, French & Italian

      370. Aryn Bartley, PhD, Faculty Instructor, Lane Community College

      371. Dr. Sabine Rutar, Editor-in-Chief Comparative Southeast European Studies, Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, Regensburg

      372. Neil Roos, Professor of History, University of the State, South Africa

      373. Nikolaos Chrissidis, Professor of History, Southern Connecticut State University

      374. Ángel Díaz Miranda, Associate Professor of Spanish, Hollins University

      375. Martin Paul Eve, Professor of Literature, Technology and Publishing, Birkbeck, University of London

      376. Dr Mark Bould, Associate Professor, UWE Bristol

      377. Salomé Aguilera Skvirsky, Associate Professor, Cinema and Media Studies, University of Chicago

      378. Paul Flaig, Lecturer in Film Studies, University of St Andrews

      379. Stephen DeHart, KU Alumnus

      380. Bill Söderström, Group leader, University of Technology Sydney

      381. Erica Weitzman, Associate Professor, Northwestern University

      382. Nandini Deo, Associate Professor, Lehigh University

      383. Kody Stadler

      384. J. Arch Getty, Distinguished Research Professor of History, UCLA

      385. Karen Thompson, Rutgers University

      386. Jessica LaPaglia, Associate Professor

      387. Meredith Conti, Assistant Professor, University at Buffalo, SUNY

      388. Danielle Cudmore, Lecturer in English, Halmstad University (Sweden)

      389. William Nichols, Associate Professor of Spanish, Georgia State University

      390. Melissa A. Fitch, University Distinguished Professor, The University of Arizona

      391. Udi Greenberg, Associate Professor of History, Dartmouth College

      392. Kristin De Troyer, Professor, University of Salzburg

      393. Lauren Mattleman Hoopes, Former Lecturer, Kansas University Honors Program

      394. Ron Barrett-Gonzalez, Professor, Aerospace Engineering Department

      395. James Juarez, History Lecturer, California State University, Sacramento

      396. Sávio Siqueira, Associate Professor, Bahia Federal University

      397. Per Simonsson, MD., PhD, Södra Älvsborgs sjukhus, Borås, Sweden.

      398. Anna Petursdottir Associate Professor of Psychology Texas Christian University

      399. Sarah Entemann

      400. Marshall Sheetz, Community member

      401. Rocío Cortes, Professor Spanish, Colonial Latin America, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

      402. Annelise Orleck, Professor of History, Dartmouth College

      403. Robin Ellis, Assistant Professor, German Studies Association

      404. Nina Kretzmer Seed

      405. Mark Healey, Associate Professor and Chair, History University of Connecticut

      406. Rebecca Dyer, Professor of English, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

      407. Amanda Katzer, GTA/GRA, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

      408. Rebecca Hill, professor, Kennesaw State University

      409. Mariano Siskind, Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures and Comparative Literature, Harvard University

      410. Charlotte Hempel, Professor of Hebrew Bible and Second Temple, Judaism, University of Birmingham Uk

      411. Michael Bordy, Attorney at Law, Michael J. Bordy, a Professional Law Corporation

      412. Ingrid Lilly, Assistant Professor, Wofford College

      413. Sara McDougall, Assoc. Prof., John Jay Coll., CUNY

      414. Eric Graham, Engineer, KU Alumnus BSCE

      415. Linda Gregerson, Distinguished University Professor, University of Michigan, University of Michigan Department of English Language and Literature

      416. Monica Black, Associate Professor, History UT-Knoxville

      417. Matthew Thiessen, Associate Professor, McMaster University

      418. Michele DiPietro, Professor of Mathematics and Executive Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Kennesaw State University

      419. Ben Glaser, Assistant Professor of English, Yale University

      420. Pamela Rodriguez-Montero, Assistant Professor of Costume Design, Kennesaw State University

      421. Brian Eugenio Herrera, Associate Professor, Princeton University

      422. Beverly Weber, Associate Professor of German Studies, University of Colorado Boulder

      423. Stephen Cushman, Robert C. Taylor Professor of English, University of Virginia

      424. Jeanne Tiehen, Assistant Professor, Susquehanna University

      425. Jewel Tomasula, President, Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees AFT 06440

      426. Karen Miller, Professor, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY

      427. Andrew Kustodowic, GTA, GTAC

      428. Elizabeth Yukins, Assistant Professor, John Jay College, CUNY

      429. Jennifer Sacco, Professor of Political Science, Quinnipiac University

      430. Marisa Mealy, Professor, Central Connecticut State University

      431. Peter Decherne, Professor, University of Pennsylvania

      432. Piotr Axer, PhD, Brown University

      433. Nicole Legnani, Assistant professor of Spanish and Portuguese, Princeton University

      434. JoAnn Pavletich, Associate Professor, University of Houston-Downtown

      435. Dympna C.Callaghan, William L. Safire Professor of Modern Letters, Syracuse University

      436. Pamela Bastante, Associate Professor, University of Prince Edward Island

      437. Raquel Vieira, Ph.D candidate, University of Michigan

      438. Katherine Anderson, Alum, School of Education

      439. Julee Tate, Professor of Spanish, Berry College

      440. Vineeta Singh

      441. Amy Strawser, Senior Lecturer, Columbus State Community College

      442. Gilberto Rosas, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Latino/ Studies; Conrad Humanities Fellow University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

      443. Darren DeFrain, Associate Professor & father of 2 KU students, Wichita State University

      444. Tanya H. Hess, Ph.D., Philadelphia PA

      445. Joâo José Reis, Professor of History, Federal University of Bahia

      446. Alexandra Turvey

      447. Terri Carney, Professor, Butler University

      448. Joan Budd, MD, alumna, Retired

      449. Katie Hobson, KU Alum

      450. Edith W. Clowes, Brown-Forman Professor, University of Virginia

      451. Spencer Raymond, Student

      452. Lindsay Brandon Hunter, Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, University at Buffalo, SUNY

      453. sam thomas

      454. Sarah Krive, Lecturer, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

      455. Julie Orlemanski, Associate Professor of English, University of Chicago

      456. Vikas Nanda, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers University

      457. Adolfo Bejar Lara, Assistant Professor, SUNY New Paltz

      458. Erlinda Gonzales-Berry, Professor Emeritus, Oregon State University

      459. Teresa Murano, Associate Professor of Instruction in Italian, University of Rochester, NY

      460. Eva Cherniavsky, Professor of English, University of Washington

      461. Rachael Beaton, Research Fellow in Astronomy , Princeton University

      462. Peter Schmidt Sales Manager, Toppling Goliath Brewing Co.

      463. Anna Alsufieva, Assistant Professor of Russian, Portland State University

      464. Lisa Ochs, CEO, Ohio Nurses Association

      465. Michael Tremmel, Postdoctoral Fellow Yale University

      466. Danielle Haque, Associate Professor of English, Minnesota State University, Mankato

      467. Marcy Schwartz, Professor and dept. chair, Rutgers University

      468. Elizabeth Langa

      469. Elizabeth Lorah, Associate Professor, University of Arkansas

      470. Erin Hochman, Associate Professor, Southern Methodist University

      471. Eleanor H McConnell, Associate Professor of History, Frostburg State University

      472. Stephen Riegg (KU '09), Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University

      473. Jim Endersby, Professor of the History of Science University of Sussex, UK

      474. Sally Cornelison

      475. Crystal Bartolovich, Associate Professor, Syracuse University

      476. Carolyn Heckman, PhD Associate Professor

      477. Michael Krueger, Professor, Visual Art

      478. Jeremy Hutton, Professor of Classical Hebrew Language and Biblical Literature University of Wisconsin–Madison

      479. Tod Rutherford, Professor Department of Geography and the Environment, Syracuse University

      480. Eileen E. Schell, Professor, Syracuse University

      481. Karen Gygli, Associate Professor Theatre, John Carroll University

      482. Vanesa arozamena, Instructor, Lewis & Clark College

      483. Erin Hayden-Baldauf, Educator

      484. M. Gail Hamner, Professor, Syracuse University, Religion Department

      485. Sean D. Johnson, Assistant Professor of Astronomy, University of Michigan

      486. Shuchi Kapila, Professor Grinnell College

      487. Erinn Taylor de Barroso, KU Ph.D. Candidate and Assistant Director of Faculty Development, Northeastern University

      488. Allison Hayes-Conroy, Associate Professor of Geography & Urban Studies, Temple University

      489. Jackie Stafford, Teacher, Lawrence Public Schools

      490. Antonio Torres Montenegro, Professor Titular do Departamento de História da UFPE/Brasil. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco/Brasil.

