Metin I. Eren
(last updated 1 January 2025)
(last updated 1 January 2025)
Positions Currently Held
-Full Professor, Kent State University (U.S.A.), 2024-Present.
-Research Associate, Cleveland Museum of Natural History (U.S.A.), 2006-Present.
-Honorary Research Associate, MacDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge (U.K.), 2024-Present.
Previous Positions, Post-Doctoral Training, and Education
-Associate Professor, Kent State University (U.S.A.), 2021-2024.
-Assistant Professor, Kent State University (U.S.A.), 2016-2021.
-Post-Doc, Archaeology, Southern Methodist University (U.S.A.), 2015-2016.
-Post-Doc, Archaeology, University of Missouri (U.S.A.), 2014-2015.
-Post-Doc, Biological Anthropology, University Kent (U.K.), 2011-2014.
-Ph.D., Anthropology, Southern Methodist University (U.S.A.), 2009-2011.
-M.A., Experimental Archaeology, University of Exeter (U.K.), 2007-2009.
-M.A., Anthropology, Southern Methodist University (U.S.A.), 2005-2007.
-A.B., Anthropology, Harvard College (U.S.A.), 2001-2005.
-Diploma, Cleveland St. Ignatius High School (U.S.A.), 1997-2001.
Current Rotation of Courses at Kent State
-Introduction to Archaeology (Undergraduate).
-North America's Ice Age Hunters (Undergraduate and Graduate).
-Archaeological Analysis (Undergraduate and Graduate).
-Natural Selection According to Darwin (Undergraduate and Graduate).
-Principles of Biological Anthropology (Graduate, I contribute to this team-taught course).
Google scholar profile
Above: lecturing in western Ohio, 2022 (photo credit:
Above: resharpening replica Clovis fluted points via pressure flaking in Montana, September 2022 (photo credit: Seth Morris).
Broadly, I am interested in how Paleolithic (Stone Age) technology functions and evolves via a Darwinian system of descent with modification, and how technology helped hominins survive on the landscape, especially during dispersals into new and unknown territory. I address my research questions at different analytical scales, which is why I have conducted and published research on topics throughout the entire Pleistocene (i.e., Lower, Middle, and Upper Paleolithic). As a comparative benchmark to my Pleistocene research, I have also found it useful to pursue and publish research questions involving non-human primates, as well as on later Holocene, and even historical, archaeological contexts. While my specialty and main interest is flaked stone technology, my research also at times involves other materials (e.g., ceramics, metals, etc.).
I have found that throwing a wide geographic net over my research interests results in new testable ideas or theoretical perspectives. To date, I have led or conducted research in North America (Canada, Colorado, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Wisconsin), Europe (Denmark, France, Ireland, Norway, Republic of Georgia, Turkey, United Kingdom [U.K.]), Asia (China, India, Japan, Oman), and Africa (South Africa, Tanzania). Additionally, I have recently conducted and published research on collections from Russia (Siberia), Antarctica, Virginia, and Kentucky. I have also led, or co-led, fieldwork projects throughout my career at prominent sites such as Olduvai Gorge, Paleo Crossing, and Goodson Shelter; and participated in field research at notable sites like Mumba Rockshelter, Dmanisi, Lindenmeier, Mountaineer, and Pinnacle Point, among others.
I was a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Fellow from 2006 to 2011, and a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow from 2011 to 2013. Since then, my senior-level research has been funded by the NSF, the Ohio History Connection, the Royal Society (U.K.), the British Academy (U.K.), the European Research Commission (ERC), the Ohio Department of Education, the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS, Japan), the Spanish Ministry of Science (Spain), the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, the U.S. Department of Energy, among others. My research has also been generously supported over the years by the Quest Archaeological Research Program at Southern Methodist University.
I founded, and currently co-direct, the Kent State University Experimental Archaeology Laboratory, so it perhaps goes without saying that I conduct lots of laboratory and field experiments on tool function, taphonomy and post-depositional processes, craft production, and so on. Along those lines, I am flintknapper with 22 years of regular practice and experience, and able to replicate some of the most difficult flaked stone technologies (Levallois, Clovis, Folsom, Solutrean, etc.). For those academic and hobby knappers with interests in such things, my two knapping mentors were Bruce Bradley (in England between 2007-2009) and the late Robert J. Patten (2009-2017). I also had two weeks of intense knapping instruction from Jacques Pelegrin in France in 2008.
I have growing interests in forensics (for example, see my latest in Forensic Sciences Research:, and I like to tinker and invent, with one patent under my belt (and another pending).
I have no personal social media accounts, but can be reached at I often send emails outside business hours; I do not expect immediate replies. I also have gotten into the bad (or healthy?) habit of answering many emails after a period of time, which may be several days, or longer. So please be patient if I do not reply immediately.
Scholarly Publications (organized by year of publication, last updated 1 January 2025)
Please email for a PDF copy of any publication!
Total publications: 229
Journal articles: 170
Edited books: 3
Edited journal issue: 1
Book chapters: 19
Book reviews: 36
In Press/Accepted
229. Eren MI
(In Press) Book review: Hayonim Cave: From the Early to the Middle Palaeolithic in the Levant (Israel) edited by Liliane Meignen and Ofer Bar-Yosef. Lithc Technology.
228. Wilson M, Buchanan B, Fisch M, Bebber M, Eren MI, Pargeter J
(In Press) Controlled comparative tensile tests of backed versus non-backed edges' adhesion: inferences into stone tool functional properties. Archaeometry.
227. Samuels A, Holly D, Bebber M, Eren MI, Buchanan B, Walker R, Paige J, Wolff C
(In Press) Using experimental archaeology to think about the impact of European colonialism on North American Indigenous technology: a case study on the Beothuk of Newfoundland, Canada. In From Hard Rock to Heavy Metal: Metal Tool Production and Use by Indigenous Hunter-Gatherers of North America, edited by Bebber M, Wolff C. Berghahn Press, New York.
226. Paige J, Walker R, Buchanan B, Berg R, Berg C, Baldino J, McKinny S, Eren MI, Bebber M
(In Press) Copper- versus stone-tipped dart relative functional efficiency: an experiment assessing penetration depth utilizing human atlatlists and hog carcasses. In From Hard Rock to Heavy Metal: Metal Tool Production and Use by Indigenous Hunter-Gatherers of North America, edited by Bebber M, Wolff C. Berghahn Press, New York.
225. Conrad G, Lycett S, Eren MI, Bebber M
(In Press) A morphometric comparison of copper socketed tang and chert Osceola points: an assessment of artifacts in light of evolutionary experiments. In From Hard Rock to Heavy Metal: Metal Tool Production and Use by Indigenous Hunter-Gatherers of North America, edited by Bebber M, Wolff C. Berghahn Press, New York.
224. Eren MI, Bebber M, Redmond B, Kasten P, Miller GL, Buchanan B, Boulanger M
(In Press) Description, morphometrics, and microwear of Clovis and possible-Clovis artifacts from the Kasten site, Erie County, Ohio, U.S.A. Lithic Technology.
