Michelle R. Bebber

Kent State Employment
Assistant Professor, 2019-Present

Ph.D., Biological Anthropology, Kent State University
M.A., Anthropology, Kent State University
B.A., Interdisciplinary Anthropology, University of Akron
B.A., Studio Art, University of Akron

Google scholar profile

Kent State Faculty Page

I am interested in tool innovation spanning the Lower Paleolithic through incipient metal technologies, as well as metal and ceramic production and function, prehistoric and ancient art, stone tools, and weaponry.

Publications (Articles and Book Chapters)

Please email mbebber@kent.edu for a PDF copy of any research paper!

In Press

79. Bebber M, Wolff C (Editors)
(In Press) From Hard Rock to Heavy Metal: Metal Tool Production and Use by Indigenous Hunter-Gatherers of North America. Berghahn Press, New York.

78. Samuels A, Holly D, Bebber M, Eren MI, Buchanan B, Walker R, Paige J, Wolff C
(In Press) Using experimental archaeology to think about the impact of European colonialism on North American Indigenous technology: a case study on the Beothuk of Newfoundland, Canada. In From Hard Rock to Heavy Metal: Metal Tool Production and Use by Indigenous Hunter-Gatherers of North America, edited by Bebber M, Wolff C. Berghahn Press, New York.

77. Paige J, Walker R, Buchanan B, Berg R, Berg C, Baldino J, McKinny S, Eren MI, Bebber M
(In Press) Copper- versus stone-tipped dart relative functional efficiency: an experiment assessing penetration depth utilizing human atlatlists and hog carcasses. In From Hard Rock to Heavy Metal: Metal Tool Production and Use by Indigenous Hunter-Gatherers of North America, edited by Bebber M, Wolff C. Berghahn Press, New York.

76. Conrad G, Lycett S, Eren MI, Bebber M
(In Press) A morphometric comparison of copper socketed tang and chert Osceola points: an assessment of artifacts in light of evolutionary experiments. In From Hard Rock to Heavy Metal: Metal Tool Production and Use by Indigenous Hunter-Gatherers of North America, edited by Bebber M, Wolff C. Berghahn Press, New York.

75Eren MI, Bebber M, Singer D, Pearson C, Ortiz J, Buchanan B, Beshkani A, Chlachula D, Dellmour R, Garba R, Marks A, Usyk V, Rose J
(In Press) Examining the distribution of Middle Paleolithic Nubian cores relative to chert quality in southern (Nejd, Dhofar) and south-central (Duqm, Al Wusta), Oman. Geoarchaeology.

74. Baldino J, McKinny S, Taylor J, Buchanan B, Walker R, Story B, Bebber M, Eren MI
(In Press) North American Clovis Point form and performance V: an experimental assessment of handheld spear thrusting penetration and entry wound size. Lithic Technology.

73. Eren MI, Bebber M, Redmond B, Kasten P, Miller GL, Buchanan B, Boulanger M
(In Press) Description, morphometrics, and microwear of Clovis and possible-Clovis artifacts from the Kasten site, Erie County, Ohio, U.S.A. Lithic Technology.


72. Bebber M
(2024) Principles of modern artistic design in Late Pleistocene Clovis stone biface technology. Lithic Technology 49:113-132.

71. Eren MI, Bebber M, Mukusha L, Wilson M, Boehm M, Buchanan B, Miller GL, Skoglin M, Hayes J, Barta M, Bates S, Callaghan R, Floyd C, Morris S, Neuharth S, Newcomb C, Rinella S, Schneider C, Smith M, Parfitt A, Meltzer D
(2024) Experimental bison butchery using replica hafted Clovis fluted points and large handheld flakes. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 55:104480.

70. Mukusha L, Miller GL, Smith A, Bebber M, Spurlock L, Gerrath J, Ortiz J, Wilson M, Buchanan B, Boulanger M, Eren MI, Meltzer D
(2024) Hit or miss: do microscopic linear impact traces (MLITs) form on Clovis stone tips launched via atlatl into foliage and sediment? Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 55:104517.