      491. Hendrik Kraay, Professor, University of Calgary

      492. Mariana Stone, Assistant Professor, University of North Georgia

      493. Shannon Gibney, Faculty in English, Minneapolis College

      494. Dale T. Graden, Professor of History, University of Idaho

      495. Margaret Langa, Parent of alum

      496. Dawn Holder, Associate Professor of Art, University of the Ozarks

      497. Andrew Watson, Assistant Professor, University of Saskatchewan

      498. Akiko Tsuchiya, Professor of Spanish, Washington University in St. Louis

      499. Jennifer Sledge, PhD Student, KU

      500. Angela Stuesse, Associate Professor, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

      501. Jennifer Smith, Associate Professor of Spanish, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

      502. Cammie Funston

      503. nafiza, student

      504. Shantel Wright, MFA alum

      505. Travis Trible

      506. Korbin Painter, GTA, University of Kansas

      507. Linda-Jane Barnette, Associate Professor Emerita of Spanish, Ball State University

      508. Chelsea Sharon, Assistant Professor, Yale-NUS College

      509. Eugenia Afinoguenova, Professor of Spanish Language and Culture, Marquette University

      510. Janice Dowell, Professor, Syracuse University

      511. Dr Roger Draheim, Reader (Assoc Prof) in Synthetic Microbiology, University of Portsmouth (United Kingdom)

      512. Brian Dolinar, Independent Scholar

      513. Hans Oberdiek, Research Professor, Swarthmore College

      514. Ashlyn Pope

      515. JoLynn Albertson-Sears SLP USD 497

      516. Henry John Drewal, Evju-Bascom Professor Emeritus, UW-Madison

      517. Paul Yachnin, Tomlinson Professor of Shakespeare Studies, McGill University

      518. Wendy M. Koslicki, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Ball State University

      519. Jacob L. Goodson, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Southwestern College (KS)

      520. Cliff Hill, Adjunct Professor, Southeast Community

      521. Brent Armendinger, Professor of English and World Literature, Pitzer College

      522. Marc Hertzman, Associate Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

      523. Gizem Arslan, Lecturer in German, Southern Methodist University

      524. Gina Sandi Diaz, Assistant Professor of Theatre, CSU, Fresno

      525. Jamie Levine, Associate Professor, Appalachian State University

      526. Aaron Lecklider, Associate Professor of American Studies, University of Massachusetts Boston

      527. Kat Lipka Alum, Teach For America

      528. Megan Heinicke, Associate Professor, California State University, Sacramento

      529. Travis Cos, Adjunct Instructor, La Salle University

      530. Shahla Alai-Rósales, PhD., KU alumi, UNT

      531. Peter J Troy, Vice President (retired), Melmark, inc.

      532. Nicole Gravina, Assistant Professor, University of Florida

      533. Kelly Banna, Associate Professor, Millersville University of Pennsylvania

      534. Veronica J Howard, PhD, BCBA-D - KU Alum, Associate professor, University of Alaska Anchorage

      535. Benjamin Wright, University Distinguished Professor, Religion Studies Lehigh University

      536. Jeffrey Anbinder, Attorney, Cornell University Alumnus

      537. Emma Wheeler, Research Assistant, Washington State University

      538. Alek Reed

      539. Donald Reindl, Professor of Translation, University of Ljubljana

      540. Curtis Heavrin

      541. Sergio Cardenas, PhD Student, Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan KU Alumnus

      542. Robin Arnall, Assistant P rofessor, Russell Sage College

      543. James N. Green, Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Professor of Latin American History, Brown University

      544. Jesse Wozniak, Associate Professor, West Virginia University

      545. Susan Larson, Professor of Spanish, Texas Tech University

      546. Michael Kates, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Saint Joseph's University

      547. Michael Estrada, Alum, Engineering and Physics & Astronomy

      548. Maria Valdovinos, Ellis and Nelle Levitt Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Drake University

      549. Boban Arsenijevic, Professor of Slavic Linguistics, University of Graz

      550. Jason Young, Lecturer, Mount Holyoke College

      551. Julie Young, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Environment, University of Lethbridge

      552. Quinlan, Student

      553. Carla Corroto, Professor, Otterbein University

      554. Tamar Gur, Assistant Professor (Tenure Track), The Ohio State University

      555. Gigi Gibson Bolt, Alumna, donor, Adjunct Associate Professor, Columbia University

      556. Brian Leiter, Llewellyn Professor of Jurisprudence, University of Chicago

      557. Alisha Ashley, KU Grad, Kansan, American Federation Of Teachers

      558. Kaston D. Anderson-Carpenter, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Michigan State University

      559. Hannah Irwin, Graduate Research Assistant, Mississippi State University

      560. Susanne Shawyer, Associate Professor of Theatre, Elon University

      561. Traci Cihon, Associate Professor, University of North Texas

      562. Mario Hubert, Howard E. and Susanne C. Jessen Postdoctoral Instructor in Philosophy of Physics, California Institute of Technology

      563. Matthew J. Brown, Professor and Program Head, History and Philosophy, The University of Texas at Dallas

      564. Paola Hernandez, Professor of Spanish, University of Wisconsin-Madison

      565. Matthew Siverstein, Associate Professor of Philosophy, NYU Abu Dhabi

      566. Anna Peak, Associate Professor of Instruction, Temple University

      567. Ronald Meyer, Adjunct Associate Professor, Columbia University

      568. Kamran Javadizadeh, Associate Professor, Villanova University

      569. FRANCISCO VALDES-UGALDE, Professor researcher, Institute for Social Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico

      570. Ashley Elston, Associate Professor, Berea College

      571. J. Dmitri Gallow, Senior Research Fellow, Dianoia Institute of Philosophy, Australian Catholic University

      572. Kristin Burbul

      573. Bronwen K. Maxson, Career Faculty/Librarian, University of Oregon

      574. Corinne Schwarz, Assistant Professor of GWST, Oklahoma State University (KU PhD Alum '18)

      575. Everett Hamner, Professor of English, Western Illinois University

      576. Nadine Alzubbi, Alum - engineering

      577. Benj Hellie, Professor of Philosophy, University of Toronto

      578. Michelle D. Brock, KU Alum ‘06 and Associate Professor of History, Washington and Lee University

      579. Anke Biendarra, Associate Professor of European Languages and Studies, University of California, Irvine

      580. David A Lee, Retired Physician

      581. Johanna Franklin, Associate Professor, Hofstra University

      582. James Wilberding, Professor, HU Berlin

      583. Kristin E Pitt, Associate Professor Comparative Literature & Women’s and Gender Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

      584. Melissa Gasparotto, Visiting Asst. Prof., Pratt Institute

      585. Magdalena Lopez, Reasercher, Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame

      586. Folashade Agusto, Assistant Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

      587. Christopher Fung, Senior Lecturer in Anthropology, University of Massachusetts Boston

      588. Maeve Brubeck

      589. Richard Jones, KU alumnus, Professor of Theatre, Stephen F. Austin State University

      590. David Celiberti, psychologist, Association for Science in Autism Treatment

      591. Talía Guzmán González, PhD, MLIS

      592. Bada Kim, GTA, Philosophy

      593. Jim Vernon, Associate Profesor, York University

      594. Holly Dugan, Associate Professor of English, The George Washington University

      595. Grace E. Fielder, Professor Emerita, University of Arizona

      596. Jonathan Cohen, professor and chair, Department of Philosophy, University of California, San Diego

      597. Martin Joachim Kümmel, Full Professor, University of Jena, Germany

      598. Sarah Lechago, Associate professor, University of Houston, Clear Lake

      599. Bess Koffman, Assistant Professor of Geology, Colby College

      600. Jon Holt, Professor of Japanese, World Languages, Portland State Univ.

      601. Andrew Wixon, Financial advisor, Wixon Advisors

      602. Julie Crawford, Mark van Doren Professor of Humanities, Columbia University

      603. Calvin Janzen Chappell

      604. Katie Wiskow, Assistant Professor, CSU Stanislaus

      605. Taylor Hunt, MA, GTA, KU

      606. Heather Fiore, Owner/Operator, Free State Nutrition

      607. Nathaniel Thorngate-Rein, Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

      608. Jelena Todorovic, Associate Professor, UW-Madison

      609. CW Robertson, Alum, Physics & Astronomy

      610. Jessica Falcone, Professor, Kansas State University

      611. Gregory Knapp, Associate Professor, Dept of Geography and the Environment, University of Texas at Austin

      612. Randy Adams, Tony award-winning Broadway Producer, KU alum

      613. Vik Frazier, Biology Faculty, West Virginia University

      614. Jeffrey Roland, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Louisiana State University

      615. Kate Helmstetter, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Psychology

      616. Sarah C. Mead Jasperse, PhD

      617. Jessa Evans

      618. Rocío Rosales, Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Lowell

      619. Jennifer Martensson, MATESOL

      620. Nathaniel Knight, Professor of History, Seton Hall University

      621. Marissa Starke, Executive Director, Kansas City Artists Coalition

      622. Avery Russell, Assistant Professor, Missouri State University

      623. India MacDonald, KU theatre and dance student, University of Kansas

      624. David Zimmerman, Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, Simon Fraser University

      625. Chris Newfield, Professor, UC Santa Barbara

      626. Michael Caie, Associate Professor, University of Toronto

      627. Jennifer Dunn, Professor of Sociology (retired)

      628. Kelly S McDonough, Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin

      629. Benne Holwerda, Associate professor, University of Louisville

      630. Mladen Uhlik, Associate Professor, University of Ljubljana

      631. Leah Mazur, Resident Scenographer, Assistant Professor of Theater, Film, & Media Studies, St. Mary’s College of Maryland

      632. Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota

      633. Jordan Dopkins, PhD Candidate, University of California, Santa Cruz

      634. Amanda Jolley

      635. Mary Grant, Alum

      636. Matteo Battistini, Associate Professor, University of Bologna

      637. Kyle Beachy, Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing, Roosevelt University

      638. Cary Trump, Assistant Professor

      639. Ted Swedenburg, Professor of Anthropology, University of Arkansas

      640. Daniel Kelson, Dr, Carnegie Institution

      641. Christina Walter, Associate Professor of English and KU alum, University of Maryland (but also KU alum)

      642. Nancy Sims-West, Secondary educator

      643. Eric Wiland, Professor, University of Missouri-St. Louis

      644. Alberto Toscano, Reader in Critical Theory, Goldsmiths, University of London

      645. R. John McCaw, Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

      646. Hannah Scupham, PhD Candidate & Chancellor’s Fellow, University of Kansas

      647. mary sirridge, Professor Emerita of Philosophy, Louisiana State University

      648. Joel Helfrich, Public Historian, Rochester, New York

      649. Samuel Greene, Professor of Russian Politics, King’s College London

      650. Darryl Dickson-Carr, Professor, Southern Methodist University

      651. Paula Arai, Full Professor, Louisiana State University

      652. Jennifer N. Fritz, PhD, Associate Professor of Behavior Analysis, University of Houston-Clear Lake

      653. May Fu, Associate Professor and Chair, University of San Diego

      654. William Callison, Visiting Assistant Professor of Government and Law, Lafayette College

      655. David Woken, Latin American and Caribbean Studies Librarian, University of Chicago

      656. Lucie Byrd-Dubail, Masters of Art, French Alumna

      657. Antonio Jose Bacelar da Silva, Assistant Professor, University of Arizona

      658. Leslie Salzinger, Associate Professor, University of California, Berkeley

      659. John E. Hoopes, M.D., Professor Emeritus, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine , American Board of Plastic Surgery

