500 + signatures and counting! Click here for more context

1. More trust, more voice. A return to teaching and research in the fall must prioritize safety and health of all campus community members. We reject outright the assertion that the “on campus experience” is the only thing that distinguishes KU from other higher education institutions in Kansas, and the one from which all planning should flow. More than 50 department chairs have signed a letter to the Provost arguing that using the ADA as the mechanism whereby instructors (faculty, adjuncts, and GTAs) receive permission for exemption from in-person teaching is unwieldy, discriminatory, and raises major confidentiality concerns. Instructors are best equipped to know our own working conditions, including what is appropriate and safe for delivery of courses, as well as our own health and family situations.

2. More planning, more science. Detailed plans for free testing, contact tracing, and quarantine protocols must be in place before making decisions about returning to the classroom and other public spaces. Administrators have failed to present us with specific plans for preventing spread of the virus outside of athletics. Care for what the Provost has called “the most vulnerable” among us—including students, faculty, and staff--must be central to this approach. We are all too aware of the racial disparities in COVID 19 deaths. For instance, only recently did the District of Columbia displace Kansas as the state with the most racially unequal rates of death from COVID 19. More than 30% of those killed by COVID 19 in Kansas have been African American, who make up 5.6% of our state’s population.

3. More sincerity. We reject administrators’ claim that the decision to reopen campus was motivated by concern for our most vulnerable students. Deep concern for students and others among us who come from communities we know are most vulnerable during this crisis is at the heart of our response - including African American and Native people, people with disabilities or who are immunocompromised, people with high viral loads caused by other conditions, and the elderly. Haskell Indian Nations University acknowledged these truths by moving all classes online for the fall; KU should explain what basis it has for doing anything differently.

4. More inclusion, more support. Graduate students and international students have been denied the care their circumstances dictate. The proposed re-opening plan relies on graduate students as instructors. Yet they are excluded from the State Employee Health Plan, and by extension, the COVID-19 protection afforded to SEHP members. African American, Asian/American, Native, and Latinx graduate student instructors are being told they must assume most risk with the least protection of anyone working at KU. While announcing its commitment not to raise tuition and fees, KU has almost doubled fees for international students. However, the university is offering no accommodations for concerns having to do with travel from countries with COVID 19 restrictions in place. We reject the unspoken assumption that international students are welcome at KU as long as they are sources of revenue.

5. More fairness. Far more progressive “salary savings.” No cuts for those below a $65,000 annual salary. The administration must present us with a progressive system of equitably structured pay cuts that reflects the full spectrum of KU salaries. Add tiers and graduated cuts beyond the $200,000 level. Tiers between $200,000 and $700,000 should advance by $50,000 increments to reach a top cut of 20% from the largest salaries.

6. More transparency, more advocacy, more information. We need championing of KU as an intellectually essential public good in Kansas and more than a generator of revenue through large grants, tuition, and sports. More faculty input into KU Endowment priorities and an insistence that KUEA produce emergency funds that can help fill revenue gaps during crises such as this is necessary. Full disclosure on budget matters is imperative. Of course the situation is changing rapidly and shifts will occur. But much more details about recent past and projected budget shortfalls and spending commitments is critical.

7. One KU. The urgency of our response is underscored by this week’s news of large-scale COVID outbreaks in several US states, including our region. Opening campus under such circumstances, and in anticipation of continued uncertainty, is to court not just vulnerability but imperilment. Now is not the time to even contemplate the plans put forward by KU administration. If recent statements from the Provost and Chancellor are to be believed, ending social injustice and health and economic inequality is a top priority of this administration. Therefore, it must make a strong, unequivocal statement placing the public health of our entire community over any individual’s right to an ill-defined “on campus experience” despite how dearly we all wish to be back in our classrooms, teams, studios, labs, theaters, libraries, and offices.