223. Rose J, Hilbert Y, Usyk V, Bebber M, Beshkani A, Buchanan B, Cascalheira J, Chlachula D, Eren MI, Garba R, Hallinan E, Li L, Walker R, Marks A
(2024) Mapping lateral stratigraphy at Palaeolithic surface sites: a case study from Dhofar, Oman. Journal of Archaeological Science 173:106117.
222. Eren MI, Bebber M, Langer K, Taylor J, Boulanger M, Huffman R., Grammenidis E, Weintraub M, Bailey V
(2024) Test excavations at the Portage River and Crane Creek sedimentary analysis field sites. Current Research in Ohio Archaeology.
221. Eren MI, Bebber M, Singer D, Pearson C, Ortiz J, Buchanan B, Beshkani A, Chlachula D, Dellmour R, Garba R, Marks A, Usyk V, Rose J
(2024) Examining the distribution of Middle Paleolithic Nubian cores relative to chert quality in southern (Nejd, Dhofar) and south-central (Duqm, Al Wusta), Oman. Geoarchaeology 40:e22019.
220. Bebber M, Kim N, Tripoli S, Quick R, Buchanan B, Walker R, Paige J, Baldino J, McKinny S, Taylor J, Eren MI
(2024) The gravity of Paleolithic hunting. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 59:104785.
219. Baldino J, McKinny S, Taylor J, Buchanan B, Walker R, Story B, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2024) North American Clovis Point form and performance V: an experimental assessment of handheld spear thrusting penetration and entry wound size. Lithic Technology 49:295-310.
218. Mukusha L, Miller GL, Smith A, Bebber M, Spurlock L, Gerrath J, Ortiz J, Wilson M, Buchanan B, Boulanger M, Eren MI, Meltzer D
(2024) Hit or miss: do microscopic linear impact traces (MLITs) form on Clovis stone tips launched via atlatl into foliage and sediment? Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 55:104517.
217. Eren MI, Bebber M, Mukusha L, Wilson M, Boehm M, Buchanan B, Miller GL, Skoglin M, Hayes J, Barta M, Bates S, Callaghan R, Floyd C, Morris S, Neuharth S, Newcomb C, Rinella S, Schneider C, Smith M, Parfitt A, Meltzer D
(2024) Experimental bison butchery using replica hafted Clovis fluted points and large handheld flakes. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 55:104480.
216. Eren MI, Romans J, Buchanan B, Walker R, Key A
(2024) Bullet ricochet mark plan-view morphology in concrete: an experimental assessment of five bullet types and two distances using machine learning. Forensic Sciences Research 9:1-10.
215. Eren MI, Meltzer D
(2024) Controls, conceits, and aiming for robust inferences in experimental archaeology. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 53:104411.
214. Buchanan B, Hamilton M, Gala N, Smith H, Wilson M, Eren MI, Walker R
(2024) Comparing Clovis and Folsom fluting via scaling analysis. Archaeometry 66:266-281.
213. Bostater T, Eren MI
(2024) Description of lithic artifacts donated to the Oak Harbor Public Library, Local History and Museum Center, Northwestern Ohio. Current Research in Ohio Archaeology:1-80.
212. Key A, Eren MI, Bebber M, Buchanan B, Cortell-Nicolau A, de la Pena P, Petrie C, Proffitt T, Jaric I
(2024) Identifying accurate artefact morphological ranges using optinal linear estimation: method validation, case studies, and code. Journal of Archaeological Science 162:105921.
211. Eren MI, Miller GL, Story B, Wilson M, Bebber M, Buchanan B
(2024) North American Clovis point form and performance IV: an experimental assessment of knife edge effectiveness and wear. Lithic Technology 49:1-12.
210. Eren MI.
(2024) Book review: Cro-Magnon: The Story of the Last Ice Age People of Europe by Trenton Holliday. The Quaterly Review of Biology 99:242.
209. Eren MI
(2024) Book review: Fluted Points of the Far West by Michael F. Rondeau. California Archaeology 16:147-148.
208. Eren MI
(2024) Book review: An Archaeology of Innovation by Catherine J. Frieman. American Antiquity 89:157-158.
207. Smith A, Stephens C, Mielke D, Wilson A, Debolt T, Groseclose F, Hothem P, Boulanger M, Buchanan B, Miller GL, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2023) Newly reported Clovis points and possible preforms from or near the Welling, Mielke, and Debolt Farm sites, Ohio. Northeast Anthropology, 91-92:52-78.
206. Buchanan B, Hamilton M, MacDonald D, Blinkhorn J, Groucutt H, Eren MI, Kuhn S
(2023) Geometric morphometric analyses of Levallois points from the Levantine Middle Paleolithic do not support functional specialization. Lithic Technology 48:437-451.
205. Khaksar S, Buchanan B, Eren MI, Tostevin G
(2023) Exploring the gross-edge curvature of experimentally produced Preferential Levallois debitage. Lithic Technology 48:408-421.
204. Conrad G, Hough S, Baldino J, Gala N, Buchanan B, Walker R, Key A, Redmond B, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2023) Clovis bone versus stone weapon tip penetration: thinking about relative costs and benefits, experimental assumptions, and archaeological unknowns at Sheriden Cave, Ohio, U.S.A. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 52:104295.
203. Mika A, Liernz J, Smith A, Buchanan B, Walker R, Eren MI, Bebber M, Key A
(2023) Hafted technologies reduced stone tool-related selective pressures acting on the hominin hand. Scientific Reports 13:15582.
202. Otarola-Castillo E, Torquato M, Keevil T, May A, Rapes J, Coon S, Stow E, Harris J, Marean C, Eren MI, Shea J
(2023) A new approach to the quantitative analysis bone surface modifications: the Bowser Road Mastodon and implications for the data to understand human-megafauna interactions in North America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 30:1028-1063.
201. Gala N, Lycett S, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2023) The injury costs of knapping. American Antiquity 88:283-301.
200. Bebber M, Buchanan B, Eren MI, Walker R, Zirkle D
(2023) Atlatl use equalizes female and male projectile weapon velocity. Scientific Reports 13:13349.
199. Mullen D., Sitton J, Story B, Buchanan B, Walker R. Eren MI, Bebber M
(2023) Comparison of four ballistic and thrusting target materials: an experimental and Bayesian approach using static testing of stone and steel arrow tips. Archaeometry 65:1108-1124.
198. Eren MI, Diez-Martin F, Tarrion A, Smith H, Buchanan B, Miller GL, Boulanger M, Slobodin S
(2023) Toolstone characterization, description, morphometrics, and microwear of the lithic assemblage from Uptar, Magadan Oblast, Northeastern Siberia, Russia. Archaeological Research in Asia 35:100-465.
197. Eren MI, Bebber M, Wendel M, Miller GL, Buchanan B
(2023) Description, morphometrics, and microwear of two Paleoindian fluted points from Nebraska and Illinois. Lithic Technology 48:318-326.
196. Pargeter J, Brooks A, Douze K, Eren MI, Groucutt H, NcNeil J, Mackay A, Ranhorn K, Scerri E, Shaw M, Tryon C, Will M, Leplongeon A
(2023) Repeatability in lithic flake analysis. American Antiquity 88:163-186.