      660. Sage Perrott, Assistant Professor, East Tennessee State University

      661. Samantha Bergmann, Assistant Professor, University of North Texas

      662. D’Arlyn Bell, PhD student, School of Public Affairs and Administration

      663. Moti Gorin, Assistant Professor, Colorado State University

      664. Gregory Pasley, PhD, KU alumnus and donor

      665. Penelope Rosemont, Writer, Charles H Kerr Publ. Co.

      666. Amy Odum, Professor, Utah State University

      667. Anne Winkler-Morey, Ph.D. Retired History Professor

      668. Larry R. Peterson, Emeritus Professor of History, North Dakota State University

      669. Tulio Rondon, Professor of Music, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire

      670. Isabel Jaén, Professor por Spanish, World Languages and Literatures

      671. Stephen Menn, James McGill Professor of Philosophy, McGill University

      672. Darwin Tsen, Assistant Prof. Modern Languages, Carthage College

      673. John J. Pace, KU Alumnus, West Virginia University

      674. Laurence Hare, Associate Professor of History, University of Arkansas

      675. Nikhil Pal Singh, Professor of History, New York University

      676. Christopher Dunn, Professor, Tulane University

      677. Rachel Ida Buff, Professor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

      678. Francois Raffoul, Professor of Philosophy and French Studies, Louisiana State University

      679. Josen Diaz, Assistant Professor, University of San Diego

      680. Keith Langston, Professor, University of Georgia

      681. Lisa Lowe, Professor of American Studies, Yale University

      682. Todd Reynolds, Ph.D.

      683. Satnam Virdee, Professor of Historical Sociology, Universiyt of Glasgow, Scotland

      684. Pablo Palafox, Assistant Prof (KU Alum), The College of St. Scholastica

      685. Darlene Crone-Todd, Professor and Chairperson, Salem State University

      686. Geroge Lipsitz, Research Professor Emeritus of Black Studies and Sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz

      687. Aaron Schwartz, Professor, University of Pennsylvania

      688. Laurie Stoff (KU Alum, Ph.D., 2002), Principal Lecturer & Honors Faculty Fellow, Arizona State University

      689. Bernard Marszalek, Publisher, Ztangi Press

      690. Andrew McFarland, Associate Professor, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY

      691. Michael Hilleary

      692. Sidney Chalhoub, Professor, Harvard University

      693. Graham Cassano, Associate Professor of Sociology, Oakland University

      694. Peter J. Casagrand, Professor Emeritus, Humanities and English

      695. Johann Frick, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Human Values, Princeton University

      696. Paul Buhle, Senior Lecturer, Retired, Brown University

      697. Jeff Helms, Professor of Psychology, Kennesaw State University

      698. Bogi Perelmutter, GTA, KU SPLH

      699. David F. Mora-Marin, Associate Professor, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

      700. John Miller, Ph.D., President, University Professionals of Illinois

      701. Amy Trautwein, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Baruch CUNY

      702. Scott Knowles, Ph.D. (KU Alumnus), Assistant Professor, Southern Utah University

      703. Teresa Chapa, Librarian, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

      704. Stuart Irvine, Associate Professor, Louisiana State University

      705. Philip Nel, University Distinguished Professor, Kansas State University

      706. Chris Heathwood, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Colorado, Boulder

      707. Verónica Martínez-Matsuda, Associate Professor, Cornell, ILR School

      708. Katharine Dickson, PhD Candidate, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara

      709. King Conger, GTA, Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas

      710. Susan M. Chavez

      711. Tamara L. Smith, University of Chicago

      712. Gerald Home, Moores Professor, University of Houston

      713. Maya Sellers, PhD Student and GTA, KU

      714. Mari Jo Buhle, University Professor, Emerita, Brown University

      715. Shuanglin Shao, Associate Professor, Math, KU

      716. James R. Stocker, Associate Professor of International Affairs, Trinity Washington University

      717. Martin Tsang PhD., Cuban Heritage Collection Librarian and Curator of Latin American Collections, University of Miami

      718. Dr. David McDonald, Professor, Indiana University

      719. Anne C Barnhart, Professor and Head of Outreach and Assessment, University of West Georgia

      720. Christopher J. Carpenter, Ph.D.

      721. Andrew Koontz-Garboden, Professor of Linguistics, University of Manchester

      722. Daniela Fazzio

      723. Jennifer Blankertz

      724. Douglas Jones, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign

      725. Jill Galvan, Associate Professor, Department of English, Ohio State University

      726. Beatriz Gomez Acuña, Associate Professor, Elmhurt University

      727. Katherine Kennedy, Supporter

      728. Logan Bell, Student, University of Kansas

      729. Louis N. Proyect, Retired Columbia University, CounterPunch Magazine

      730. Matthew H. Kramer, Professor of Legal & Political Philosophy, Cambridge University

      731. Justin Tiwald, Professor, San Francisco State University

      732. Victoria Searles, KU MARC

      733. Peter Wood, Instructional Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi, Dept. of Theatre Arts

      734. Christina Alligood, Ph.D., Lecturer, University of Florida

      735. Maria Servedio, Professor, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

      736. Mike Putnam, Associate Professor of German & Linguistics, Penn State University

      737. Angela Bacarisse, Professor, Stephen F. Austin State University

      738. Stacy Fahrenthold, Assistant Professor of History, University of California Davis

      739. Siniša Habijanec, Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Bratislava

      740. William C Ayers, Distinguished Professor of Education (retired), University of Illinois at Chicago

      741. Jerry A. Young, Ed.D., Professor Emeritus, The University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire

      742. Michelle Liu Carriger, a native Kansan now in California, assistant professor

      743. Justin Courcelle, Prof Biology, Portland State University

      744. Michael A. Lebowitz, Emeritus Professor of Economics, Simon Fraser University, Canada

      745. Ibrahim Adedeji, KU Alum

      746. Peggy Graceffa

      747. Matthew Frye Jacobson, Professor of American Studies & History, Yale Universit

      748. Patrick Johnson, KU ABSC Alumnus ('09), Associate Professor of Psychology, California State University, Chico

      749. Inés Warnock, Senior Instructor, Portland State University

      750. Carole Van Camp, Ph.D., University of North Carolina Wilmington

      751. Louise Penner, Associate Professor of English, UMass Boston

      752. Naomi J Greyser, Professor

      753. Sebastian Lutz, Senior Lecturer, Uppsala University

      754. Rowena Alberga, Alumna, University of Amsterdam

      755. Madeline H Caviness, Professor Emeritus, Tufts University, Fellow American Academy of Arts and Sciences

      756. Jennifer Osorio, Head, International and Área Studies, UCLA Library

      757. Greg Lynch, Associate Professor of Philosophy, North Central College

      758. Emily Greenwood, Professor of Classics, Yale University

      759. Mark Roseman, Distinguished Professor, History and Jewish Studies, Indiana University Bloomington

      760. Jamie Taylor, Jamie Taylor, Department of Literatures in English, Bryn Mawr College

      761. Delbert Burkett, Professor of Religious Studies, Louisiana State University

      762. Paloma Celis Carbajal, Curator, The New York Public Library

      763. Steven Seegel, Professor of History, University of Northern Colorado

      764. Debra Schroeder, Professor, Psychology, The College of St. Scholastica

      765. Marcus Rediker, Distinguished Professor, University of Pittsburgh

      766. Jen Stacy, Assistant Professor, California State University Dominguez Hills

      767. Tobias Higbie, Professor, University of California, Los Angeles

      768. George Yancy, Professor of Philosophy, Emory University

      769. Kevin Aho, Professor and Chair, Florida Gulf Coast University

      770. Adam P. Taylor, PhD., Lecturer in Philosophy, North Dakota State University

      771. Eva Mroczek, University of California, Davis

      772. Chris Campagna, Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati

      773. Craig Calhoun, University Professor, Arizona State University

      774. Caren Kaplan, Professor Emerita, UC Davis

      775. Krista Lawlor, Professor, Stanford University

      776. Gayle Wald, Professor of American Studies, George Washington University

      777. Rachel Denney, GTA/Doctoral Candidate in WGSS, KU

      778. Charles-Louis Morand-Métivier, Associate Professor of French, University of Vermont

      779. Barbara Herman, Professor of Philosophy, UCLA

      780. Kyle Frackman, Associate Professor, University of British Columbia

      781. The Rev. Julia Whitworth, Rector, Trinity Episcopal Church, Indianapolis

      782. Clayton Littlejohn, Professor of Philosophy, King's College London

      783. Michael Saman, Lecturer, New York University

      784. R. Howard Bloch, Sterling Professor of French/Professor Humanities, Yale University

      785. Daniel W HoSang, Asoc Prof of Ethnicity, Race & Migration, Yale University

      786. Moon-Kie Jung, Professor of Sociology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

      787. Robbie Lieberman, Professor of American Studies, Kennesaw State University, Georgia

      788. Jane Burnett, Educational Philanthropist

      789. Kathleen McInerney, Professor, Education, Saint Xavier University

      790. Mack Hagood, Associate Professor, Miami University

      791. John Mann, M.D. Retired

      792. Thomas A. Guglielmo, Associate Professor & Chair of American Studies, George Washington University

      793. Trevor Griffey, Vice President, UC-AFT at UC Irvine

      794. J. A. Bernstein, Director of Graduate Studies in English and Assistant Professor, University of Southern Mississippi