  1. Betsy Esch, American Studies

  2. Dave Roediger, American Studies

  3. Ani Kokobobo, Slavic and Eurasian Languages and Literatures

  4. Sam Brody, Religious Studies

  5. Nick Syrett, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

  6. Marie Grace Brown, History

  7. Araceli Masterson-Algar, Spanish and Portuguese

  8. Ray Mizumura-Pence, American Studies

  9. Robert Warrior, English and American Studies

  10. Ari Linden, German Studies

  11. Kelly H. Chong, Sociology

  12. Hannah Britton, WGSS and Political Science

  13. Marc L. Greenberg, Slavic & Eurasian Languages & Literatures

  14. Lara Giordano, Humanities Program

  15. Sarah Deer, WGSS and SPAA

  16. David Cateforis, History of Art

  17. David N. Smith, Sociology

  18. Erik R. Scott, History

  19. Michael Vitevitch, Chair of Psychology

  20. Andy Denning, History

  21. Katie Batza, WGSS

  22. Nazli Avdan, Political Science

  23. Sarah Robins, Philosophy

  24. Stacey Swearingen White, School of Public Affairs & Administration

  25. Molly Zahn, Religious Studies

  26. Sadie Sharp, Russian language and literature major

  27. Amy McNair, History of Art

  28. Hannah Bailey, American Studies GTA

  29. Henry Bial, Theatre & Dance

  30. Eve Levin, History

  31. Shannon Portillo, School of Public Affairs & Administration

  32. Nina Vyatkina, German Studies

  33. Kevin McCannon, Sociology

  34. Daniel B. Stevenson. Professor, Department of Religious Studies

  35. Marcy Lascano, Philosophy

  36. Aimee Wilson, Humanities Program

  37. Kathryn Conrad, English

  38. Corey J. Maley, Philosophy

  39. Alesha Doan, Spanish & Portuguese; School of Public Affairs & Administration; Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies

