
Thanks for taking the time to visit my website, 

Perhaps that is because you heard the advert on Radio Jackie?

My name is Kieron O'Meara, I am the proprietor of KTEC Electricians.

I say "Electricians" what I actually mean is Electrician! 

Since 1997 I have been trying to make a success of my local electrical business but without much luck. 

Yes, I have a few customers who call on me occasionally to work on their electrics but mostly I spend my time working for a national company as a training officer.

I'm hoping to find someone who is interested in getting some experience as an electrician but also someone who is able to support themselves without a constant stream of work. As we work together I am hoping we will generate more and more business until eventually we can set up a proper company.

Whether we end up working as a partnership or as two individuals is not important to me. What is important to me is that we do a good job and provide a customer experience second to none. That way I'm hoping we will get a good reputation and get repeat business via word-of-mouth.

You SHOULD apply for this job if:

You have a mature outlook on life

You are interested in electrics, technology and the internet

You live within a few miles of Esher, Surrey

You are good with your hands, good with your mind and polite.

You are able to survive without this job (until you have sufficient experience I will only be able to pay you peanuts)

Ideally, you will have your own transport

You will have had some experience working with your hands and using your initiative (not necessarily as an electrician)

You should NOT apply for this job if:

You can't stand getting dusty, dirty (working as a domestic electrician; house bashing is not the "clean" job people imagine it to be)

You are afraid of getting an electric shock (I've had more electrical shocks than I can remember - if you're working alongside me... well, think about it)

I don't care what nationality you are, as long as you are permitted to be in the UK

I don't care how old/young you are, as long as you can climb through a loft hatch

I don't care what qualifications you have, as long as you are keen to learn and dedicate time to making our business grow.

    To apply please email me on:

I'm not interested in CV's, but do let me know why you think we'll work well together.

Upload a video to YouTube explaining who you are and why you want to be an electrician.

Send me the link via email. Thanks!

Nice to meet you, good luck with your journey to becoming an Electrician