      795. Jennifer Goff, Assistant Professor of Theatre, Centre College

      796. Brian Ogilvie, Professor and Chair of the Department of History, University of Massachusetts Amherst

      797. Kevin Howley, Professor of Media Studies, DePauw University

      798. Benjamin Looker, Associate Professor of American Studies, St. Louis University (Mo.)

      799. Anthony Guy, GTA, Communication Studies, KU

      800. Seth Moglen, Professor of English and Africana Studies, Lehigh University

      801. Josef Nguyen, Assistant Professor, The University of Texas at Dallas

      802. Alaina Walberg, GTA

      803. Beth Newman, Associate Professor of English, Southern Methodist University

      804. Ruthann Godollei, Professor, Macalester College

      805. Roberta Pergher, Associate Professor of History, Indiana University

      806. William D Barnette, Professor Emeritus of Spanish, Ball State University

      807. John Lyon, Professor, University of Pittsburgh

      808. M.E. Menninger, Associate Professor of History, Texas State University

      809. Kelly Clancy, Chair of Political Science, Nebraska Wesleyan University

      810. Molly Hatesohl, GA, Department of Art History, KU

      811. Carol Anne Costabile-Heming, Professor, University of North Texas

      812. Tracy Rutler, Assistant Professor of French and Women’s Studies, Penn State University, KU alumna

      813. Daniel L Greco, Assistant Professor, Yale University

      814. Lawrence Grossberg, Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

      815. Nancy L. Stockdale, Associate Professor of History, University of North Texas

      816. Chad Edwarda, Professor of Communication, Western Michigan University

      817. John F Schwaller, 1971 alumnus of KU, Professor of History, University at Albany

      818. Sandra Casanova, Assistant Professor, Binghamton University

      819. Alex Fine, PhD Candidate, University of California, Davis

      820. Benjamin Johnson, Freelance Writer

      821. Jocelyn L Buckner, PhD, Chapman University

      822. Marla Carlson, President, American Society for Theatre Research

      823. Geoffrey D. Klinger, DePauw University

      824. Robert Haug, Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati

      825. Neil Feit, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor, The State University of New York at Fredonia

      826. Rita Gardner, President and CEO, Melmark, Inc.

      827. Melani McAlister, Professor of American Studies & International Affairs, George Washington University

      828. Donovan Conley, Associate Professor, UNLV

      829. Shelley Manis, Lecturer, University of Michigan

      830. Joye Bowman, Associate Dean and Professor of History, University of Massachusetts

      831. Heba Mostafa, Assistant Professor, Islamic art and architecture, University of Toronto

      832. Kevin B Anderson, Professor of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara

      833. Andrew Sneddon, Professor, Philosophy, University of Ottawa

      834. Sumanth Gopinath, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota Twin Cities

      835. Travis Workman, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota

      836. Juliane Schicker, Assistant Professor of German, Carleton College

      837. David Cochran, Professor of History, John A. Logan Community College

      838. Kathleen P. Long, Professor of French, Cornell University

      839. Donna Haraway, Distinguished Professor Emerita, University of California Santa Cruz

      840. Elisabeth Anker, Associate Professor, George Washington University

      841. Julie Caine, Senior Editor

      842. Michael W. Apple, John Bascom Professor Emeritus of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Policy Studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison

      843. David Palumbo-Liu, Louise Hewlett Nixon Professor, Stanford University

      844. Erin Lavin

      845. Gloria Goodwin Raheja, Professor of Anthropology, University of Minnesota

      846. Keith Busby, Professor Emeritus of French, University of Wisconsin-Madison

      847. Dr Kara Tan Bhala, President, Seven Pillars Institute for Global Finance and Ethics

      848. William H. Ahearn, Ph.D., BCBA-D, LABA, Director of Research, The New England Center for Children

      849. Tricia Ferrett, Professor of Chemistry, Carleton College

      850. Juan Alonzo, Associate Professor of English, Texas A&M University

      851. Jason McGrath, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

      852. Jesse Zaneveld, Assistant Professor, University of Washington Bothell

      853. Angel Vice, Social Worker, SL County Youth Services

      854. Matthew Johnson, Alum, University of Kansas Class of 2000

      855. Rima D. Apple, Professor Emerita, University of Wisconsin-Madison

      856. Robert Minchin, Senior Scientist, Astronomy, USRA

      857. Megan Kraynok, PhD, Associate professor, psychology, Ohio Northern University

      858. Greg Moore, Associate Professor, Georgia State University

      859. Alla Ivanchikova, Associate Professor of English, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

      860. Elizabeth Outka, Professor of English Literature, University of Richmond

      861. Rosemarie Peña, Independent Researcher

      862. Carley Johnson, GTA, UIC, KU Alum

      863. J.F. Devlin, Professor, Geology Department

      864. William Marotti, Associate Professor, UCLA History Department

      865. Patricia Hagen, PhD, University of Kansas, Professor Emerita, College of St Scholastica

      866. Antonia Szabari, Associate Professor, University of Southern California

      867. Wendy Tien

      868. Rebecca Barrett-Fox, PhD American Studies, 2010, Coordinator of Online Learning, Hesston College

      869. Nikki Call, Alumna, Trumpet Behavioral Health

      870. Michael Sullivan

      871. Prabhu Venkataraman, Professor of Mathematics, Eureka College

      872. Janet Ballweg, Professor of Art, Bowling Green State University

      873. William W. Stoops, Professor, University of Kentucky

      874. Cara Linehan Esch

      875. Debra Blumenthal, Associate Professor of History, University of California, Santa Barbara (and former KU faculty)

      876. Kristen Hylenski, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota Duluth

      877. Brian Henry, Professor, University of Richmond

      878. Alexi Myer

      879. Kitty Maynard, Professor, Washington College

      880. Joseph Ulatowski, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Waikato, New Zealand

      881. Douglas Fishel, Instructor, MCC Maple Woods

      882. Laura Weaver

      883. Dinh Pham, Alum class of 2005

      884. Kevin Pelletier, Associate Professor, University of Richmond

      885. Louis Schwartz, Professor of English, University of Richmond

      886. Maddalena Marinari, Associate Professor, Gustavus Adolphus College

      887. Hannah V. Eldrisge, Associate Professor of German, UW- Madison

      888. Gregory Tinkler, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Kent State University

      889. John F. Buckley, Lecturer II, University of Michigan

      890. James Casey, PhD, LEO lecturer III, University of Michigan

      891. Deborah Lake, MA, Director, KU alumna

      892. Peter L. Vallentyne, Kline Professor of Philosophy, U. Missouri

      893. Hassan Melehy, Professor of French and Francophone Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

      894. Matías Beverinotti, San Diego State University

      895. Abigail Cheever, Associate Professor of English and Film Studies, University of Richmond

      896. Stephanie Randazzo, PMHNP-BC, Private Practice

      897. Jacob Ari Labendz, Youngstown State University

      898. Muriel Cohan, Professor Emerita, University of Kansas

      899. Lori Allen, Reader in Anthropology, SOAS University of London

      900. Dr. Charlotte Canning, Frank C. Erwin, Jr. Centennial Professor in Drama, University of Texas at Austin

      901. Mari Yoshihara, Professor and Chair of American Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa

      902. Kathy Kappes-Sum, KU Parent

      903. Jennifer L. Pierce, Professor, American Studies, University of Minnesota

      904. Caren Irr, Professor of English, Brandeis University

      905. Caroline K. Kaltefleiter, Professor/Communication and Media Studies, State University of New York at Cortland

      906. Charles Thorpe, Professor, University of California, San Diego

      907. Marc Caplan, Visiting Professor, Dartmouth College

      908. Anthony Silvestri, Lecturer, Washburn University, Topeka

      909. Margit Bowler, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Manchester

      910. Pekka Vayrynen, Professor, University of Leeds, UK

      911. Sherry Linkon, Professor of English and American Studies, Georgetown University

      912. Edwin McCann, Professor of Philosophy and English, University of Southern California

      913. Sarah Davies Cordova, Professor, Dept. of French, Italian & Comparative Literature, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

      914. Doris Sommer, Professor, Harvard University

      915. Dr. Greer Gerni, Independent Scholar

      916. Jennifer Thomas, Reverend / parent, Future parent

      917. Kat Hayes, Assoc. Prof. of Anthropology, University of Minnesota

      918. David S. FitzGerald, Professor of Sociology, UC San Diego

      919. Josephine Lee, Professor of English and Asian American Studies, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

      920. Lucia Trimbur, Associate Professor, City University of New York

      921. Erick Jose Ramirez, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Santa Clara University

      922. Daniel Gilbert, Associate Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

      923. John Savage, Associate Professor, History and Global Studies, Lehigh University

      924. David O'Brien, Professor, University of Illinois

      925. Dr. Sarah Jenkins, PhD, BCBA-D, KU Alum

      926. Bianet Castellanos, Associate Professor and Chair of American Studies, University of Minnesota

      927. Autumn Edwards, Professor, Western Michigan University

      928. Rhonda Blair, Professor, Division of Theatre, PhD KU 1982, Southern Methodist University

      929. Gregory C. Mayer, Professor of Biological Sciences and Secretary of the Faculty, University of Wisconsin-Parkside

      930. Erich Nunn, Associate Professor of English, Auburn University

      931. Erica Weaver, Assistant Professor of English, University of California, Los Angeles

      932. Elaine Tyler May, Regents Professor of American Studies and History, University of Minnesota

      933. Lary May, Professor Emeritus of American Studies and History, University of Minnesota

      934. Seán Easton, Professor, Gustavus Adolphus College

      935. Silvia Secchi, Associate Professor, University of Iowa

      936. Deenie Rosser, Retired teacher

      937. Robin Gingerich, Retired KU staff

      938. Valerie Horsley, Associate Professor of MCDB, Yale University

      939. Teresa Gowan, Associate professor, University of Minnesota Twin Cities

      940. Zaya Rustamova, Assistant Professor of Spanish, Kennesaw State University

      941. Bill Kennedy, Graduate Student, Methodist Theological School in Ohio

      942. James Clifford, Professor Emeritus, UC Santa Cruz

      943. Prof. Dr. Fernando Marhuenda, University of Valencia - Spain

      944. Nick Shangler, Assistant professor of French, Marshall University

      945. Kara Kendall-Morwick, Associate Professor of English, Washburn University

      946. James Uanhoro, James Uanhoro, Ohio State University

      947. Lanie Millar, Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Oregon

      948. Stephanie Krehbiel, PhD, KU Alumna

      949. Jonathan Dresner, Associate Professor, Pittsburg State faculty (and donor), almost KU parent

      950. Warren T. Woodfin, Kallinikeion Associate Professor of Art History, Queens College, CUNY

      951. Garrett L. Davey, Esq., M.A. Modern European History

      952. David Riehle, Retired locomotive engineer, United Transportation Union

      953. Mary Mba, Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies, Cottey College

      954. Juan S Piñeros Glasscock, Assistant Professor, Georgia State University

      955. Laura Kline, Sr. Lecturer, Wayne State University

      956. Serena Zabin, Professor of History, Carleton College

      957. Benjamin Sutcliffe, Professor of Russian, Miami University

      958. Mary B. Sundal, Professor of Anthropology and Chair, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Washburn University