195. Sitton J, Stenzel C, Buchanan B, Eren MI, Story B
(2023) Static penetration assessment of stone weapon tip geometry metrics and comparison of static penetration required energy to dynamic penetration depths. Archaeometry 65:463-479.
194. Eren MI, Bebber M, Buchanan B, Grunow A, Key A, Lycett S, Maletic E, Riley T
(2023) Antarctica as a 'natural laboratory' for critical assessment of the validity of early stone tool sites in world archaeology. Antiquity 97:772-482.
193. Khaksar S, Desai N, Eren MI, Tostevin G
(2023) Experimental assessment of plan-view and profile-view gross edge curvature on stone slicing efficiency. Archaeometry 65:36-48.
192. Mika A, Eren MI, Meindl M, O'Brien M, Bebber M
(2023) On the evolution of limestone-tempered pottery in the American Midwest: an experimental assessment of vessel weight and its relationship to other functional/mechanical properties. Science and Technology in Archaeological Research (STAR) 9:1-14.
191. Khaksar S, Desai N, Eren MI, Tosetevin G
(2023) The influence of cut substrate material on the slicing efficiency effects of stone tool flake size, edge length, and gross-edge curvature. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 47:103700.
190. Eren MI
(2023) Book review: Understanding Chipped Stone Tools by Brian Hayden. Journal of Anthropological Research.
189. Eren MI
(2023) Book review: The Calf Creek Horizon edited by Jon C. Lohse, Marjorie A. Duncan, and Don G. Wyckoff. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology.
188. Eren MI
(2023) Book review: The Archaeology of Craft and Industry by Christopher C. Fennell. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology.
187. Eren MI, Buchanan B (editors)
(2022) Defining and Measuring Diversity in Archaeology: Another Step Toward an Evolutionary Synthesis of Culture. Berghahn Books, New York.
186. Mukusha L, Miller GL, Buchanan B, Boulanger M, Marvin R, Fisher S, Kunst R, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2022) Thinking about artifact description, collections, access, and replicability: Clovis and possible-Clovis artifacts from the Wyandot and Portage County Historical Societies, Ohio. Northeast Anthropology 90:1-25.
185. Andrews B, Eren MI, Breslawski, Mentzer S, Buchanan B, Meltzer D
(2022) Investigations at Goodson Shelter. Plains Anthropologist 67:372-404.
184. Wilcox D, Meindl R, Spurlock L, Eren MI, Bebber M
(2022) Relative cooking efficiency and the decline of the steatite cooking vessel in Eastern North America. Ethnoarchaeology 14:108-135.
183. Gala N, Mika A, Wilson M, Williams J, Buchanan B, Walker R, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2022) An experimental assessment of obsidian versus chert projectile point durability: semi-static fracture strength and impact durability. Archaeometry 64:1307-1324.
182. Eren MI, Meltzer D, Story B, Buchanan B, Yeager B, Bebber M
(2022) Not just for proboscidean hunting: on the efficacy and functions of Clovis fluted points. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 45:103601.
181. Pargeter J, Chen C, Buchanan B, Fisch M, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2022) Stone tool backing and adhesion in hunting weaponry: first results of an experimental program. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 45:103639.
180. Boulanger M, Buchanan B, Miller GL, Redmond B, Christy B, MacDonald B, Mielke D, Mielke R, Mielke C, Mauer T, Meyer B, Meyer M, Trego B, Wilson A, Cartwright P, Ott L, Bebber M, Meltzer D, Eren MI
(2022) The Mielke Clovis site (33SH26), western Ohio, U.S.A.: geochemical sourcing, technological descriptions, artifact morphometrics, and microwear. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 47:69-102.
179. Mika A, Buchanan B, Walker R, Key A, Story B, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2022) North American Clovis point form and performance III: an experimental assessment of knife cutting efficiency. Lithic Technology 47:203-220.
178. Lewis A, Simone D, Williams J, Eren MI, Ortiz J
(2022) Using visible derivative spectroscopy (VDS) to assess flaked projectile point provenence: application and preliminary analysis of the Welling Site, Ohio, U.S.A. Archaeometry 64:833-848.
177. Lewis A, Williams J, Buchanan B, Walker R, Eren MI, Bebber M
(2022) Knapping quality of local versus exotic Upper Mercer chert (Ohio, U.S.A.) during the Holocene. Geoarchaeology 37:486-496.
176. Buchanan B, Walker R, Hamilton M, Wilcox D, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2022) Experimental assessment of lanceolate projectile point and haft robustness. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 42:103399.
175. Eren MI, Huffman R, Bostater T, Redmond B, Bebber M
(2022) Late Archaic flaked stone artifacts on Lake Erie's Western Basin southern shore, in and around the Cedar Point National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Oak Harbor, Ohio. Current Research in Ohio Archaeology.
174. Leone K, Lepper B, Eren MI, Pansing L
(2022) Late Holocene radiocarbon dates for the Welling Site (33CS441): a multi-component site in Coshocton County, Ohio. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 41:103345.
173. Eren MI, Mukusha L, Lierenz J, Wilson M, Fisch M, True T, Kavulic M, Key A, Bebber M
(2022) Another tool in the experimental toolbox: on the use of aluminum as a substitute for chert in North American prehistoric ballistics research and beyond. North American Archaeologist 43:151-176.
172. Bebber M, Williams J, Barzcok M, Eren MI
(2022) Current evidence does not support a Hopewell age, provenience, or affiliation for the figurine allegedly from Hopeton or the Hopewell Mound Group. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 46:185-194.
171. Eren MI, Bebber M, Wilcox D, Story B, Buchanan B
(2022) North American Clovis point form and performance II: an experimental assessment of point, haft, and shaft durability. Lithic Technology 47:38-51.
170. Eren MI, Bebber M, Knell E, Story B, Buchanan B
(2022) Plains Paleoindian projectile point penetration potential. Journal of Anthropological Research 78:84-112.
169. Buchanan B, Eren MI
(2022) On the challenges of measuring diversity in archaeology. In Defining and Measuring Diversity in Archaeology, edited by Eren, MI, Buchanan B. Berghahn Books, New York.
168. Meltzer D, Redmond B, Eren MI
(2022) On the presumed Clovis-age structure at the Paleo Crossing site, Ohio. Journal of Field Archaeology 47:1-12.
167. Eren MI
(2022) Book review: Edible Insects and Human Evolution by Julie Lesnik. Paleoanthropology.
166. Smith H, Perrone A, Wilson M, Raghanti M, Lovejoy O, Rosen M, Shanbhag S, DeForest D, Lyman R, Eren MI
(2021) Rock music: an auditory assessment of knapping. Lithic Technology 46:320-335.
165. Maguire L, Wilson M, Buchanan B, Eren MI
(2021) The effect of isometric scaling on flaked stone projectile point impact durability: an experimental assessment. Lithic Technology 46:260-269.
164. Key A, Farr I, Hunter R, Mika A, Eren MI, Winter S
(2021) Why invent the handle? Electromyography (EMG) and efficiency of use data investigating the prehistoric origin of hafted stone knives. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13:162.
