Resource sharing


We aim to reduce  reduce the overconsumption of resources on KTH campus by optimising shared ownership. 


KTH has a magnitude of resources right from physical resources such as study spaces, microwaves, sports equipment, cutlery used by different student organisations to non-physical resources such as skills and knowledge which can be shared among the student community. Our aim is to facilitate this exchange of resources so that students can make the most use of resources at their disposal and unnecessary consumption is reduced.

The resource sharing group was formed as an outcome of a workshop conducted by the Student Sustainability Council for building a resource sharing scheme in November, 2019.

 Current projects

Developing a Smart Map for KTH

One of our focus projects currently is to develop a ‘Smart Map' for KTH such as the ‘SmartaKartan' created in the city of Gothenburg! This map will collate all the relevant sharing-projects and activities on campus as well as around our neighborhoods and provide students with useful information about where and how they can find shared resources easily.

 Previous events

Workshop for developing a sharing scheme in KTH

12th November 2019

Sharing Days at KTH campus

14th-18th January, 2020

Smarta Kartan Mapjam

19 February, 2021

Time: February 19, 16.00-17.00
Place: Zoom
Facebook event