Y13 A level

Online Art exhibition 2020

This year, unfortunately due to exceptional circumstances, we have not been able to hold an Art exhibition of artwork by Y13, therefore it gives me great pleasure to be able to present to you the stunning artwork of this years’ A Level Art students. This is of course just a small snapshot of the wonderfully imaginative, personal, rich and diverse portfolios of artwork that our exceptional artists have produced during their courses of study. Huge congratulations go out to the students, I have been impressed by their commitment, their thought provoking ideas, technical skill and by the maturity of all aspects of their submissions.

Upper Sixth students generated exciting bodies of work in a variety of media inspired by the 2020 Exam theme Change and/or Stability and their Personal investigation work explored various themes such as Viewpoints, Environment, and Truth Fantasy &Fiction.

Many congratulations again, I am very proud of you!

Miss Lewis

Final Outcome, Acrylic and mixed media on canvas

Emil Lystimaki Y13

This is a snapshot of the personal investigation work of Y13 student Emil, an independent and innovative artist who reflected on issues in society in his investigation. Here he has produced exciting visual outcomes and developed a portfolio of skilful artwork. Emil has a contemporary approach to developing his ideas and enjoys pushing the bondaries of a wide range of media and has developed his own unique style.

Change and/or Stability, Exam project 2020

Final Outcome

Final outcome, image transfer and mixed media on panel

Zoe Sperry Y13

This is snapshot of Zoe's personal investigation work, inspired by the theme of Environment. Zoe has an intricate and detailed approach to her artwork which also reflects her commendable organizational skills. She enjoys experimenting with a wide range of media and techniques to develop her ideas and achieve her aims.

Change and/or Stability, Exam project 2020