69. Key A, Eren MI, Bebber M, Buchanan B, Cortell-Nicolau A, de la Pena P, Petrie C, Proffitt T, Jaric I
(2024) Identifying accurate artefact morphological ranges using optinal linear estimation: method validation, case studies, and code. Journal of Archaeological Science 162:105921.

68. Eren MI, Miller GL, Story B, Wilson M, Bebber M, Buchanan B
(2024) North American Clovis point form and performance IV: an experimental assessment of knife edge effectiveness and wear. Lithic Technology 49:1-12.


67. Smith A, Stephens C, Mielke D, Wilson A, Debolt T, Groseclose F, Hothem P, Boulanger M, Buchanan B, Miller GL, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2023) Newly reported Clovis points and possible preforms from or near the Welling, Mielke, and Debolt Farm sites, Ohio. Northeast Anthropology, 91-92:52-78.

66. Conrad G, Hough S, Baldino J, Gala N, Buchanan B, Walker R, Key A, Redmond B, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2023) Clovis bone versus stone weapon tip penetration: thinking about relative costs and benefits, experimental assumptions, and archaeological unknowns at Sheriden Cave, Ohio, U.S.A. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 52:104295.

65Mika A, Liernz J, Smith A, Buchanan B, Walker R, Eren MI, Bebber M, Key A
(2023) Hafted technologies reduced stone tool-related selective pressures acting on the hominin hand. Scientific Reports 13:15582.

64. Bebber M, Buchanan B, Eren MI, Walker R, Zirkle D
(2023) Atlatl use equalizes female and male projectile weapon velocity.  Scientific Reports 13:13349.

63. Gala N, Lycett S, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2023) The injury costs of knapping. American Antiquity 88:283-301.

62Mullen D., Sitton J, Story B, Buchanan B, Walker R. Eren MI, Bebber M
(2023) Comparison of four ballistic and thrusting target materials: an experimental and Bayesian approach using static testing of stone and steel arrow tips. Archaeometry 65:1108-1124.

61. Eren MI, Bebber M, Buchanan B, Grunow A, Key A, Lycett S, Maletic E, Riley T
(2023) Antarctica as a 'natural laboratory' for critical assessment of the validity of early stone tool sites in world archaeology. Antiquity 97:472-482.

60. Mika A, Eren MI, Meindl M, O'Brien M, Bebber M
(2023) On the evolution of limestone-tempered pottery in the American Midwest: an experimental assessment of vessel weight and its relationship to other functional/mechanical properties. Science and Technology in Archaeological Research (STAR) 9:1-14.

59. Eren MI, Bebber M, Wendel M, Miller GL, Buchanan B
(2023) Description, morphometrics, and microwear of two Paleoindian fluted points from Nebraska and Illinois. Lithic Technology 48:318-326.


58. Bebber M, Buchanan B, Holland-Lulewicz J
(2022) Refining the chronology of North America's copper using traditions: a macroscalar approach via Bayesian modeling. PLoS ONE 17(4): e0266908.

57. Bebber M, Key A
(2022) Optical linear estimation (OLE) modeling supports early Holocene (9000-8000 RCYBP) copper tool production in North America. American Antiquity.

56. Bebber M, Chao A
(2022) The diversity of North America's "Old Copper" Projectile Points. In Defining and Measuring Diversity in Archaeology, edited by M. Eren and B. Buchanan. Berghahn Books, New York.

55. Bebber M, Williams J, Barzcok M, Eren MI
(2022) Current evidence does not support a Hopewell age, provenience, or affiliation for the figurine allegedly from Hopeton or the Hopewell Mound Group. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 46:185-194.

54. Wilcox D, Regensburger S, Wegner P, Bebber M
(2022) Exploring the viability of soapstone vessels for maple sugar and syrup production. Northeast Anthropology 89:67-77.

53.  Mukusha L, Miller GL, Buchanan B, Boulanger M, Marvin R, Fisher S, Kunst R, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2022) Thinking about artifact description, collections, access, and replicability: Clovis and possible-Clovis artifacts from the Wyandot and Portage County Historical Societies, Ohio. Northeast Anthropology 90:1-25.