      959. Nicole Stevens, Ohio State University

      960. John Randolph, Director, REEEC; Associate Professor, REEEC, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

      961. Colleen Lucey, Assistant Professor, University of Arizona

      962. Rosemary Feurer, Associate Professor, Northern Illinois University

      963. Sandra Freels, Professor Emerita of Russian, Portland State University

      964. Vladimir Padunov, Associate Professor, University of Pittsburgh

      965. Emily Wang, Assistant Professor of Russian, University of Notre Dame

      966. MInkah Makalani, Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin

      967. Sibelan Forrester, Susan W. Lippincott Professor of Modern and Clasical Languages and Russian, Swarthmore College

      968. Tom Stillinger, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of English, Univ. of Utah

      969. Wendy Machalicek, PhD, BCBA-D, Associate Professor, Special Education, University of Oregon

      970. Dorothy Stegman, Associate Professor, Ball State University

      971. Calvin, Vanderbilt University

      972. Eliot Borenstein, Professor, New York University

      973. Susanne Fusso, Marcus L. Taft Professor of Modern Languages, Professor of Russian and East European Studies, Wesleyan University

      974. Dr. Laura Murphy, Assistant Professor, Washburn University

      975. Cesare Casarino, Professor of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature, University of Minnesota

      976. Janice McGregor, Assistant Professor, University of Arizona (formerly of Kansas State University)

      977. Natasha Zaretsky, Professor of History, University of Alabama at Birmingham

      978. Demetra McBrayer, Alumna, University of Delaware

      979. Kirstin Erickson, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Arkansas

      980. Abe Roth, Professor, Ohio State University

      981. Helena Goscilo, Professor, Slavic Dept at The Ohio State University

      982. Rossen Djagalov, Assistant Professor of Russian, New York University

      983. Joe Bussell, Visual Artist, BFA Kansas University MFA Washington University in St Louis

      984. Melissa Patiño-Vega, Visiting Scholar, Portland State University

      985. Harriet Murav, Catherine and Bruce Bastian Professor of Global and Transnational Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

      986. Rodney W. Cupp, Professor, Wayne State College

      987. Devin P. Wilson, Future KU Parent, 2021—2026+, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

      988. Klaus Theopold, Professor, University of Delaware

      989. Susan Craddock, Professor, University of Minnesota

      990. Jon Stone, Associate Professor of Russian, Franklin & Marshall College

      991. Tara McPherson, Professor, University of Southern California

      992. Jacqueline Battalor, Professor of Sociology, Saint Xavier University, Chicago

      993. Charles Barber , Donald Drew Egbert Professor, Art & Archaeology

      994. John Higginson, Professor Emeritus History, University of Massachusetts Amherst

      995. Hilah Kohen, PhD student, University of Pennsylvania

      996. Jan Šobotník, Assoc. Prof., Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague

      997. Leif Weatherby, Association Professor, German, New York University

      998. Masha Shpolberg, Assistant Professor of Film Studies, University of North Carolina Wilmington

      999. Sarah Bloom, Associate Professor, University of South Florida

      1000. Beth Hartman, Lecturer, University of Minnesota

      1001. Yuichiro Onishi, Associate Professor & Chair African American & African Studies, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

      1002. Suntosh Kelkar

      1003. Peter Eubanks, Associate Professor of French, James Madison University

      1004. Evan Rich, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Michigan

      1005. C. Jean Campbell, Professor, Art History, Emory University

      1006. Michael Nelson, Alumnus

      1007. Matthew W Johnson, Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

      1008. Wesley Bishop, Assistant Professor of History, Marian University Indianapolis

      1009. Matthew Knachel, Senior Lecturer, Philosophy

      1010. Peter T. Johnson, Bibliographer for Latin America, Spain and Portugal, Princeton University [retired]

      1011. Peter Rachleff, Professor Emeritus, History, Macalester College

      1012. Ian Straughn, Assistant Professor of Teaching, U. California Irvine Anthropology

      1013. Charles Smith, University Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Kansas State University, Entomology

      1014. Yan Soibelman, University Distinguished Professor, Mathematics, KSU

      1015. Tracy Henderson, Executive Project Officer, Executive project manager, economic development start-ups

      1016. Mario Rufer, Professor, Humanities and Cultural Studies

      1017. Itza Amanda Varela Huerta, Profesora-investigadora, Programa Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género/ El Colegio de México

      1018. Giobanna Buenahora Molina, Docente investigador, Colombia

      1019. Marina Swoboda, Professor, History

      1020. Matt Visser, Ed.D. Student, KU Alumnus c'13, Vanderbilt University

      1021. Wayles Browne, Professor Emeritus of Linguistics, Cornell University

      1022. Ketu Katrak, Professor, University of California, Irvine

      1023. Ivan Evans, Provost, UC San Diego

      1024. Valerie Krishna, Professor Emerita of English Literature , City University of New York

      1025. Cynthia Pietras, Associate professor, Western Michigan University

      1026. Sam Cowling, Associate Professor, Denison University

      1027. Tracey Deutsch, Associate Professor of History, University of Minnesota

      1028. Anthony Kirk, Student, University of Miami

      1029. Brock Ternes, Visiting Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina Wilmington

      1030. Graeme Forbes Professor Emeritus, University of Colorado, Boulder

      1031. Deaglán Ó Donghaile, Senior Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University

      1032. Ashley Kingsley, KU Alum

      1033. John Watets, Clinical Associate Professor, New York University

      1034. Joy Sanchez-Taylor, Associate Professor, LaGuardia Community College

      1035. Dr. Brianna Matzke, Assistant Professor of Music, Wilmington College, and KU Alum

      1036. Susana Loza, Associate Professor of Critical Race, Gender, and Media Studies, Hampshire College

      1037. David Silver, Chair in Business and Professional Ethics, University of British Columbia

      1038. Carrie Wendel-Hummell, PhD, KU School of Social Welfare

      1039. Leah Bernstein, Alum (BM '13)

      1040. Kristen Adrianna Larsen, Alum, KU MARC - University of Kansas

      1041. Neal Long, Graduate Student, School of Music

      1042. Ilinca Iurascu, Associate Professor of German, University of British Columbia

      1043. Dr. Frank Nawrot, KU graduate (2019)

      1044. Andrew Fleshman, Graduate Student, University of California, Los Angeles

      1045. Gus diZerega, Ph.D. Political Science, retired.

      1046. Zachary Hicks Graduate Student, UC-Berkeley

      1047. Olivia Mena, Lecturer, African and African Diaspora Studies, University of Texas at Austin

      1048. Ike Uri Graduate Student, Brown University (KU alumnus)

      1049. Victoria Kononova, Assistant Professor of Russian, Lawrence University

      1050. Anneka Lenssen, Associate Professor , UC Berkeley

      1051. Joseph Eidson, DMA 2010 BM 2004

      1052. Annette Kuhlmann, Professor , University of Wisconsin Platteville - Baraboo

      1053. Nicholas Shaheed, KU alum

      1054. Cinda L. Garrison, Alumnus, School of Education

      1055. Cori Ong

      1056. Heather Brown, Assistant Professor, The College of St Scholastica

      1057. Nina Rowe, Professor, Fordham University

      1058. Chad Pearson, Professor of History

      1059. George DeMartino, Professor , Univ. of Denver

      1060. Molly Ferguson, Associate Professor of English, Ball State University

      1061. John Paul Henry , PhD Aspirant, University of Kansas

      1062. Nicole Dan, MPP Candidate, Georgetown University

      1063. Ilana Gershon Ruth N. Halls professor of anthropology, Indiana University

      1064. Donna Orwin Professor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Toronto

      1065. Vanesa Ribas, Associate Professor of Sociology, UCSD

      1066. Liz Pearse, Instructor of Voice, Winona State University, University of Wisconsin La Crosse

      1067. Julie Dumond, PharmD, MS, Faculty, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

      1068. Catherine Garcia , Assistant Professor , University of Nebraska - Lincoln

      1069. Kara Wunderlich, Assistant Professor , Rollins College

      1070. Jeanette Sanchez, Admin, PhD Candidate, Seattle Central College

      1071. Kristopher Velasco, KU Alumni; Incoming Assistant Professor, Princeton University

      1072. Sharon O'Connell Campbell, D.M.A., Professor, University of Nebraska at Kearney

      1073. Justin B Lead, Co-Director of Research & Professor , Autism Partnership Foundation, Endicott, and KU Alumni

      1074. Vivian Valvano Lynch, Professor Emerita of English, St. John’s University, NY

      1075. Ruth Shaw, Professor/Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota

      1076. Zach Sell, Visiting Assistant Professor , Drexel University

      1077. David Biedenbender, Assistant Professor of Composition, Michigan State University

      1078. Jennifer Mitchell, Teacher, Waltham Public Schools MA

      1079. Gary Ostertag Professor, Nassau Community College and The Graduate Center, CUNY

      1080. Ben Manski, Assistant Professor, George Mason University

      1081. Bonnie McLarty, KU Alumna/Lecturer Fall 2020

      1082. Paul Ortiz, Professor of History, University of Florida

      1083. MJ Maynes, Professor of History, University of Minnesota

      1084. Daniel Groll, Associate Professor, Philosophy, Carleton College

      1085. Andrew Lamas, Faculty, University of Pennsylvania

      1086. Jean Lave, Professor Emerita, University of California, Berkeley

      1087. Saif Bajwa, Alumni

      1088. Daniel Suslak, Director, Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies, Indiana University

      1089. Mark LeVine, Professor, UC Irvine

      1090. Dr Jane E Goodman, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Indiana University Bloomington

      1091. Jesse Saich, M.A., KU Alumnus (life member), Communications and Media Relations Manager El Dorado Irrigation District