163. Eren MI, Diez-Martin F, Miller G, Buchanan B, Haythorn R, Boulanger M, Rutkoski A, Buch J, Norris J, Lovejoy CO, Meindl R, Bebber M
(2021) Current evidence supports Welling as an outcrop-related base camp. American Antiquity.
162. Eren MI, Meltzer D, Buchanan B, Story B, Yeager D, Bebber M
(2021) On the efficacy of Clovis points for hunting proboscideans. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports:103166.
161. Eren MI, Meltzer D, Andrews B
(2021) Clovis technology is not unique to Clovis. Paleoamerica 7:226-241.
160. Eren MI, Bebber M, Mika A, Flood K, Maguire L, Norris D, Perrone A, Mullen D, Centea S, Centea C, Christy B, Daud R, Jackson J, Patten R, Redmond B, Buchanan B, Haythorn R, Miller G, Conaway M, Biermann Gurbuz R, Lycett S, Kilby D, Andrews B, MacDonald B, Boulanger M, Meltzer D
(2021) The Nelson stone tool cache, North-Central Ohio, U.S.A.: assessing cultural affiliation. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 37:102972.
159. Boulanger M, Patten R, Andrews B, Bebber M, Buchanan B, Jorgeson I, Miller G, Eren MI, Meltzer D
(2021) Antelope Springs: a Folsom site in South Park, Colorado. Paleoamerica 7:114-132.
158. Eren MI, Bebber M
(2021) Radiocarbon dating of a fish spine suggests there is not an archaeological site east of Edgewater View, Edgewater Park, Cleveland, Ohio. Current Research in Ohio Archaeology.
157. Eren MI, Mullen D, Spurlock L, Christy B, Miller GL, Buchanan B, Bush J, Bebber M
(2021) Technical descriptions of artifacts from the Dresden Mound Cache, Ohio. Current Research in Ohio Archaeology.
156. Mullen D, Miller G, Buchanan B, Diez-Martin F, St. John T, Eren MI, Bebber M
(2021) Late Archaic and Early Woodland stone tools from Killbuck, Holmes County, Ohio. Current Research in Ohio Archaeology.
155. Eren MI, Romans J, Buchanan B, Bebber M
(2021) Validating chronograph photo sensor measurement accuracy of stone-tipped arrow velocity. Measurement: Sensors 13:100037.
154. Diez-Martin F, Buchanan B, Norris J, Eren MI
(2021) Was Welling, Ohio (33-CO-2) a Clovis base camp or lithic workshop? Employing experimental models to interpret old collections. American Antiquity 86:183-198.
153. Eren MI, Cross K, Andrews B, Meltzer D
(2021) A quantitative test of Folsom unifacial tool recycling: a case study from Mountaineer’s Block C. In The Mountaineer Site, edited by Andrews B, Meltzer D, Stiger M.
152. Meltzer D, Eren MI
(2021) The Mountaineer Folsom projectile point assemblage. In The Mountaineer Site, edited by Andrews B, Meltzer D, Stiger M.
151. Wilson M, Perrone A, Smith H, Norris J, Pargeter J, Eren MI
(2021) Modern thermoplastic (hot glue) versus organic-based adhesives and haft-bond failure rate in prehistoric experimental ballistics. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 104:102717.
150. Eren MI
(2021) Book review: Chipped Stone Technological Organization: Central Place Foraging and Exchange on the Northern Great Plains by Craig Johnson. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology.
149. Eren MI
(2021) Book review: New Directions in the Search for the First Floridians edited by David Thulman and Ervan Garrison. Paleoanthropology.
148. Eren MI
(2021) Book review: Indigenous Life Around the Great Lakes: War, Climate, and Culture by Richard W. Edwards IV. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology.
147. Eren MI
(2021) Book review: People & Culture in Ice Age Americas: New Dimensions in Paleoamerican Archaeology edited by Rafael Suarez and Ciprian F. Ardelean. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology.
146. Eren MI
(2021) Book review: Foraging in the Past edited by Ashley Lemke. Paleoanthropology: 21.
145. Perrone A, Bebber M, Boulanger M, Buchanan B, Miller G, Redmond B, Eren MI
(2020) Description, morphometrics, and microwear of five Clovis flaked stone projectile points from Lucas and Wood Counties, Northwest Ohio, U.S.A. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 3:1034-1047.
144. Eren MI, Lycett S, Tomonaga M
(2020) Underestimating Kanzi? Exploring Kanzi-Oldowan comparisons in light of recent human stone tool replication. Evolutionary Anthropology 29:310-316.
143. Norris J, Rutkoski A, Perrone A, Mika A, Smith H, Wilson M, Diez-Martin F, Eren MI
(2020) Tinker's Creek, Portage County, Ohio: Phase I Evaluation of Cultural Resources. Current Research in Ohio Archaeology.
142. Eren MI, Story B, Perrone A, Bebber M, Hamilton M, Walker R, Buchanan B
(2020) North American Clovis point form and performance: an experimental assessment of penetration depth. Lithic Technology 45:2630282.
141. Sitton J, Story B, Buchanan B, Eren MI
(2020) Tip cross-sectional attributes predict the penetration depth of stone-tipped projectiles. Scientific Reports 10:13289.
140. Perrone A, Wilson M, Fisch M, Buchanan B, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2020) On the breakage of Eastern North American Paleoindian endscrapers. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12:161.
139. Bebber M, Wilson M, Kramer A, Meindl R, Buchanan B, Eren MI
(2020) The non-invention of the ceramic arrowhead. Journal of Archaeological Science:Reports: 102283.
138. Mika A, Flood K, Norris J, Wilson M, Bebber M, Key A, Buchanan B, Pargeter J, Redmond B, Eren MI
(2020) Miniaturization optimized weapon killing power during the social stress of late pre-contact North America (AD 600-1600). PLoS ONE: e0230348.
137. Rutkoski A, Miller G, Maguire L, Eren MI, Bebber M
(2020) The effect of heat on lithic microwear traces: an experimental assessment. Lithic Technology 45: 38-47.
136. Eren MI
(2020) Book review: The Central European Magdalenian: Regional Diversity and Internal Variability by Andreas Maier. Paleoanthropology:65-66.
135. Eren MI
(2020) Book review: The Acheulian Site of Gesher Benot Ya’aqov Volume IV: The Lithic Assemblages by Naama Goren-Inbar, Nira Alperson-Afil, Gonen Sharon, and Gadi Herzlinger. Paleoanthropology:67-68.
134. Eren MI
(2020) Book review: The Lives of Stone Tools by Kathryn Weedman Arthur. Ethnoarchaeology 12:63.
133. Bebber M, Eren MI
(2019) Temper and temperament of prehistoric craft: temper type evolution and clay body “workability”. Journal of Craft Research 10: 237-259.
132. Norris J, Perrone A, Miller G, Buchanan B, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2019) Description, morphometrics, and microwear of two Clovis point bases from Pandale, Val Verde County, Texas. Bulletin of the Texas Archaeological Society 90: 145-152.