52. Wilcox D, Meindl R, Spurlock L, Eren MI, Bebber M
(2022) Relative cooking efficiency and the decline of the steatite cooking vessel in Eastern North America. Ethnoarchaeology 14:108-135.

51. Eren MI, Meltzer D, Story B, Buchanan B, Yeager B, Bebber M
(2022) Not just for proboscidean hunting: on the efficacy and functions of Clovis fluted points. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 45:103601.

50Gala N, Mika A, Wilson M, Williams J, Buchanan B, Walker R, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2022) An experimental assessment of obsidian versus chert projectile point durability: semi-static fracture strength and impact durability. Archaeometry 64:1307-1324.

49. Boulanger M, Buchanan B, Miller GL, Redmond B, Christy B, MacDonald B, Mielke D, Mielke R, Mielke C, Mauer T, Meyer B, Meyer M, Trego B, Wilson A, Cartwright
P, Ott L, Bebber M, Meltzer D, Eren MI
(2022) The Mielke Clovis site (33SH26), western Ohio, U.S.A.: geochemical sourcing, technological descriptions, artifact morphometrics, and microwear. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 47:69-102.

48. Mika A, Buchanan B, Walker R, Key A, Story B, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2022) North American Clovis point form and performance III: an experimental assessment of knife cutting efficiency. Lithic Technology 47:203-220.

47. Eren MI, Bebber M, Wilcox D,  Story B, Buchanan B
(2022) North American Clovis point form and performance II: an experimental assessment of point, haft, and shaft durability. Lithic Technology 47:38-51.

46. Eren MI, Mukusha L, Lierenz J, Wilson M, Fisch M, True T, Kavulic M, Key A, Bebber M
(2022) Another tool in the experimental toolbox: on the use of aluminum as a substitute for chert in North American prehistoric ballistics research and beyond. North American Archaeologist 43:151-176.

45. Eren MI, Bebber M, Knell E, Story B, Buchanan B
(2022) Plains Paleoindian projectile point penetration potential. Journal of Anthropological Research 78.

44. Eren MI, Huffman R, Bostater T, Redmond B, Bebber M
(2022) Late Archaic flaked stone artifacts on Lake Erie's Western Basin southern shore, in and around the Cedar Point National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Oak Harbor, Ohio. Current Research in Ohio Archaeology.

43. Buchanan B, Walker R, Hamilton M, Wilcox D, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2022) Experimental assessment of lanceolate projectile point and haft robustness. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 42:103399.

42. Lewis A, Williams J, Buchanan B, Walker R, Eren MI, Bebber M
(2022) Knapping quality of local versus exotic Upper Mercer chert (Ohio, U.S.A.) during the Holocene. Geoarchaeology 37:486-496.

41. Pargeter J, Chen C, Buchanan B, Fisch M, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2022) Stone tool backing and adhesion in hunting weaponry: first results of an experimental program. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 45:103639.


40. Bebber M.
(2021) The Role of Functional Efficiency in the Decline of North America’s Copper Culture (8000–3000 BP): an Experimental, Ecological, and Evolutionary Approach. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 28:1224-1260.

39. Eren MI, Bebber M, Mika A, Flood K, Maguire L, Norris D, Perrone A, Mullen D, Centea S, Centea C, Christy B, Daud R, Jackson J, Patten R, Redmond B, Buchanan B, Haythorn R, Miller G, Conaway M, Biermann Gurbuz R, Lycett S, Kilby D, Andrews B, MacDonald B, Boulanger M, Meltzer D
(2021) The Nelson stone tool cache, North-Central Ohio, U.S.A.: assessing cultural affiliation. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 37:102972.

38. Boulanger M, Patten R, Andrews B, Bebber M, Buchanan B, Jorgeson I, Miller G, Eren MI, Meltzer D
(2021) Antelope Springs: a Folsom site in South Park, Colorado. Paleoamerica 7:114-132.

37. Mullen D, Matney T, Morrison A, Fisch M, Buchanan B, Bebber M
(2021) Experimental assessment of Neo-Assyrian bronze arrowhead penetration: An initial study comparing bilobate versus trilobate morphologies. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 35:102765.