      1092. Ivana Radovanović , Assoc.Prof. Emerita, University of Kansas

      1093. Erin Smith, Music Teacher

      1094. Mirari Elcoro, PhD/Associate Professor, Framingham State University

      1095. William T Bielby, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara

      1096. Joshua Abrams, Interim Dean of School, The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London

      1097. Roderick A. Ferguson, Professor, Yale University

      1098. Nadia Kim, PROFESSOR, LMU

      1099. Joel Berkowitz Professor, Foreign Languages & Literature, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

      1100. Erika Haber, Professor of Russian, Syracuse University

      1101. Paul Brodwin, Professor, Dept of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee

      1102. Daniel Brooks, Visiting Assistant Professor of Russian, Franklin & Marshall College

      1103. Amy Emm, Assoc. Prof of German, The Citadel

      1104. Alessondra Springmann, Doctoral candidate, University of Arizona

      1105. Justin Strickland, Postdoctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

      1106. Sarah Osterhoudt, Associate Professor, Indiana University

      1107. Sara Kelly, Teacher, Harmony Grove School District KU Alumni

      1108. Wendy Z. Goldman, Paul Mellon Distinguished Professor, Carnegie Mellon University

      1109. Rachel Callahan, Board Certified Behavior Analyst, KU Alumna

      1110. Sarah Rowley, Assistant Professor of History, DePauw University

      1111. Dena Davis, Professor, Lehigh University

      1112. Jay Edelnant, Emeritus Professor of Theatre, Univ of Northern Iowa

      1113. Joseba gabilondo, Associate professor, MSU

      1114. Teresa Valdivia, Police Service Aide-SFPD-Airport Bureau, Friend

      1115. Laura Weigert, Professor of Art History, Rutgers University

      1116. Dorothea Lerman, Professor, University of Houston clear lake

      1117. Emily Tai

      1118. Adam Haley, Senior Graduate Writing Consultant, Oregon State University

      1119. Shih-Yen Pan, Graduate Student, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (KU Alumnus)

      1120. Patrick Manning, Mellon Professor of World History, Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh

      1121. Philip Clark, DMA, KCSymphony retired

      1122. Catherine Sawai, PhD, INSERM/University of Bordeaux

      1123. Gabriella Safran, Professor, Slavic Languages and Literatures, Stanford University

      1124. Danny Barrett, Associate Professor, Colgate University

      1125. Lauren Giacalone, Alumni, University of Kansas

      1126. Bijan Esfandiary, KU Alumni

      1127. Adam J Toth, Visiting Assistant Professor of German, Roanoke College

      1128. Kimberley Zonneveld, Associate professor, Brock University

      1129. Object Associate, Professor, University of Minnesota

      1130. Doug Eisenstark, Alumni 1972

      1131. Kristine Shmakov, Instructor of Russian/Russian Department Chair, Portland Community College

      1132. Jean Beaman, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of California Santa Barbara

      1133. Kelly Bohling

      1134. Mary Mullen, Assistant Professor, Villanova University

      1135. John Givens, Professor and Chair, Dept of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Rochester

      1136. Peter Linebaugh, Professor emeritus, Retired, University of Toledo

      1137. Jeffrey Frost, Associate Professor of Anthropology, California State University, Stanislaus

      1138. Anthony Dawson, Professor of English emeritus, University of British Columbia

      1139. Jennifer Ho, Professor, CU Boulder

      1140. Niklas Frykman, Assistant Professor of History, University of Pittsburgh

      1141. Tom Conry, M.Div., Harvard U.

      1142. David Nichols, PhD student/GRA, Emory University, KU alum

      1143. Jennifer Weyman, Assistant Teaching Professor, University of Missouri

      1144. Stephen Fuss, Music teacher, National Education Association

      1145. Tristan Greeno, KU School of Music Alumni

      1146. Lilah Wilder, 2021 Rangel International Affairs Graduate Fellow, KU Alumna

      1147. Cindy Hahamovitch, B. Phinizy Spalding Distinguished Professor of History, University of Georgia

      1148. Logan Cain, KU Alumnus, University of Kansas

      1149. Jigna Desai, Professor, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

      1150. Sam Parrilla, Band director, Lawrence Public Schools

      1151. David Fisher, Ruth N Halls Professor of Mathematics, Indiana University

      1152. Stylianos Chatzimanolis, Professor, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, KU PhD (04)

      1153. Benjamin Ale-Ebrahim, Ph.D. Candidate in Anthropology, Indiana University, MA (2017) KU Religious Studies, BA (2015) KU Anthropology, Indiana University, Bloomington

      1154. Zeljko Ignjatovic, Associate Professor, University of Rochester

      1155. Elizabeth Rauh, Assistant Professor of Modern Art History and Visual Cultures, American University in Cairo

      1156. Holly Field, Alumna, The University of Kansas

      1157. Deborah McGrady, Professor of French and Director of Medieval Studies, University of Virginia

      1158. Christi Duke, Alumna, M.M. KU School of Music

      1159. Tonia Ko, DMA, Lecturer in Composition, Royal Holloway, University of London

      1160. Donna Oliver, Professor, Beloit College

      1161. John M Pendergast, PhDm, Russian Program Director, West Point US Military Academy

      1162. Jonathan Young

      1163. Dr. Nick Kupensky, Vice President, Carpatho-Rusyn Research Center

      1164. Margaret Lambie , Music Teacher, Chrysalis School

      1165. Amrita Myers, Ruth N. Halls Associate Professor of History and Gender Studies, Indiana University

      1166. Eric Cheyfitz, Ernest I. White Professor of American Studies and Humane Letters, Cornell University

      1167. Marin (Oldridge) McCrossen, Alumna (B.S.E., M.S.E.)

      1168. Kenneth Boyce, Associate Professor, University of Missouri

      1169. Della Collins Cook, Professor of Anthropology, Indiana University

      1170. Nitzan Lebovic, Professor of History, Lehigh University

      1171. Kate Costello_Sullivan, Professor, Modern Irish Literature, Le Moyne College

      1172. Catherine Elgin, Professor, Harvard University

      1173. Jeffrey Kruth, Assistant Professor

      1174. Jose Martinez-Reyes, Associate Professor, UMass Boston

      1175. Kaitlyn Tossie, PhD Candidate/GTA, Dept. of Theatre and Dance, KU

      1176. Gary Bartlett, Professor of Philosophy, Central Washington University

      1177. Laurie Franklin, Alumna

      1178. David Powelstock, Associate Professor of Russian & Comparative Literature, Brandeis University

      1179. Sarah Hill, Senior Lecturer, School of Music, Cardiff University, Wales

      1180. Kali Boydston, KU Alumni

      1181. Lisa Weihman, Associate Professor, West Virginia University

      1182. Tim Sieber, Professor of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts Boston

      1183. Dr Lindsey Gaston, PhD, KU Class of 2000

      1184. Gerry Lanosga, Associate Professor, Indiana University

      1185. Lawrence S Moss, Professor, Indiana University

      1186. Jennifer Franklin, Alumni

      1187. Nicole Guenther Discenza, Professor of English, University of South Florida, United Faculty of Florida

      1188. Amy Allshouse, Alumni, Linguistics

      1189. Joshua Lawlor, University of Kansas Alumnus, M.M. 2009

      1190. Dr. Timothy D. Knapp, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Missouri State University

      1191. Lessie Frazier, Professor, Indiana University

      1192. Elizabeth Grubgeld, Regents Professor of English, Oklahoma State University

      1193. Elliott Gorn, Joseph Gagliano Professor of History, Loyola University Chicago

      1194. Donna L Potts, Professor, WSU

      1195. Alexandra Klales, Associate Professor, Washburn University

      1196. Ainsley Morse, assistant professor, Dartmouth College

      1197. zillah Eisenstein, Prof. Emerita, Ithaca College, Dept. of Politics

      1198. Mareike Winchell, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Chicago

      1199. Amanda Reinke

      1200. Elizabeth Colwill, Associate Professor, University of Hawaiʻi, Mānoa

      1201. Paula Girshick, Professor Emerita, Indiana University

      1202. Christina Feikes, Assistant Teaching Professor, Syracuse University

      1203. Amber Evans

      1204. Mary Claire Chao, PhD candidate, Brown University

      1205. Laura Ginger, Associate Professor Emerita, Indiana University, IU Bloomington AAUP

      1206. Michaela Schenkel, MT-BC, KU Alumnus

      1207. Megan Cook, Associate Professor of English, Colby College

      1208. Gary Rhoades, Professor, University of Arizona

      1209. Mary L Gray, Senior Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research/Indiana University

      1210. Lorrayne Carroll, Associate Professor , University of Southern Maine

      1211. Rosaura Sanchez, Professor Emerita, University of California, San Diego, UCSD

      1212. Tiffany Nguyen

      1213. Christopher I Noble, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Syracuse University

      1214. Timothy Tharaldson, DMA Candidate, KU & Assistant Professor, Benedictine College

      1215. Matthew Johnson, PhD Candidate, University of Chicago

      1216. Carlos Eduardo Siqueira, Associate Professor, UMass Boston

      1217. Lynn Patyk, Associate Professor of Russian, Dartmouth College

      1218. David Weaver, Distinguished Professor of Journalism Emeritus, Indiana University

      1219. Andrew Aziz, Associate Professor, San Diego State University

      1220. Dr. Grant H Lathrom, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Missouri Southern State University

      1221. Benjamin Robinson, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Germanic Studies, Indiana University Bloomington