131. Miller GL, Bebber M, Rutkoski A, Haythorn R, Boulanger M, Buchanan B, Bush J, Lovejoy CO, Eren MI
(2019) Hunter-gatherer gatherings: stone tool microwear from the Welling Site (33-Co-2), Ohio, U.S.A. supports Clovis use of outcrop-related base camps during the Pleistocene Peopling of the Americas. World Archaeology 51: 47-75.
130. Pargeter J, de la Peña P, Eren MI
(2019) Assessing raw material’s role in bipolar and freehand flake shape, technological structure, and fragmentation rates. Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences 11: 5893–5907.
129. Werner A, Kramer A, Reedy C, Bebber M, Pargeter J, Eren MI
(2019) Experimental assessment of proximal lateral edge grinding on haft damage using replicated Late Pleistocene (Clovis) stone projectile points. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11: 5833–5849.
128. Mraz V, Fisch M, Eren MI, Lovejoy O, Buchanan B
(2019) Thermal engineering of stone increased prehistoric toolmaking skill. Scientific Reports: 14591.
127. Eren MI, Bebber M, Norris J, Perrone A, Rutkoski A, Wilson M, Raghanti M.
(2019) Experimental replication shows knives manufactured from frozen human feces do not work. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 27: 102002.
126. Bebber M, Norris J, Flood K, Fisch M, Meindl R, Eren MI
(2019) Controlled experiments support the role of function in the evolution of the North American copper tool repertoire. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports: 101917.
125. Rutkoski A, Flood K, Haythorn R, Maguire L, Mathews P, Mika A, Heppner L, Eren MI, Bebber M
(2019) Phase I Evaluation on the John Brown Property in Akron, Summit County, Ohio. Current Research in Ohio Archaeology.
124. Eren MI, Patten L
(2019) Robert J. Patten (1944 - 2017): Life, Legacy, and Contributions to Archaeology, Lithic Technology, and Flintknapping. Lithic Technology 44: 120-131.
123. Eren MI, Bebber M
(2019) The Cerutti Mastodon and experimental archaeology’s quiet coming of age. Antiquity 93: 796-797.
122. Norris J, Stephens C, Eren MI
(2019) Early- and middle-stage fluted stone tool bases found near Fox Lake, Wayne County Ohio: Clovis or not? Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25: 1-6.
121. Bebber M, Key A, Fisch M, Meindl R, Eren MI
(2019) The exceptional abandonment of metal tools by North American hunter-gatherers, 5000 B.P. Scientific Reports: 5756.
120. Bebber M, Rutkoski A, Mika A, Norris J, Wilson M, Smith H, Maguire L, Eren MI
(2019) Archaeological survey of the Berlin Lake Reservoir Coast, Mahoning, Portage, and Stark Counties, Ohio. Current Research in Ohio Archaeology.
119. Lowe C, Kramer A, Wilson M, Meindl R, Spurlock L, Eren MI
(2019) An experimental assessment of ground, percussion-flaked, and pressure-flaked projectile point impact durability: implications for archaeological method and theory. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 24: 677-682.
118. Eren MI, Miller GL, Boulanger M, Buchanan B, Bebber M, Redmond B, Stephens C, Coats L, Boser P, Sponseller B, Slicker M
(2019) The Black Diamond Site, Northeast Ohio: a new Clovis occupation in a proposed secondary staging area. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 2: 211-233.
117. Lycett S, Eren MI
(2019) Built-in misdirection: on the difficulties of learning to knap. Lithic Technology 44: 8-21.
116. Kirgesner S, Bebber M, Rutkoski A, Miller G, Eren MI
(2019) On recognizing the prehistoric butchery of frozen meat: an archaeological experiment and stone tool microwear analysis. Lithic Technology 44: 1-7.
115. Rutkoski A, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2019) Invention or diffusion: on the appearance of limestone temper in the late Holocene archaeological record of southern Ohio, U.S.A. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11: 2771-2779.
114. Williams J, Simone D, Buchanan B, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2019) A nine thousand year record of continuous optimal toolstone selection through the North American Holocene. Antiquity 93: 313-324.
113. Story B, Thomas K, Eren MI, Buchanan B, Meltzer D
(2019) Why are Clovis fluted points more resilient than non-fluted lanceolate points? A quantitative assessment of breakage patterns between experimental models. Archaeometry 61: 1-13.
112. Buchanan B, Andrews B, Kilby D, Eren MI
(2019) Settling into the country: comparison of Clovis and Folsom lithic networks in western North America shows increasing redundancy of toolstone use. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 53: 32-42.
111. Eren MI
(2019) Book review: Plainview: The Enigmatic Paleoindian Artifact Style of the Great Plains edited by Vance T. Holliday, Eileen Johnson, and Ruthann Knudson. Lithic Technology 44: 81.
110. O’Brien M, Buchanan B, Eren MI (editors)
(2018) Convergent Evolution and Stone Tool Technology. MIT Press, Cambridge.
109. Eren MI, Meltzer D, Andrews B
(2018) Is Clovis technology unique to Clovis? Paleoamerica 4: 202-218.
108. Buchanan B, Andrews B, O’Brien M, Eren MI
(2018) An assessment of stone weapon tip standardization during the Clovis-Folsom transition. American Antiquity 83:721-734.
107. Eren MI, Bebber M
(2018) Comment on “Apprenticeship in early Neolithic societies: the transmission of technological knowledge at the flint mine of Casa Montero (Madrid, Spain), c. 5300-5200 cal BC. Current Anthropology.
106. Bebber M, Eren MI
(2018) Toward a functional understanding of the North American Old Copper Culture “technomic devolution”. Journal of Archaeological Science 98:34-44.
105. Maguire L, Buchanan B, Boulanger M, Redmond B, Eren MI
(2018) On the Late Paleoindian temporal assignment for the Honey Run Site, Coshocton County, Ohio, U.S.A.: a morphometric assessment of flaked stone lanceolate projectile points. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 20:588-595.
104. Haythorn R, Buchanan B, Eren MI
(2018) A new look at flaked stone projectiles from the Mixter Site (33-ER-4), Erie County, Ohio. Lithic Technology 43:166-171.
103. Eren MI, Bebber M, Miller GL, Boulanger M, Buchanan B, Patten R
(2018) Description, morphometrics, and microwear of Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene artifacts from Northern Kentucky, U.S.A. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 20:516-523.
102. Bebber M, Spurlock L, Price D, Eren MI
(2018) Thermoluminescence (TL) dating of an alleged clay human figurine from Hopeton Earthworks, Ross County, Ohio. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 43:112-132.
101. Key A, Young J, Fisch M, Chaney M, Kramer A, Eren MI
(2018) Comparing the use of meat and clay during cutting and projectile research. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 192:163-175.
100. Key A, Fisch M, Eren MI
(2018) Early stage blunting causes rapid reductions in stone tool performance. Journal of Archaeological Science 91:1-11.
99. Lycett SJ, Eren MI
(2018) Levallois technique. Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior.