36. Eren MI, Romans J, Buchanan B, Bebber M
(2021) Validating chronograph photo sensor measurement accuracy of stone-tipped arrow velocity. Measurement: Sensors 13:100037.

35. Eren MI, Mullen D, Spurlock L, Christy B, Miller GL, Buchanan B, Bush J, Bebber M
(2021) Technical descriptions of artifacts from the Dresden Mound Cache, Ohio. Current Research in Ohio Archaeology.

34. Mullen D, Miller G, Buchanan B, Diez-Martin F, St. John T, Eren MI, Bebber M
(2021) Late Archaic and Early Woodland stone tools from Killbuck, Holmes County, Ohio. Current Research in Ohio Archaeology.

33. Eren MI, Bebber M
(2021) Radiocarbon dating of a fish spine suggests there is not an archaeological site east of Edgewater View, Edgewater Park, Cleveland, Ohio. Current Research in Ohio Archaeology.

32. Eren MI, Diez-Martin F, Miller G, Buchanan B, Haythorn R, Boulanger M, Rutkoski A, Buch J, Norris J, Lovejoy CO, Meindl R, Bebber M
(2021) Current evidence supports Welling as an outcrop-related base camp. American Antiquity.

31. Eren MI, Meltzer D, Buchanan B, Story B, Yeager D, Bebber M
(2021) On the efficacy of Clovis points for hunting proboscideans. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports:103166.


30. Perrone A, Bebber M, Boulanger M, Buchanan B, Miller G, Redmond B, Eren MI
(2020) Description, morphometrics, and microwear of five Clovis flaked stone projectile points from Lucas and Wood Counties, Northwest Ohio, U.S.A. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 3:1034-1047.

29. Eren MI, Story B, Perrone A, Bebber M, Hamilton M, Walker R, Buchanan B
(2020) North American Clovis flaked stone projectile point form and function: an experimental assessment of penetration depth. Lithic Technology.

28. Bebber M, Wilson M, Kramer A, Meindl R, Buchanan B, Eren MI
(2020) The non-invention of the ceramic arrowhead. Journal of Archaeological Science:Reports: 102283.

27. Mika A, Flood K, Norris J, Wilson M, Bebber M, Key A, Buchanan B, Pargeter J, Redmond B, Eren MI
(2020) Miniaturization optimized weapon killing power during the social stress of late pre-contact North America (AD 600-1600). PLoS ONE: e0230348.

26. Rutkoski A, Miller G, Maguire L, Eren MI, Bebber M
(2020) The effect of heat on lithic microwear traces: an experimental assessment. Lithic Technology 45: 38-47.

25. Perrone A, Wilson M, Fisch M, Buchanan B, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2020) On the breakage of Eastern North American Paleoindian endscrapers. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12:161.


24. Bebber M, Eren MI
(2019) Temper and temperament of prehistoric craft: temper type evolution and clay body “workability”. Journal of Craft Research 10: 237-259.

23. Norris J, Perrone A, Miller G, Buchanan B, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2019) Description, morphometrics, and microwear of two Clovis point bases from Pandale, Val Verde County, Texas. Bulletin of the Texas Archaeological Society 90: 145-152.

22. Miller GL, Bebber M, Rutkoski A, Haythorn R, Boulanger M, Buchanan B, Bush J, Lovejoy CO, Eren MI
(2019) Hunter-gatherer gatherings: stone tool microwear from the Welling Site (33-Co-2), Ohio, U.S.A. supports Clovis use of outcrop-related base camps during the Pleistocene Peopling of the Americas. World Archaeology 51: 47-75.

21. Werner A, Kramer A, Reedy C, Bebber M, Pargeter J, Eren MI
(2019) Experimental assessment of proximal lateral edge grinding on haft damage using  replicated Late Pleistocene (Clovis) stone projectile points. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11: 5833–5849.

20. Eren MI, Bebber M, Norris J, Perrone A, Rutkoski A, Wilson M, Raghanti M.
(2019) Experimental replication shows knives manufactured from frozen human feces do not work. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 27: 102002.

19. Bebber M, Norris J, Flood K, Fisch M, Meindl R, Eren MI
(2019) Controlled experiments support the role of function in the evolution of the North American copper tool repertoire. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports: 101917.

