F5 GCSE Fine Art

Online Art Exhibition 2020

This year, unfortunately due to exceptional circumstances, we have not been able to hold an Art exhibition of examination work by F5 therefore it gives me great pleasure to be able to present to you the artwork of this years’ GCSE Art students. This is of course just a small snapshot of the wonderfully imaginative, personal, rich and diverse portfolios of artwork that our exceptional artists have produced during their courses of study. Huge congratulations go out to every single one of the students, I have been impressed by their commitment, their thought provoking ideas, technical skill and by the maturity of all aspects of their submissions.

GCSE F5 students developed a portolio of work during their 2 year course of study, inspired by themes such as Fragments and Reflection. They also used their creative talents to respond thoughtfully and brilliantly to the Exam theme Event during lockdown.

Many congratulations again, I am very proud of you!

Miss Lewis

Head of art

This is the work of Sabrina, GCSE Fine Art Component 2 Event, 2020

Final Outcome

Coloured pencil on black paper, A3

Sabrina, GCSE Fine Art Component 1, Fragments

Final outcome

This is the work of Katinka, GCSE Fine Art Component 2, Event 2020

Katinka F5 GCSE Fine Art Component 1, Reflection

Final outcome

This is the work of Dune, GCSE Fine Art Component 2, Event 2020

Final piece, mixed media on watercolour paper

Dune, GCSE Fine Art Component 1, Reflection, 2019-2020

Final outcome

This is the work of Marks, GCSE Fine Art Component 2, Event 2020

Marks, GCSE Fine Art Component 1, Reflection, 2019-2020

Final outcome

This is the work of Valeriia, GCSE Fine Art Component 2, Event 2020

Final outcome, acrylic and collage on panel

Valeriia F5 GCSE Fine Art Component 1, Reflection, 2019-2020

Final outcome

This is the work of Aliana, GCSE Fine Art Component 2, Event 2020

Final outcome, Acrylic on mixed media paper

Aliana, GCSE Fine Art Component 1, Fragments, 2019