98. Eren MI, Buchanan B, Redmond B, Feathers J, Andrews B
(2018) Thermoluminescence (TL) and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of two burned Clovis Wyandotte chert lithic specimens from Paleo Crossing (33ME274), Ohio, U.S.A. Lithic Technology 43:18-25.
97. O’Brien M, Buchanan B, Eren MI
(2018) Issues in archaeological studies of convergence. In Convergent Evolution and Stone Tool Technology, edited by O’Brien M, Buchanan B, Eren MI. MIT Press, Cambridge, pp. 3-21.
96. Buchanan B, O’Brien M, Eren MI
(2018) On the probability of convergence among North American projectile points. In Convergent Evolution and Stone Tool Technology, edited by O’Brien M, Buchanan B, Eren MI. MIT Press, Cambridge, pp. 61-72.
95. Eren MI, Buchanan B, O’Brien M
(2018) Why convergence should be a potential hypothesis for the emergence and occurrence of stone tool form and production processes: an illustration using stone tool replication. In Convergent Evolution and Stone Tool Technology, edited by O’Brien M, Buchanan B, Eren MI. MIT Press, Cambridge, pp. 275-288.
94. Eren MI, Redmond B, Miller G, Buchanan B, Boulanger M, Morgan B, O’Brien M
(2018) The Paleo Crossing Site (33ME274): A Clovis Site in Northeastern Ohio. In In the Eastern Fluted Point Tradition, Volume 2, edited by Gingerich, J. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, pp. 187-212.
93. Eren MI, Buchanan B
(2018) A formal test of the effect of distance to stone source on Great Lakes Clovis unifacial tool form. In In the Eastern Fluted Point Tradition, Volume 2, edited by Gingerich, J. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, pp. 359-366.
92. Eren MI
(2018) Book review: Early Humans by Nick Ashton. Antiquity 92: 541-542.
91. Werner A, Jones K, Miller GL, Buchanan B, Boulanger M, Key A, Reedy C, Bebber M, Eren MI
(2017) The morphometrics and microwear of a small Clovis assemblage from Guernsey County, Southeastern Ohio, U.S.A. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 15:318-329.
90. Pargeter J, Eren MI
(2017) Quantifying and comparing bipolar versus freehand flake morphologies, production currencies, and reduction energetics during lithic miniaturization. Lithic Technology 42: 42:90-108
89. Bebber M, Lycett S, Eren MI
(2017) Developing a stable point: evaluating the temporal and geographic consistency of Late Prehistoric unnotched triangular point functional design in Midwestern North America. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 47:72-82.
88. Bebber M, Miller GL, Boulanger M, Andrews B, Redmond B, Jackson D, Eren MI
(2017) Description and microwear analysis of Clovis artifacts on a glacially-deposited secondary chert source near the Hartley Mastodon discovery, Columbiana County, Northeastern Ohio, U.S.A. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 12:543-552.
87. Buchanan B, Chao A, Chiu C-H, Colwell R, O’Brien M, Werner A, Eren MI
(2017) Environment-induced changes in the selective constraints on social learning during the peopling of the Americas. Scientific Reports: 7:44431 DOI: 10.1038/srep44431.
86. Thomas K, Story B, Eren MI, Buchanan B, Andrews B, O’Brien M, Meltzer D
(2017) Explaining the origin of fluting in North American Pleistocene weaponry. Journal of Archaeological Science 81:23-30.
85. Eren MI, Bebber MR
(2017) Book review of Settlement, Society, and Cognition in Human Evolution: Landscapes in Mind edited by Fiona Coward, Robert Hosfield, Matt Pope, and Francis Wenban-Smith. The Prehistoric Society.
84. Eren MI
(2017) Book review: Fractal Analysis by Clifford Brown and Larry Liebovitch. Lithic Technology 42:59.
83. Eren MI, Redmond B, Miller GL, Buchanan B, Boulanger M, Hall A, Hall L
(2016) The Wauseon Clovis fluted point preform, Northwest Ohio, U.S.A.: observations, geometric morphometrics, microwear, and toolstone procurement distance. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 10:147-154.
82. Buchanan B, Mraz V, Eren MI
(2016) On identifying stone tool production techniques: an experimental and statistical assessment of pressure versus soft hammer percussion flake form. American Antiquity 81: 737-751.
81. Lycett S, Schillinger K, Eren MI, von Cramon-Taubadel N, Mesoudi A
(2016) Factors affecting Acheulean handaxe variation: experimental insights, microevolutionary processes, and macroevolutionary outcomes. Quaternary International 411 Part B: 386-401.
80. Eren MI, Lycett S, Patten R, Buchanan B, Pargeter J, O’Brien M
(2016) Test, model, and method validation: the role of experimental stone artifact replication in hypothesis-driven archaeology. Ethnoarchaeology 8: 103-136.
79. Eren MI, Buchanan B
(2016) Clovis technology. In: eLS. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. DOI:10.1002/9780470015902.a0026512
78. O’Brien M, Buchanan B, Eren MI (2016) Clovis colonization of Eastern North America: a phylogenetic approach. Science and Technology in Archaeological Research (STAR) 2: 67-89.
77. O’Brien M, Boulanger M, Buchanan B, Bentley RA, Lyman RL, Lipo C, Madsen M, Eren MI
(2016) Design space and cultural transmission: a case study from Paleoindian Eastern North America. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 23:692-740.
76. Lycett S, von Cramon-Taubadel N, Eren MI
(2016) Levallois: potential implications for learning and cultural transmission capacities. Lithic Technology 41:19-38.
75. Eren MI, Lycett SJ
(2016) A statistical examination of flake edge angles produced during experimental lineal Levallois reductions and consideration of their functional implications. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 23:378-398.
74. Eren MI, Chao A, Chiu C-H, Colwell R, Buchanan B, Boulanger M, Darwent J, O’Brien M
(2016) Statistical analysis of paradigmatic class richness supports greater Paleoindian projectile-point diversity in the Southeast. American Antiquity 81:174-192.
73. Gurtov A, Buchanan B, Eren MI
(2015) “Dissecting” basalt and quartzite bipolar flake shape: a morphometric comparison of experimental replications from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Lithic Technology 40:332-341.
72. O’Brien MJ, Buchanan B, Boulanger MT, Mesoudi A, Collard M, Eren MI, Bentley RA, Lyman RL
(2015) Transmission of cultural variants in the North American Paleolithic. In Learning Strategies and Cultural Evolution during the Paleolithic, edited by Aoki K, Mesoudi A. Springer, New York, pp. 121-142.
71. Morgan B, Eren MI, Khreisheh N, Hill G, Bradley B
(2015) Clovis bipolar lithic reduction at Paleo Crossing, Ohio: a reinterpretation based on the examination of experimental replications. In Clovis: On the Edge of a New Understanding, edited by Jennings T, Smallwood A. Texas A&M Press, College Station, pp. 121-143.
70. Eren MI, Desjardine A
(2015) Flaked stone tools of Pleistocene colonizers: overshot flaking at the Red Wing site, Ontario. In Clovis: On the Edge of a New Understanding edited by Jennings T, Smallwood A. Texas A&M Press, College Station, pp. 109-120.