  40. Ellen Collier, French, Francophone & Italian Studies GTA

  41. Renee Perelmutter, Jewish Studies

  42. Shannon O'Lear, Environmental Studies Program; Geography & Atmospheric Science Department

  43. Kristen Cypret, Assessment and Achievement Institute

  44. Phillip Drake, English and Environmental Studies

  45. Sheyda Jahanbani, Associate Professor of History

  46. Robert Hagen, Environmental Studies Program

  47. Jessica Gerschultz, Associate Professor & DGS, African and African-American Studies

  48. Peter Grund, English

  49. Jimmy D. Morrison-Department of German Studies

  50. Joan Sereno, Linguistics, Chair

  51. Ali Brox, Environmental Studies Program

  52. Allard Jongman, Linguistics

  53. Marike Janzen, Humanities Program

  54. Hannah Combs, GTA in German Studies

  55. Kathryn Rhine, AAAS & G/AS

  56. Margot Versteeg, Humanities

  57. Neill Kennedy, American Studies GTA

  58. Ivana Radovanovic, Anthropology

  59. David Slusky, Economics

  60. Paul Outka, English

  61. Stacey Vanderhurst, Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies

  62. Mary Jo Reiff, English

  63. Jonathan P. Lamb, English

  64. James Moreno, Dance

  65. Chris Hall, English

  66. Megan Kaminski, English

  67. Alison Gabriele, Linguistics

  68. Dale Urie, Humanites Program

  69. Craig Marshall, Geology

  70. Jie Zhang, Linguistics

  71. Meagen Youngdahl, English

  72. Ekaterina Chelpanova, Slavic and Eurasian Languages and Literatures

  73. Josh Bolick, Libraries

  74. Don Haider-Markel, Political Science

  75. Faye Xiao, East Asian Languages and Cultures

  76. Shawn Leigh Alexander, African & African American Studies

  77. Devon Mihesuah, Humanities Program

  78. Brad Osborn, Music

  79. Markus Potter, Theatre & Dance

  80. Kit Auner, English

  81. José Héctor Cadena, American Studies GTA

  82. Alexander Burdge, English

  83. Jane Barnette, Theatre & Dance

  84. Laura Moriarty, English

  85. Ron Barrett-Gonzalez, Aerospace Engineering

  86. Philip T. Duncan, Linguistics

  87. Andrew Isenberg, History

  88. Tanya Hartman, Chairperson, Department of Visual Art

  89. Cecilia King, Slavic and Eurasian Languages and Literatures

  90. Holly Rains, Political Science GTA

  91. Hume A. Feldman, Physics & Astronomy

  92. Byron Santangelo, English and Environmental Studies

  93. Ward Lyles, School of Public Affairs and Administration

  94. Patrick Gauding, Political Science

  95. Sarah Ngoh, English

  96. Milena Stanislavova, Mathematics and Chair, Economics

  97. Vitaly Chernetsky, Slavic and Eurasian Languages and Literatures

  98. Nathaniel Brunsell, Geography and Atmospheric Science

  99. Zachary Madison, American Studies GTA

  100. Joanna Slusky, Molecular Biosciences and Computational Biology

  101. Elizabeth Wilhelm, GA American Studies

  102. Shannon Spears, Humanities GTA

  103. Sara Gregg, History and Environmental Studies

  104. Patrick Suzeau, Theater and Dance

  105. Renee Cyr, Theatre and Dance

  106. Olga Savchenko, Slavic and Eurasian Languages and Literatures

  107. Weizhang Huang, Mathematics

  108. Cornelis Van der Veen, Department of Geography and Atmospheric Science

  109. Scott Jenkins, Philosophy

  110. Jeremy Martin, Mathematics

  111. Margarita Alely Nuñez Arroyo, grad student American Studies

  112. Ben Schmack, American Studies

  113. Frances Glazer Sternberg, Jewish Studies

  114. Annie Tremblay, Linguistics

  115. Bradford Cokelet, Philosophy

  116. Ruoqian Cheng, Linguistics GTA

  117. Bogi Perelmutter, GTA in Speech-Language-Hearing

  118. Purnaprajna Bangere, Professor of Mathematics and Music

  119. Kyoim Yun, East Asian Languages and Cultures

  120. Bryce Heesacker / F. C. Zuke, Lecturer of Expanded Media, Visual Art

  121. Mike Wuthrich, Political Science

  122. Rebekah Aycock, American Studies GTA

  123. Amy Devitt, English

  124. Dave Mechem, Geography and Atmospheric Science

  125. Shawn Bitters, Visual Art

  126. Dorothy Daley, School of Public Affairs and Administration and the Environmental Studies Program

  127. Geoff Husic, KU Libraries

  128. Erika Grandstaff, English Dept. GTA