      1222. Jennifer Brier, Professor, History and Gender and Women’s Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago

      1223. David Lloyd, Distinguished Professor of English, UC Riverside

      1224. Mary Ford, BA of Education and English

      1225. Russell Lyons, Professor of Mathematics, Indiana University

      1226. Jill Ehnenn, Professor of English, Appalachian State University

      1227. Victoria Tilden, Alumna

      1228. Mandy Walters Whitaker, MM from KU, 2003

      1229. Purnima Bose, Professor, English and International Studies, Indiana University

      1230. Owen MacDonald, Alumnus

      1231. Jean VanDelinder, Senior Associate Dean, Professor of Sociology, Oklahoma State University; KU Alumnae

      1232. Richard Leson, Associate Professor of Art History, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

      1233. David J. Cox

      1234. Kevin Moss, Jean Thomson Fulton Professor of Modern Languages & Literature, Middlebury College

      1235. Brian Locascio, Alumnus

      1236. Jesse Dallery, Professor, University of Florida

      1237. Kira N Harkins, Therapist, Alumni, Harkins Counseling

      1238. Maria Bucur, Professor of history and gender studies, Indiana University

      1239. David Stevens, Professor of English, University of Richmond

      1240. Bruce Simon, Associate Professor, English Department, The State University of New York at Fredonia

      1241. Susan E. Gustafson, Professor of German and Comparative Literature, University of Rochester

      1242. Ruth Diamond Fabes

      1243. Jennifer Feltman, Assistant Professor of Medieval Art and Architecture, University of Alabama

      1244. Elias Sacks, Associate Professor, University of Colorado Boulder

      1245. Michael Larsen, Distinguished Professor Of Mathematics, Indiana University

      1246. Dr. Annika Socolofsky, Assistant Professor of Composition, University of Colorado Boulder

      1247. Jefferson Holdridge, Prof of English and Director of Wake Forest Univ. Press, Wake Forest University

      1248. Eyal Amiran, Professor of Comparative Literature, UC Irvine

      1249. Hank Schwemmer, alum / staff, The University of Texas at Austin

      1250. Alla Nedashkivska, Professor, University of Alberta (Canada)

      1251. Alain-Philippe Durand, ESU & KU alumnus

      1252. Edward E Baptist, Professor, Cornell University

      1253. Samuel F. Acuff, Doctoral Student, Hopeful Future Applicant of Tenure Track Faculty Appointments, The University of Memphis

      1254. Joyce T Lionarons, Professor Emerita, Ursinus College

      1255. Matthew Abraham, Professor of English, University of Arizona

      1256. Faith S. Harden, Associate Professor, University of Arizona

      1257. Dr. Tan Wee Kiat, KU Supporter

      1258. C. D. C. Reeve, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

      1259. Oscar Kenshur, Emeritus Professor of Comparative Literature, Indiana University Bloomington

      1260. Cynthia Hahn, Professor, Hunter college CUNY

      1261. Bethany Wood, Ph.D.

      1262. Nina Scheibe, Instructor at Valdosta State University, KU alumna

      1263. Amanda Shriwise, Postdoctoral researcher and KU alumna, University of Bremen, Germany

      1264. Raffaele Cipriano, PhD, DMA, KU Alumnus

      1265. Matthew Reznicek, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Creighton University

      1266. Kim Sagebiel

      1267. Sydney Bernstein, Ku student

      1268. Jane Waggoner Deschner, alumnus, Class of '69

      1269. Cóilín Parsons, Associate Professor of English, Georgetown University

      1270. Kurt E. Blaugher, Associate Professor of Theatre, Mount Saint Mary’s University

      1271. Jennifer Gunn, Director, Institute for Advanced Study and History of Medicine Endowed Professor, University of Minnesota

      1272. Victor Wallis, Professor, Berklee College of Music

      1273. Joshua Maize, DMA, Director of Music & Arts, First Presbyterian Church of Austin

      1274. Breena Holland, Associate Professor of Political Science, Lehigh University

      1275. A Celeste Harvey, Associate Professor, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology-Dallas

      1276. Joanna Kot, Full professor of Russian and Polish, Northern Illinois University

      1277. Daniel Hansen, Choir Director, Richard Warren Middle School

      1278. Ellen Kucera

      1279. Gesine Janzen, Professor of Art and KU alumna, Montana State University

      1280. Dr. Larkin Sanders, Alumna, University of Kansas

      1281. Margaret Samu, Part-Time Assistant Professor, The New School/Parsons School of Design

      1282. Sharon L. James, Professor, Classics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

      1283. Sarah Anderson, Singer/Voice Teacher/Entrepreneur/Realtor in KS and MO, Raise Your Virtual Voice/NextHome Gadwood Group

      1284. James B Collins, Professor of History, Georgetown University

      1285. Eva Woods, Professor, Vassar College

      1286. John Streamas, Associate Professor, ethnic studies, Washington State University

      1287. Daniel Krier, Professor, Iowa State University

      1288. Claire Appier, Alumna

      1289. Maggie Weng

      1290. Honghong Tinn, University of Minnesota

      1291. Amy Leonard, Associate Professor, Georgetown University

      1292. Ayelet Lindenstrauss, Professor of Mathematics, Indiana University

      1293. David Brodsky, Retired, UMKC AAUP

      1294. Dylan Kupsh, Undergraduate, UAW 2865

      1295. Jole Shackelford, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota

      1296. Mika Schrader

      1297. Jonathan Sterne, Professor, McGill University

      1298. Amy Yi, former KU employee, KUMC

      1299. Marc Stein, Professor of History, San Francisco State University

      1300. Barry Maxwell, Senior Lecturer (ret.), Cornell University

      1301. Haley Bajorek, African & African American Studies M.A. & GTA, Museum Studies M.A., Graduate Student Advisory Board CLAS Representative

      1302. Patricia Kent, Assistant Adjunct Professor, ST JOHN'S UNIVERSITY

      1303. Megan Foster-Campbell, Professor, Art History, Illinois Central College

      1304. Michael L. Scott, Arthur Gould Yates Professor of Engineering and Computer Science Department Chair, University of Rochester

      1305. Mark Soderstrom, Associate Professor, SUNY Empire State College

      1306. Norishia Jalal, fontbonne university

      1307. Cian T. McMahon, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

      1308. Doug hartmann, Professor and Chair of Sociology, University of Minnesota

      1309. Joseph G. Ramsey, Senior Lecturer, English and American Studies, Faculty Staff Union (FSU/MTA), UMass Boston

      1310. Erin Owens, Professor, Sam Houston State University

      1311. Michael W. Mapp, Director of Bands/Professor of Conducting, New Mexico State University (DMA Conducting from KU 2013)

      1312. Allen Wood, Ruth Norman Halls Professor, Indiana University

      1313. Pedro Caban, Professor, University at Albany, SUNY

      1314. Tod Fish, DMA, Associate Professor of Music, KU Alumni

      1315. Dagomar Degroot, Associate professor of environmental history, Georgetown University

      1316. Carl Craver, Professor, Washington University in St. Louis

      1317. Kirk Ludwig, Professor and Department Chair, Indiana University, Bloomington

      1318. Robert Hayden, Professor of Anthropology & Law, University of Pittsburgh

      1319. Melanie Brazzell, PhD student, University of California Santa Barbara

      1320. Michael Wachtel, Professor, Slavic Department, Princeton University

      1321. Susan Ramlo, University of Akron / Akron AAUP

      1322. Ron Aminzade, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, University of Minnesota

      1323. Jordan T. Camp, Visiting Scholar, Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History, Harvard University

      1324. Francis Deblauwe, PhD, Alexandria Archive Institute

      1325. Shannon Gorres, MA, MDiv, KU Alumna

      1326. Jason Di Resta, Adjunct Professor, Maine College of Art

      1327. Dr. Lisa Neher, Professional Mezzo-Soprano & Composer, AGMA

      1328. Brian Hallstoos, Associate Professor of History, University of Dubuque & Mid-America American Studies Association

      1329. Elizabeth Davis-Berg (Ph.D. 2005 University of Kansas), Professor of Biology, Columbia College Chicago

      1330. Jonathan Wiesen, Professor of History, University of Alabama At Birmingham

      1331. Mary Ann Downs, Parent of former student

      1332. Margaret Susan Thompson, Professor of History & Political Science, Syracuse University

      1333. John R. McNeill, Professor of History and University Professor, Georgetown University

      1334. Elizabeth Cullen Dunn, Professor of Geography, Indiana University

      1335. Cory Barker, Assistant Professor, Bradley University

      1336. Mate Kapovic, Full Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Zagreb

      1337. Lisa Rofel, Professor Emerita, University of California, Santa Cruz

      1338. Stephen Politzer-Ahles, Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

      1339. Andrew S. Powell, Ph. D., University of Kansas, 2018

      1340. Caprice Lawless, Co-President Colorado Conference AAUP

      1341. Kent Orr, Professor of Mathematics, Indiana University, Bloomington

      1342. Thad Leffingwell, Professor of Psychology, Oklahoma State University

      1343. William I. Robinson, Distinguished Professor of Sociology, University of California at Santa Barbara

      1344. Nan Enstad, Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison

      1345. Dan Kaufman, Associate Professor of Philosophy, CU Boulder

      1346. Stephanie Clark, Assoc. Professor, University of Oregon

      1347. Janet Golden, Professor Emerita, Rutgers University

      1348. Nada Šabec, Professor, Dept. of English and American Studies, University of Maribor, Slovenia

      1349. Paola Bacchetta, Professor, University of California, Berkeley

      1350. Parama Roy, Professor of English, University of California, Davis

      1351. Jon Garthoff, Associate Professor, University of Tennessee

      1352. Maddison Majeski, University of Kansas Alumni

      1353. Freya Vass, Lecturer (Asst Prof), University of Kent

      1354. Margaret Ferguson, Distinguished Professor of English Emerita, University of California at Davis

      1355. J. Todd Ormsbee, Ph.D. (KU 2004), Associate Professor of American Studies, San José State University

      1356. Dave Loewenstein, Artist, Ally

      1357. Carmen Torre Perez, PhD Student, University of Pennsylvania

      1358. Nathan Robert Howard, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Texas A&M University

      1359. Ujju Aggarwal, Assistant Professor, The New School

      1360. Emily Hartford, Community Member, wife of KU Alumni

      1361. Richard Bauman, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Indiana University, Bloomington

      1362. Andrea Flores, Assistant Professor of Education, Brown University

      1363. Juanita Margit Reyes, PhD/ Assistant Professor of Spanish, Dominican College

      1364. Suad Joseph, Distinguished Research Professor, University of California, Davis

      1365. Claire Bracken, Associate Professor, Union College

      1366. Andra Laine Hunter, Founder and AD, The Linden Grove Theatre Co.

      1367. Sara F. Hall, Associate Professor of Germanic Studies, University of Illinois Chicago and Vice President, German Studies Association

