Outreach Shadowing

How can outreach to Oregon communities improve cancer care?

Outreach Learning Objectives

At the end of the outreach shadow, the scholar will:

  • Describe different ways in which cancer organizations reach communities of interest

  • Describe how cancer education materials can be tailored to different audiences

  • Identify ways that outreach and data intersect

Help scholars see the bigger picture

Include the following frames when showing scholars your work:

Photo by FLY:D on Unsplash


Outreach content questions:

  • What is happening?
    (with a given event, communication strategy, targeted reach)

  • What is the science behind outreach efforts in cancer?

  • What data are used to inform outreach efforts?


Outreach process questions:

  • How is outreach done?

  • How are research ethics involved in outreach?

  • How is it decided which scientific messages are emphasized to the public?


Outreach context questions:

  • Who are the people who perform outreach?

  • What are the settings where outreach happens?

  • Where along the cancer continuum (e.g., prevention, screening, detection, treatment, survivorship) is outreach targeted?

Have students think about:

  • Who are the vulnerable populations who may need additional outreach?

  • How does cancer outreach differ for adult and pediatric populations

  • What disparities or inequities are observed in outreach? (e.g., age, racial/ethnic, gender, geographic)

  • What advancements are you most excited about in your field? What is still needed?

  • What role does virtual and online engagement have in cancer outreach? How can social media be used?

What does cancer outreach look like?

Activity Examples

  • Event planning and preparation

  • Screening campaigns

  • Prevention campaigns

  • Education about cancer risks

  • So many more! Be creative!