  129. Josephine Chandler, Molecular Biosciences

  130. Taylor Irwin, GTA English

  131. Caitlin Coughlin, Linguistics

  132. Michelle Heffner Hayes, Theatre & Dance

  133. Mechele Leon, Professor, Theatre & Dance

  134. Richard Botkin, Humanities Program

  135. Robert Schwaller, History

  136. Meagan Dermody, English dept. GTA

  137. Andrew Kustodowicz, History GTA

  138. Paulyn Cartwright, EEB

  139. Daniel M. Chick, Communication Studies GTA

  140. Chang Liu, GTA Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures

  141. Emily Vietti, Leadership Studies Lecturer

  142. Cassie Sutton, Psychology GTA

  143. Hannah Clark, Department of Psychology GTA

  144. Adrianne Kunkel, Professor, Communication Studies

  145. Amber Brown, GTA in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

  146. Laura Mielke, English

  147. Luciano Tosta, Spanish & Portuguese, CGIS

  148. Mary Banwart, Leadership Studies and Communication Studies

  149. Rami Zeedan, Jewish Studies

  150. Brian Lagotte, Global and International Studies

  151. Marcy Quiason- Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies GTA & Political Science Graduate Student

  152. Maggie Vaughn, History of Art

  153. Korbin Scott Jones, English / Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies

  154. Giang Nguyen, GTA, American Studies

  155. Joseph Harrington, English

  156. Melinda Chen, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, GTA

  157. Korbin Painter, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Graduate Student

  158. Atanas Stefanov, Mathematics

  159. Kelly Vogel, Department of Theatre and Dance

  160. Margaret Kelley, American Studies

  161. Shelley Rissien, Jewish Studies

  162. Rachel Trusty, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

  163. Lydia Sykora, Anthropology GTA

  164. Grace Branham, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

  165. Aundrea Davis, English

  166. Isidro J. Rivera, Spanish and Portuguese

  167. John Hoopes - Anthropology (CLAS)

  168. Bill Staples, Sociology

  169. Megan Dennis, English GTA

  170. F. María Velasco, Visual Art

  171. Yan Li, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures

  172. Tracey Lien, English

  173. Taylorlynn Johnston, FNSA President

  174. Andrew J. Avery, History

  175. Charles Epp, Public Affairs and Administration

  176. John Kennedy, Political Science

  177. Caio de Castro, GTA, Spanish and Portuguese

  178. Maryemma Graham, English

  179. James Yeku, AAAS

  180. Hannah Soyer, English

  181. Elizabeth MacGonagle, AAAS & HIST

  182. Jessina Emmert, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

  183. Berl Oakley, Molecular Biosciences

  184. Xi Li, Communication Studies, GTA

  185. Kate Helmstetter, GTA, Psychology

  186. Marta Pirnat-Greenberg, Slavic & Eurasian Languages & Literatures

  187. Jarron Saint Onge, Sociology

  188. Cécile Accilien, African and African American Studies/CLACS

  189. Alesia Woszidlo, Communication Studies

  190. Kaila Colyott, EEB/CTE

  191. Julien Sperling, Communication Studies

  192. Shannon Ryall, GTA, American Studies

  193. Jinyan Li, GTA Economics

  194. Pere DeRoy, WGSS, GTA

  195. Yan Bing Zhang, Professor, Communication Studies

  196. Lisa-Marie Wright, Sociology

  197. Paul Mirecki, Religious Studies Department

  198. Celka Straughn, Spencer Museum of Art

  199. Ashley Muddiman, Communication Studies

  200. Chris McKitterick, English and Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction

  201. Hailey Taylor, Psychology GTA

  202. Jeff Lang, Mathematics

  203. Tami Albin, KU Libraries

  204. Sherrie Tucker, American Studies

  205. Kris Imants Ercums, Spencer Museum of Art

  206. Ben Chappell, American Studies

  207. Seulgi Shin, GTA in East Asian Languages and Cultures

  208. Charles Redmon, GRA in Linguistics

  209. Benjamin Rosenthal, Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Visual Art

  210. Elise Higgins, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

  211. Paul V. Stock, Associate Director of the Environmental Studies Program and Associate Professor of Sociology and the Environmental Studies Program