      1368. Nathaniel Baron-Schmitt, Postdoctoral Associate, MIT

      1369. Jamal Nassar, Dean Emeritus, California State University

      1370. Robin Parker, Alumnus

      1371. Gwynne K. Brown, Professor, University of Puget Sound

      1372. Johann Neem, Professor of History, Western Washington University

      1373. Tom Zelman, Professor Emeritus of English (Former Instructor of English at KU), College of St Scholastica

      1374. Megan Heeney, Student, University of Kansas

      1375. Christopher T Conner, Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Missouri

      1376. Yaozhong Hu, Adjoins Professor, Mathematics

      1377. Robbie Harvey, Professional Musician, NYC Ballet

      1378. Tatiana Navallo, Lecturer, Université de Montréal

      1379. Fatima El-Tayeb, Professor of Literature, University of California, San Diego

      1380. Derek Chang, Associate Professor of History & Asian American Studies, Cornell University

      1381. Leigh Muñoz, KU Alum, Assistant Professor, Middle Tennessee State University

      1382. Alex Lefebvre, Professor of Politics and Philosophy, University of Sydney

      1383. Kjell Fostervold, Associate Instructor, Indiana University, Bloomington

      1384. Mari Lee Mifsud, Professor of Rhetoric, University of Richmond

      1385. Marcia Baron, James H. Rudy Professor of Philosophy, Indiana University (Bloomington)

      1386. Edén E. Torres, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota

      1387. Alan Kraut, Distinguished Professor of History and Past President, Organization of American Historians American University

      1388. Philip Misevich, Associate Professor, St. John’s University, NY

      1389. Thomas Streeter, Professor Emeritus, University of Vermont

      1390. Julia Obert, Associate Professor of English, University of Wyoming

      1391. James R Barrett, Professor of History Emeritus, University of Illinois at Urbana

      1392. Laura Olson Osterman, Professor, University of Colorado, Boulder

      1393. Raciel Alonso, Assistant Professor, University of Lynchburg

      1394. Bryan McCann Professor, History, Georgetown Univ.

      1395. Cristian Baldenegro, Ph.D. student, Department of Physics & Astronomy

      1396. Rachel Heiman, Associate Professor of Anthropology, The New School

      1397. Adam Simon Levine, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Duke University

      1398. Mahri Leonard-Fleckman, Assistant Professor, Religious Studies, College of the Holy Cross

      1399. Joshua Markley, DMA (KU Alumni class of 2016)

      1400. Erin Mullally, Associate Professor of English, Le Moyne College

      1401. Sascha Groschang

      1402. Vida Samiian, Professor of Linguistics and Dean Emerita, California State University, Fresno

      1403. Dr. Benjamin Keseley, KU Alumnus (MM and DMA)

      1404. Clark Jamison, B.A., Alumnus, University of Kansas

      1405. Elizabeth Addis, Associate Professor, Gonzaga University

      1406. Kerby Miller, Curators Professor Emeritus of History, University of Missouri, Columbia; NEA; AAUP

      1407. Teri L. Caraway, Professor, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

      1408. Mark H. White II, Data Scientist, KU PhD (2018)

      1409. Ray Cashman, Professor of Folklore, Indiana University

      1410. Viviana Acquaviva, Associate Professor, CUNY

      1411. Craig Reinarman, Professor of Sociology and Legal Studies Emeritus, University of California, Santa Cruz

      1412. Amber N. Nickell, PhD Candidate, Purdue University

      1413. Lucas Wilson, Professor, Mount Holyoke College

      1414. Chris Miller, CEO

      1415. Lisa Voigt, Professor, The Ohio State University

      1416. Wendy Shaw, Professor, Free University Berlin

      1417. Erick D Langer, Professor, Georgetown University

      1418. Robyn Wiegman, Professor, Duke University

      1419. Beth A Buggenhagen, Associate Professor, Indiana University

      1420. Saliem Shehadeh, PhD Student, UCLA

      1421. Cathy Wagner, Professor; English, Miami University; President, Miami University AAUP Advocacy Chapter,

      1422. Wm Shane Gentry, Esquire, KU LAW 1999

      1423. Julie Hemment, Professor, University of Massachusetts at Amherst

      1424. Jackie Orr, Associate Professor of Sociology, Syracuse University

      1425. Erika Grandstaff, Graduate Teaching Assistant (English Dept.)

      1426. Gretchen, MM, KU School of Music, AGMA

      1427. Robert Frame, Professor, Normandale Community College

      1428. Ned Block, Silver Professor, New York University

      1429. Teri Grunthaner, Expressive Therapist, Radical Hearts

      1430. Mila Shevchenko, Associate Professor of Instruction (Russian), Ohio University

      1431. Haley Armstrong, DMA, Director of Bands, SDSM&T, Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences

      1432. Paul Wright, PhD, Professor, Indiana University Bloomington

      1433. Allan Franklin, Professor Emeritus, University of Colorado, Physics

      1434. Miranda Joseph, Professor of Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies, University of Minnesota

      1435. Kerry Minner, Retired - University of Iowa, AFSCME

      1436. Maya Mills, KU Alumna

      1437. Reniel Rodríguez Ramos, Professor, Ciencias Sociales

      1438. Alana Glaser, Assistant professor, St. John's University

      1439. Eliza Taylor, BME, Graduate Assistant, SAI Alumnae Association, in solidarity with Beta Beta chapter and affiliates

      1440. Anne Guzzo, Professor of Music, University of Wyoming, Music

      1441. Caitlin Laird, KU Alumna

      1442. Gabriela Lila Salvidea, PhD Candidate, Stanford University

      1443. Caroline McCone, Student, KU

      1444. Ken Beck, Alumni

      1445. Caleb Latas, Undergrad, Undergraduate Anthropology Association

      1446. Negar Mottahedeh, Professor, Program in Literature, Duke Univ

      1447. William Chase, Professor Emeritus, History and Urban Studies, University of Pittsburgh

      1448. Andriy Danylenko, Professor, Modern Languages and Cultures, Pace University (NY)

      1449. David N Gibbs, Professor of History, University of Arizona

      1450. William Mills Todd III, Research Professor, Slavic Languages and Literatures, Comp.Lit. Harvard University


      1452. Judith Butler, Professor in the Graduate School, UC Berkeley

      1453. Nikki Hansen

      1454. Nathalie F Anderson, Alexander Griswold Cummins Professor of English Literature and Director of the Program in Creative Writing, Swarthmore College

      1455. Marlys Achey

      1456. Breanna Ellison, musician

      1457. Julian Hook, Associate Professor of Music Theory, Indiana University

      1458. Marshal Allshouse, KU Law, Alum

      1459. Bryce Langford, Attorney and Alum, Law

      1460. Patricia Nixon, Alumni

      1461. Cameron Tara Smith, KU Alumna (2020), US Senate Aide, Journalism, Political Science

      1462. Jennifer Doyle, Professor, UC Riverside

      1463. Kathy Quick, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota

      1464. Alex Delekta, Alumni

      1465. Jennifer Guglielmo, Associate Professor of History, Smith College

      1466. Scott Reynolds Nelson, Professor of History, University of Georgia

      1467. Howard Winant, Distinguished Professor, UC Santa Barbara

      1468. Steve Waksman, Sylvia Dlugasch Bauman Professor of American Studies and Professor of Music, Smith College

      1469. Jacqueline A. Irwin, Professor, KU Alumnae '01, '04, '06

      1470. elise goodman, Professor emerita, Art History, University of Cincinnati

      1471. Jason Kawall, Carl Benton Straub '58 Endowed Chair in Culture and the Environment, Colgate University

      1472. Ann Lucas, Associate Professor, Boston College

      1473. Kimberly Drake, Associate Professor of Writing, Scripps College

      1474. Jackson Kerr, Undergrad, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

      1475. Erin Collopy, Associate Professor, Texas Tech University

      1476. Maria Cristina Garcia, Professor of History, Cornell University

      1477. Madelyn Detloff, Professor, AAUP member, Miami University

      1478. Ralph Litzinger, Associate Professor, Duke University

      1479. Sonnet Retman, Associate Professor, American Ethnic Studies, University of Washington-Seattle

      1480. Abigail Hall, student

      1481. Christina Schwenkel, Professor, University of California at Riverside

      1482. Greg Afinogenov, Assistant Professor of History, Georgetown University

      1483. Nancy Condee, Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Pittsburgh

      1484. Sylvia F. Stoner-Hawkins, Senior-Artist-in-Residence, Skidmore College, KU Alum

      1485. Daniel Kaufman, Professor of Philosophy, Missouri State University

      1486. Jordan MacKenzie, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Virginia Tech

      1487. Sheridan Stewart, PhD Candidate, Stanford University

      1488. Melodie Woerman, MA 1983, Religious Studies

      1489. Susan Ellison, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Wellesley College

      1490. Susan D Pennybacker, Professor, U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

      1491. Inderpal Grewal, Professor Emerita, Yale University

      1492. Susanne Fuchs, Visiting Lecturer, Wellesley College