18. Rutkoski A, Flood K, Haythorn R, Maguire L, Mathews P, Mika A, Heppner L, Eren MI, Bebber M
(2019) Phase I Evaluation on the John Brown Property in Akron, Summit County, Ohio. Current Research in Ohio Archaeology.

17. Eren MI, Bebber M
(2019) The Cerutti Mastodon and experimental archaeology’s quiet coming of age. Antiquity 93: 796-797.

16. Bebber M, Key A, Fisch M, Meindl R, Eren MI
(2019) The exceptional abandonment of metal tools by North American hunter-gatherers, 5000 B.P. Scientific Reports: 5756.

15. Bebber M, Rutkoski A, Mika A, Norris J, Wilson M, Smith H, Maguire L, Eren MI
(2019) Archaeological survey of the Berlin Lake Reservoir Coast, Mahoning, Portage, and Stark Counties, Ohio. Current Research in Ohio Archaeology.

14. Eren MI, Miller GL, Boulanger M, Buchanan B, Bebber M, Redmond B, Stephens C, Coats L, Boser P, Sponseller B, Slicker M
(2019) The Black Diamond Site, Northeast Ohio: a new Clovis occupation in a proposed secondary staging area. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 2: 211-233.

13. Kirgesner S, Bebber M, Rutkoski A, Miller G, Eren MI
(2019) On recognizing the prehistoric butchery of frozen meat: an archaeological experiment and stone tool microwear analysis. Lithic Technology 44: 1-7.

12. Rutkoski A, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2019) Invention or diffusion: on the appearance of limestone temper in the late Holocene archaeological record of southern Ohio, U.S.A. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11: 2771-2779.

11. Williams J, Simone D, Buchanan B, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2019) A nine thousand year record of continuous optimal toolstone selection through the North American Holocene. Antiquity 93: 313-324.


10. Eren MI, Bebber M
(2018) Comment on “Apprenticeship in early Neolithic societies: the transmission of technological knowledge at the flint mine of Casa Montero (Madrid, Spain), c. 5300-5200 cal BC. Current Anthropology.

9. Bebber M, Eren MI
(2018) Toward a functional understanding of the North American Old Copper Culture “technomic devolution”. Journal of Archaeological Science 98:34-44.

8. Eren MI, Bebber M, Miller GL, Boulanger M, Buchanan B, Patten R
(2018) Description, morphometrics, and microwear of Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene artifacts from Northern Kentucky, U.S.A. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 20:516-523.

7. Bebber M, Spurlock L, Price D, Eren MI
(2018) Thermoluminescence (TL) dating of an alleged clay human figurine from Hopeton Earthworks, Ross County, Ohio. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 43:112-132.

6.  Bebber M, Spurlock L, Fisch, M
(2018) A performance-based evaluation of chemically similar (carbonate) tempers from Late Prehistoric (AD 1200-1700) Ohio: Implications for human selection and production of ceramic technology. PLoS ONE 13(3): e0194992.


5. Werner A, Jones K, Miller GL, Buchanan B, Boulanger M, Key A, Reedy C, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2017) The morphometrics and microwear of a small Clovis assemblage from Guernsey County, Southeastern Ohio, U.S.A. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 15:318-329.

4. Bebber M, Lycett S, Eren MI
(2017) Developing a stable point: evaluating the temporal and geographic consistency of Late Prehistoric unnotched triangular point functional design in Midwestern North America. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 47:72-82.

3. Bebber M, Miller GL, Boulanger M, Andrews B, Redmond B, Jackson D, Eren MI
(2017) Description and microwear analysis of Clovis artifacts on a glacially-deposited secondary chert source near the Hartley Mastodon discovery, Columbiana County, Northeastern Ohio, U.S.A. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 12:543-552.

2. Bebber M
(2017) Tempered Strength: a controlled experiment assessing opportunity costs of adding temper to clay. Journal of Archaeological Science 86:1-13.


1. Lowe C, Bebber M
(2015) Tracking Trafficked Antiquities. Practicing Anthropology 37:27-30.