  212. Simone Cavalcante, Dept. SpanPort

  213. Lucia Iglesias, GTA English

  214. Rebecca Rovit, Theatre and Dance

  215. Brian Donovan, Sociology

  216. Antha Cotten-Spreckelmeyer, Humanities

  217. Maya Pisel, American Studies GTA

  218. Jay Childers, Communication Studies

  219. Connie Chuyun Hu, EALC GTA

  220. Haining Lou, EALC Lecturer

  221. Jackie Brinton, Religious Studies

  222. Oksana Husieva, Slavic and Eurasian Languages & Literatures

  223. Jennifer Hurst, Education Leadership and Policy

  224. Nathan Wood, History

  225. Lauren Anderson, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

  226. Zachary Parker, English GTA

  227. Delaney Wilson, Linguistics GRA

  228. Myunghyun Oh, Mathematics

  229. Bruce Hayes, chair, French, Francophone & Italian Studies

  230. Kris Imants Ercums, Spencer Museum of Art

  231. Kirk McClure, Emeritus, Urban Planning

  232. Elspeth Healey, KU Libraries

  233. L Haley Bajorek, AAAS and Museum Studies, GTA

  234. Benton Bajorek, Communication Studies Ph. D Candidate, GTA

  235. Erik Van Vleck, Mathematics

  236. Pan Guo

  237. Hannah Allison, GTA, American Studies

  238. Waeli Wang, Theatre & Dance

  239. Antonio R.M. Simoes, Spanish and Portuguese

  240. Jamie Ascher, GTA Communication Studies

  241. Jeff Griffin, English

  242. Zachary Glassett, GTA - Spanish and Portuguese

  243. Mira Haydu, Spanish and Portuguese GTA

  244. Lisa McLendon, Journalism

  245. Pritha Prasad, Department of English

  246. Megan Sheldon, Spanish and Portuguese

  247. Brian Rosenblum, KU Libraries

  248. Bernard Cornet, Economics

  249. Ann Schofield, Emerita, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

  250. Angela Gist-Mackey, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Communication Studies

  251. Antonio R.M. Simoes, Spanish and Portuguese

  252. Andrés N. Rabinovich, GTA Spanish and Portuguese and PhD Candidate

  253. Thomas Cravens, Physics and Astronomy

  254. Joo Ok Kim, American Studies

  255. Eungsik Kim, Economics

  256. John Rury, ELPS

  257. Carol Holstead, School of Journalism

  258. Emily Riley, former Assistant Director, Kansas African Studies Center

  259. Santa Arias, Department of Spanish and Portuguese

  260. Gregory Cushman, History

  261. Hipatia Medina, Spanish and Portuguese GTA

  262. Ignacio Carvajal, Spanish & Portuguese

  263. Rachel Finnell, Political Science

  264. Mark Richter, Molecular Biosciences

  265. Alyssa Cole, History

  266. Jess Dominguez, GTA Communication Studies

  267. Keith McMahon, EALC

  268. Justyna Beinek, Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies

  269. Kathleen Nuckolls, Environmental Studies Program

  270. Kij Johnson, Department of English

  271. Nathan Pickett, Geography GTA

  272. Suzanne Valdez - Law

  273. David Brackett, Visual Art

  274. Jinmyung Lee, GTA Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures

  275. Sean Seyer - Humanities

  276. Seungjoo Lee, Spanish and Portuguese

  277. Guillermina Pena, GTA Spanish and Portuguese

  278. James Windholz, Political Science GTA

  279. Abigail Barefoot, Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies GTA

  280. Sergei Shandarin Physics and Astronomy

  281. Caroline Bennett, Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering

  282. John Paul Henry, PhD Student, Geography GTA

  283. Patrizio Ceccagnoli, FRIT

  284. Elaina Sutley, Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering

  285. Grace S. Leu, GTA Special Education

  286. Diana Restrepo, GTA Geography and Atmospheric Science

  287. Emily Frederich, French, Francophone, and Italian Studies GTA

  288. Courtney L. Wilt, Doctoral Candidate Department of Special Education

  289. Elizabeth Kozleski, faculty member, Department of Special Education

  290. Paul Scott - French, Francophone & Italian Studies

  291. Mark Mort, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

  292. Hyesun Cho, Faculty, Curriculum and Teaching

  293. Brett Bricker, Communication Studies

  294. Dana Comi, English GTA

  295. Lydia Epp Schmidt, American Studies GTA

  296. Sookyung Shin, GTA - Department of Special Education

  297. Margaret Marco, School of Music

  298. Glenn Adams, Department of Psychology

  299. Will Katz, Communication Studies, GTA

  300. Norman Akers, Department of Visual Art

  301. Sylvia Nyegenye, GRA. Department of Special Education

  302. Allison M Lewis, American Studies GTA

  303. Mariah Crystal, WGSS GTA

  304. Jian Li, Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering

