The Kansas Science Fair is a great opportunity for young people to advance to higher levels in leadership and problem solving- but there are careful steps to take to get there. Learn a little bit more about how the science fair works, and we’ll help you every step of the way.

Divisions & Categories

Divisions & Grade Levels

  • Division I

    • 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th Grades

  • Division II

    • 6th, 7th, & 8th Grades

  • Division III

    • 4th & 5th Grades


Duration of the Project

Across the state, local science fairs will be completed, usually before February, prior to the dates set forth by the regional fair in their area. The regional fairs must be completed by the first weekend in March. The Kansas State Science and Engineering Fair is an ongoing annual project, occurring on March 27, 2021 in its fourteenth year. KSSEF was formed in 2007 and 2008 marked the first state science and engineering fair ever. This yearly event is meritorious and desirous. Teachers and students across the state will be inspired to work toward an increased standard of excellence in science, math, engineering, and technology. Participation in science fairs provides means and motive for educational goals set forth by the State of Kansas and the National Board for Science Education Standards.


The science fair will be judged and winners in each division will be chosen. The top three teams in Division II and in Division I will receive money. The first and second place winner in Division I will receive money and funding for the student to attend the International Science and Engineering Fair that is held in May, in different locations around the United States each year.

Rules and Regulations

The KSSEF will adhere to the rules and requirements set forth by the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). Judging will take place from May 3-6, 2021 via video conferencing. Official Regeneron ISEF events will take place May 16-21, featuring distinguished panels, the Finalist Exhibit Hall, a Career Hall, the ISEF College Fair and a STEM Experiential Hall.