69. Buchanan B, Eren MI, Boulanger M, O’Brien M
(2015) Size, shape, scars, and spatial patterning: a quantitative assessment of late Pleistocene (Clovis) projectile resharpening. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 3:11-21.
68. Eren MI, Boulanger M, O’Brien M
(2015) The Cinmar discovery and the proposed pre-Late Glacial Maximum occupation of North America. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2:708-713.
67. Eren MI, Buchanan B, O’Brien M
(2015) Social learning and technological evolution during the Clovis colonization of the New World. Journal of Human Evolution 80:159-170.
66. Andrews B, Knell E, Eren MI
(2015) The three lives of a uniface. Journal of Archaeological Science 54:228-236.
65. Boulanger M, Buchanan B, O’Brien M, Redmond B, Glascock M, Eren MI
(2015) Neutron activation analysis of 12,900-year-old stone artifacts confirms 450-510+ kilometer Clovis tool-stone acquisition at Paleo Crossing (33ME274), northeast Ohio, U.S.A. Journal of Archaeological Science 53:550-558.
64. Boulanger M, Eren MI
(2015) On the inferred age and origin of lithic bi-points on the Eastern Seaboard and their relevance to the Pleistocene Peopling of North America. American Antiquity 80:134-145.
63. Eren MI
(2015) Book review: The Lifeways of Hunter-Gatherers: The Foraging Spectrum by Robert Kelly. Lithic Technology 40:80-81.
62. Eren MI, Prendergast M, Dominguez-Rodrigo M
(2014) Un abrigo Mumba: evidencias del comportamiento y los cambios culturales del Homo sapiens antiguo durante el Pleistoceno Tardio el Holocene. In La cuna de la Humanidad, edited by Manuel Dominguez-Rodrigo and Enrique Baquedano, pp. 198-207. Museo de la Evolucion Humana, Burgos.
61. Eren MI, Roos C, Story B, von Cramon-Taubdel N, Lycett SJ
(2014) The role of raw material differences in stone tool shape variation: an experimental assessment. Journal of Archaeological Science 49:472-487.
60. O’Brien M, Boulanger M, Collard M, Buchanan B, Tarle L, Straus L, Eren MI
(2014) Solutreanism. Antiquity 88:622-624.
59. O’Brien M, Boulanger M, Collard M, Buchanan B, Tarle L, Straus L, Eren MI
(2014) On thin ice: problems with Stanford and Bradley’s proposed Solutrean-Clovis colonization. Antiquity 88:606-613.
58. Eren MI, Patten R, O’Brien M, Meltzer D
(2014) More on the rumor of “intentional overshot flaking” and the purported Ice-Age Atlantic crossing. Lithic Technology 39:55-65.
57. Eren MI, Durant A, Prendergast M, Mabulla A
(2014) Middle Stone Age Archaeology at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Quaternary International 322-323:292-313.
56. Dominguez-Rodrigo M, Diez-Martin F, Yravedra J, Barba R, Mabulla A, Baquedano E, Uribelarrea D, Sanchez P, Eren MI
(2014) A study of the SHK Main Site faunal assemblage, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania: implications for Bed II taphonomy, paleoecology, and hominin utilization of mega-fauna. Quaternary International 322-323:153-166.
55. Gurtov A, Eren MI
(2014) Lower Paleolithic bipolar reduction and hominin selection of quartz at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania: what’s the connection? Quaternary International 322-323:285-291.
54. Eren MI
(2014) Book review: Paleoindian Lifeways of the Cody Complex edited by Edward J. Knell and Mark P. Muniz. Lithic Technology 39:198-199.
53. Eren MI
(2014) Book review: In the Eastern Fluted Point Tradition edited Joseph A.M. Gingerich. Lithic Technology 39:131-132.
52. Eren MI
(2014) Book review: From the Yenisei to the Yukon: Interpreting Lithic Assemblage Variability in Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Beringia edited by Ted Goebel and Ian Buvit. Lithic Technology 39:70-71.
51. Eren MI, Jennings T, Smallwood A
(2013) Were Paleoindian unifacial stone tool ‘spurs’ intended accessories or incidental accidents? PLoS ONE 8(11):e78419.
50. Lycett SJ, Eren MI
(2013) Levallois lessons: integrating mathematical models, experiments, and the archaeological record. World Archaeology 45:519-538.
49. Eren MI, Patten R, O’Brien M, Meltzer D
(2013) Refuting the technological cornerstone of the Ice-Age Atlantic Crossing Hypothesis. Journal of Archaeological Science 40:2934-2941.
48. Lycett SJ, Eren MI
(2013) Levallois economics: an examination of ‘waste” production in experimentally produced Levallois reduction sequences. Journal of Archaeological Science 40:2384-2392.
47. Eren MI
(2013) The technology of stone age colonization: an empirical, regional-scale examination of Clovis unifacial stone tool reduction, allometry, and edge angle from the North American Lower Great Lakes region. Journal of Archaeological Science 40:2101-2112.
46. Eren MI, Andrews B
(2013) Were bifaces used as mobile cores by Clovis foragers in the North American Lower Great Lakes region? An archaeological test of experimentally-derived quantitative predictions. American Antiquity 78:166-180.
45. Eren MI, Diez-Martin F, Dominguez-Rodrigo M
(2013) An empirical test of the relative frequency of bipolar reduction in Beds VI, V, and III at Mumba Rockshelter, Tanzania: implications for the East African Middle to Late Stone Transition. Journal of Archaeological Science 40:248-256.
44. Eren MI
(2013) Book review: From the Pleistocene to the Holocene: Human Organization and Cultural Transformations in Prehistoric North America edited by C. Britt Bousman and Bradley J. Vierra. American Antiquity 78:597.
43. Eren MI (editor)
(2012) Hunter-Gatherer Behavior: Human Response During the Younger Dryas. Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek.
42. Outram A, Eren MI (editors)
(2012) Faunal Extinctions and Introductions. World Archaeology 44(1), Taylor and Francis, London.
41. Eren MI, Outram A
(2012) Preface to faunal extinctions and introduction. World Archaeology 44(1):1-2.
40. Eren MI
(2012) On Younger Dryas climate change as a causal determinate of prehistoric hunter-gatherer culture change. In Hunter-Gatherer Transitions Through the Younger Dryas, edited by Eren MI, pp. 11-23. Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek.
39. Diez-Martin F, Eren MI
(2012) The Early Acheulean in Africa: past paradigms, current ideas, and future directions. In Stone Tools and Fossil Bones: Debates in the Archaeology of Human Origins, edited by Dominguez-Rodrigo M, pp. 310-358. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
38. Eren MI
(2012) Were unifacial tools regularly hafted by Clovis foragers in the North American Lower Great Lakes region? An empirical test of edge class richness and attribute frequency among distal, proximal, and lateral tool-sections. Journal of Ohio Archaeology 2:1-15.
37. Bar-Yosef O, Eren MI, Yuan J, Cohen D, Li Y
(2012) Were bamboo tools made in prehistoric Southeast Asia? An experimental view from South China. Quaternary International 269:9-21.