  305. Lexi Oatman, Bureau of Child Research

  306. Satya Mandal, Mathematics

  307. Bixi Qiao, GTA, Educational Psychology

  308. Ankur Patil, GTA, Aerospace Engineering

  309. Jennifer Gleason, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

  310. Brian Hawkins, Department of Visual Art

  311. Charlene Muehlenhard, Psychology and WGSS

  312. Terrianne Lavin, Geography and Atmospheric Science

  313. William Proffitt, Doctoral Student, Department of Special Education

  314. Geraldo Sousa, English Department

  315. Naheed Abdulrahim, GTA, Department of Special Education

  316. Nicholas Hoekstra, SPED

  317. Hoa Vu, Economics GTA

  318. Maki Kaneko, History of Art

  319. Nancy Jo Kepple

  320. Germaine Halegoua, Film and Media Studies

  321. Ian Crossfield, Physics & Astronomy

  322. Elisabeth Mills, Physics & Astronomy

  323. Kelsey Carls, Graduate Teaching Assistant - WGSS

  324. Sarah Tackett, Graduate Student, HSES

  325. Allison Kirkpatrick, Physics & Astronomy

  326. Rana Esfandiary, Theatre & Dance

  327. Brent Metz, Anthropology

  328. Emily Arsenault, Biology GTA

  329. Megan Paceley

  330. John P. Ralston, Physics & Astronomy

  331. Sarah Jen, School of Social Welfare

  332. Juliana Carlson, School of Social Welfare

  333. Michael Riquino, School of Social Welfare

  334. Srishti Slaria, Economics GTA

  335. Brandon DeKosky, Chemical Engineering & Pharmaceutical Chemistry

  336. Juhi Kidwai

  337. Kevin Kyaw, GTA, School of Music

  338. Jackie Liu, GTA in Journalism

  339. Dave Besson, physics and astronomy dept.

  340. Victor Andrade, GTA, Economics Department

  341. Alaina Phillips, GRA Department of Speech-Language-Hearing

  342. Shane Lynch, GTA, American Studies

  343. Seulgi Shin, GTA in East Asian Languages and Cultures

  344. Joane Nagel, Sociology

  345. Ben Caplan, Philosophy

  346. Stephen Sanders, Physics and Astronomy

  347. Eileen Nutting, Philosophy

  348. Shelby Bowman, Communication Studies GTA

  349. Mohamed El-Hodiri, Professor of Economics

  350. Paul Laird, School of Music

  351. R.L. Booker, Jr. ELPS, GTA

  352. Gregory Rudnick, Professor, Physics and Astronomy Department

  353. Christopher E. Forth, History and Humanities

  354. John Wilt, Doctoral Student, Department of Special Education

  355. Elizabeth Asiedu, Economics Department

  356. Gabrielle Byrd, Communication Studies GTA

  357. Rebecca Marie Johnson, Communication Studies GTA

  358. Marta Vicente, WGSS/History

  359. Mikhail Medvedev, Physics & Astronomy

  360. Lorie Vanchena, German Studies

  361. Dr. Shima Fardad department of Electrical Engineering and computer science

  362. Hannah Scupham, English GTA

  363. Cotter Mitchell Visual Arts

  364. Anna Klompen, PhD Student, EEB

  365. Uttiya Paul, GTA, Economics

  366. Anna Nicole Aniel, GRA

  367. James Walters, EEB

  368. Bethany Potter, Anthropology GTA

  369. Scott Hefty, Molecular Biosciences and Undergraduate Biology

  370. Angie Pastorek, PhD, Faculty, School of Professional Studies

  371. Andrew McKenzie, Linguistics, Indigenous Studies

  372. Crispin Williams, East Asian Languages and Cultures

  373. Jonathan Mayhew, Spanish and Portuguese

  374. Uma Outka, Law

  375. Alli Smith, Psychology GTA

  376. Anna Neill, English

  377. Kristin Rennells, Physics & Astronomy

  378. Meredith Bagwell-Gray, School of Social Welfare

  379. Elizabeth Schurman, GTA, English

  380. Chelsea Waters, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Special Education

  381. Jenny Archibald, Undergraduate Biology Program

  382. Zach McCall, Adjunct Instructor, Department of Special Education

  383. Erick Morales Scholz, Area Lab Coordinator in Visual Arts

  384. Jay T Johnson, Geography & Atmospheric Science

  385. Matt Rennells, Physics and Astronomy

  386. Van Kelly, FRIT

  387. Skye Conley, Museum Studies M.A. Candidate

  388. Lisa Giullian, Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies

  389. Graham W. Wilson, Physics and Astronomy

  390. Ángel María Rañales Pérez, Spanish and Portuguese - GTA, PhD Candidate

  391. Karna Younger, KU Libraries

  392. Ayesha Hardison, English and WGSS

  393. Marni Kessler, History of Art

  394. Anton Rosenthal, History

  395. Johanna Ramirez, GTA, Psychology

  396. Cassandra Mesick Braun, Spencer Museum of Art

  397. Melania Piedra-Barrera GTA ELPS

  398. Rachel Schwaller, Lecturer, History and Religious Studies

  399. Kimberly Swanson, French, Francophone & Italian Studies

  400. Dietrich Earnhart, Economics

  401. Oleksandra Wallo, Slavic and Eurasian Languages and Literatures

  402. Jon Giullian, Libraries

  403. Betsaida M. Reyes, KU Libraries

  404. Erin Wolfe, KU Libraries

  405. Dave Tell, Communication Studies

  406. Ousmane Lecoq Diop, PhD Student, GTA, Department of French, Francophone and Italian Studies

  407. Frances Devlin, Libraries

  408. Amanda Snider, Center for East Asian Studies

  409. Catherine L. Preston, Film and Media Studies

  410. Stephanie Meehan, Clinical Asst. Professor, Speech-Language-Hearing

  411. Susan Egan, Molecular Biosciences

  412. Vickie Doll, KU Libraries

  413. Hossein Saiedian, Engineering

  414. Sarah Goodwin Thiel, KU Libraries

  415. Kris Pedersen, Clinical Associate Professor, Speech-Language-Hearing

  416. Ogochukwu Ngwudike, English Department, GTA

  417. Michael McCaffrey, Department of Visual Art

  418. Chris Seasholtz, Faculty, School of Professional Studies

  419. Omar Gudino, Applied Behavioral Science and Psychology

  420. Lourdes Gouveia, Sociology

  421. Bill Tuttle, American Studies

  422. Kathryn Nemeth Tuttle, Associate Vice Provost Emerita

  423. Matthew Dunn, GTA for French, Francophone, & Italian Studies

  424. Hailong Dao, Professor, KU Mathematics

  425. Rachel Straughn-Navarro, Spencer Museum of Art

  426. Rassul Saeedipour, Faculty, School of Professional Studies

  427. Krysta Green, Clinical Assistant Professor, Speech-Language-Hearing: Sciences and Disorder

  428. Robert J. Nichols, Lecturer — Curriculum and Teaching

  429. Jody Brook, School of Social Welfare

  430. Darci Fulcher, Theatre and Dance

  431. Gina Westergard, Visual Art

  432. Hao Xuan EECS GRA

  433. Souvik Dey, Mathematics GTA

  434. Monalisa Dutta, Mathematics GTA

  435. Fenqi Wang, Linguistics

  436. Jinze Tao, Finance

  437. Ye Wang EECS GRA

  438. Yang Yang, Music Therapy

  439. Haoyi Wei, Economics GTA

  440. Kegan O’Connor , Economics GTA

  441. Julia Broxholm, Professor, School of Music

  442. Jamene Brooks-Kieffer, KU Libraries

  443. Mary Hammond. Lecturer Dept of French, Francophone Studies & Italian

  444. Colin Roust, School of Music

  445. Molly Han, GTA, Communication Studies

  446. Amanda Martin-Hamon, Spencer Museum of Art

  447. Carolyn Watson, Music

  448. Scott C. Watson- Professor of Music

  449. Kegan O’Connor , Economics GTA

  450. Roberta Freund Schwartz, School of Music

  451. Melissa Grady, School of Music

  452. Scott Murphy, Professor, School of Music

  453. Mariana Farah

  454. Sharon Toulouse, School of Music

  455. Elizabeth E Berghout, School of Music

  456. Matt Otto

  457. Dr David Alan Street, Associate Professor of Music Theory, School of Music

  458. Kip Haaheim

  459. Ketty Wong, School of Music

  460. jingqi Huang

  461. Kennedy Burnell, Undergraduate student of Music Education

  462. Alyssa Bamberger

  463. Erik D. Holmstrom, Molecular Biosciences

  464. Alex Boynton, Lecturer, Environmental Studies Program

  465. Scott Murphy, Professor, School of Music

  466. Prashanthi, GTA

  467. Kyle Crampton, Music Education

  468. Michael Bauer School of Music

  469. Pablo Adán García

  470. Jonathan Brumberg, Speech-Language-Hearing

  471. Joyce Castle, School of Music

  472. Deanna Hanson-Abromeit, Associate Professor, School of Music

  473. Matt Smith, School of Music

  474. Michael Kirkendoll

  475. Christopher Johnson

  476. Matt Erickson, Sociology GTA

  477. Bradley W. Lane, Urban Planning

  478. Sunyoung Cheong, Visual Art

  479. William Bennett Hoffman, GTA, Communication Studies

  480. Huang Jiang, Communication Studies

  481. Sam Kendrick, Sociology

  482. Derek A Wilson, Sociology GTA

  483. Matt Comi, PhD Candidate--Department of Sociology

  484. Laura Muneton, Sociology GTA

  485. Haruka Nagao, Political Science GTA

  486. Gabri Samia, Sociology

  487. David Heath Cooper, Sociology

  488. Jennifer Babitzke- GTA, Dept of Sociology

  489. Jennifer Duenas GTA Department of Sociology

  490. John Kaiser, Sociology

  491. Eleanor Gardner, KU Natural History Museum

  492. Vince Gnojek, School of Music

  493. Boram Lim

  494. Stephanie Meehan, Clinical Asst. Professor, Speech-Language-Hearing

  495. Dylan Beck

  496. Lucian Grand, Mathematics GTA

  497. Jessica Belangee, Visual Art

  498. Joshua Harsin, Behavioral Psych & Public Health, GTA

  499. William Hatungimana

  500. Rachel Jess, GTA Department of Applied Behavioral Science

  501. Imani A. Wadud, GTA Department of American Studies

  502. Jennifer Gleason, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

  503. Adriana Pate

  504. Scott C. Watson- Professor of Music