36. Eren MI, Chao A, Hwang W, Colwell R
(2012) Estimating the richness of a population when the maximum number of classes is fixed: a nonparametric solution to an archaeological problem. PLoS ONE 7(5):e34179.
35. Eren MI, Lycett SJ
(2012) Why Levallois? A morphometric comparison of experimental “preferential” Levallois flakes versus debitage flakes. PLoS ONE 7(1):e29273.
34. Eren MI
(2012) Book review: Continuity and Discontinuity in the Peopling of Europe: One Hundred Fifty Years of Neanderthal Study edited by Silvana Condemi and Gerd-Christian Weniger. Paleoanthropology:127-128.
33. Eren MI
(2012) Book review: South-Eastern Mediterranean Peoples Between 130,000 and 10,000 Years Ago edited by Elena A.A. Garcea. Lithic Technology 37:59-60.
32. Eren MI, Meltzer D, Colwell R
(2011) The Platte Canyon Bypass: a multi-component locality in Central Colorado. Southwestern Lore 77:22-24.
31. Eren MI
(2011) Comment on “Homo sapiens is as Homo sapiens was: Behavioral variability vs. ‘behavioral modernity’ in Paleolithic archaeology” by John Shea. Current Anthropology 52:18.
30. Eren MI, Boehm A, Morgan B, Anderson R, Andrews B
(2011) Flaked stone taphonomy: a controlled experimental study of the effects of sediment consolidation on flake edge morphology. Journal of Taphonomy 9:201-217.
29. Eren MI, Redmond B
(2011) Clovis blades at Paleo Crossing (33ME274), Medina County, Ohio. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 36:173-194.
28. Eren MI, Lycett SJ, Roos C, Sampson CG
(2011) Toolstone constraints and knapping skill: Levallois reduction with two different rock types. Journal of Archaeological Science 38:2731-2739.
27. Eren MI, Vanderlaan S, Holland J
(2011) Overshot flaking at the Arc Site, Genesee County, New York: examining the Clovis-Gainey connection. The Open Anthropology Journal 4:40-52.
26. Eren MI, Bradley B, Sampson CG
(2011) Middle Paleolithic skill-level and the Individual knapper: an experiment. American Antiquity 76:229-251.
25. Eren MI
(2011) Book review: New Perspectives on Old Stones: Analytical Approaches to Paleolithic Technologies edited by Stephen Lycett and Parth Chauhan. Paleoanthropology:199-202.
24. Eren MI
(2011) Book review: The Bone Readers: Science and Politics in Human Origins Research by C. Tuniz, Richard Gillespie, and Cheryl Jones. Anthropology Review Database.
23. Eren MI
(2011) Book review: Stone tools and the Evolution of Human Cognition edited by April Nowell and Iain Davidson. Paleoanthropology:72-73.
22. Eren MI
(2010) Anvil reduction at the Early Paleoindian site of Paleo Crossing (33ME274), Northeast Ohio. Current Research in the Pleistocene 27:75-77.
21. Eren MI, Kollecker M, Clarkson C, Bradley B
(2010) Dynamic approaches to teaching lithic technology: using YouTube in the classroom. Ethnoarchaeology 2:223-234.
20. Eren MI, Durant A, Neudorf C, Haslam M, Shipton C, Bora J, Korisettar R, Petraglia M
(2010) Experimental examination of animal trampling effects on artifact movement in dry and water saturated substrates: a test case from South India. Journal of Archaeological Science 37:3010-3021.
19. Eren MI
(2010) Book review: The Mediterranean from 50,000 to 25,000 B.P.: Turning Points and New Directions, edited by Marta Camps and Carolyn Szmidt. Paleoanthropology:61-63.
18. Eren MI
(2010) Book review: Peninj: A Research Project on Human Origins (1995-2005) edited by Manuel Dominguez-Rodrigo, Luis Alcala, and Luis Luque. Paleoanthropology:201-202.
17. Eren MI
(2010) Book review: Upper Palaeolithic and Epipalaeolithic Lithic Technologies at Raqefet Cave, Mount Carmel East, Israel by Gyorgy Lengyel. Paleoanthropology:158-159.
16. Eren MI
(2010) Book review: The Lithic Assemblages of Qafzeh Cave by Erella Hovers. Lithic Technology 35:81-82.
15. Eren MI
(2010) Book review: The Leakeys: A Biography by Mary Bowman-Kruhm. Anthropology Review Database.
14. Eren MI
(2010) Book review: Peoples of the Flute: A Study in Anthropolithic Forensics by Bob Patten. Anthropology Review Database.
13. Eren MI
(2009) Paleoindian stability during the Younger Dryas in the North American Lower Great Lakes. In Transitions in Prehistory: Papers in Honor of Ofer Bar-Yosef, edited by Shea J, Lieberman D. American School of Prehistoric Research Press and Oxbow Books, Oxford, pp. 389-422.
12. Eren MI, Bradley B
(2009) Experimental evaluation of the Levallois “Core Shape Maintenance” hypothesis. Lithic Technology 34:119-125.
11. Eren MI, Sampson CG
(2009) Kuhn’s Geometric Index of Unifacial Stone Tool Reduction (GIUR): does it measure missing flake mass? Journal of Archaeological Science 36:1243-1247.
10. Eren MI
(2009) Experimental archaeology as a pillar of archaeological education. Nikolay 107:25-32.
9. Eren MI, Prendergast M
(2008) Comparing and synthesizing lithic reduction indices. In Lithic Technology: Measures of Production, Use, and Curation, edited by Andrefsky W, pp. 49-85. University of Cambridge Press, Cambridge.
8. Eren MI, Greenspan A, Sampson CG
(2008) Are Upper Paleolithic blade cores more productive than Middle Paleolithic discoidal cores? A replication experiment. Journal of Human Evolution 55:952-961.
7. Willis L, Eren MI, Rick T
(2008) Does butchering fish leave cutmarks? Journal of Archaeological Science 35:1438-1444.
6. Eren MI
(2006) Comment on “The Missing Mousterian” by H. Dibble and S. McPherron. Current Anthropology 47:787-788.
5. Eren MI
(2006) The Paleo Crossing (33-ME-274) non-projectile point biface assemblage. Current Research in the Pleistocene 23:95-97.
4. Eren MI, Redmond B, Kollecker M
(2005) Unifacial stone tool analyses from the Paleo Crossing Site (33-ME-274), Ohio. Current Research in the Pleistocene 22:43-45.
3. Eren MI, Dominguez-Rodrigo M, Le I, Adler D, Kuhn S, Bar-Yosef O
(2005) Defining and measuring reduction in unifacial stone tools. Journal of Archaeological Science 32:1190-1201.
2. Eren MI, Kollecker M
(2004) Data on the post-Paleoindian projectile point assemblage from the Paleo Crossing Site (33-ME-274). Ohio Archaeologist 54:10-11.
1. Eren MI, Redmond B, Kollecker M
(2004) The Paleo Crossing (33-ME-274) fluted point assemblage. Current Research in the Pleistocene 21:38-39.