Work in progress and forthcoming papers

"Global gas market implications of pricing methane emissions" (with Ruud Egging-Bratseth, Franziska Holz, Carolyn Fischer and Huong Nguyen). Ongoing research project.


"Policy instrument options for addressing methane emissions from the oil and gas sector" (2022) (with Maureen Lackner, Huong Nguyen and Aaron Wolfe). Environmental Defense Fund Economics Discussion Paper Series. EDF EDP 22-01. June 2022.

"Pricing methane emissions from oil and gas production" (2021) (with Maureen Lackner, Jonathan Camuzeaux and Suzi Kerr). Environmental Defense Fund Economics Discussion Paper Series. EDF EDP 21-04. May 2021.

"Designing an EU methane performance standard for natural gas" (2021) (with Andris Piebalgs and Maria Olczak). Florence School of Regulation Policy Brief. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. Issue 2021/09. March 2021.

"The role of electricity tariff design in distributed energy resource deployment" (2023) (with Beia Spiller, Ricardo Esparza, Karen Tapia-Ahumada and Burcin Unel). Energy Economics, 120, 106500. April 2023.

"Cost-reflective residential electricity tariff design. Synthesis of research findings on customer bill, distributed energy resource and pollution impacts" (2021) (with Beia Spiller, Karen Tapia-Ahumada and Burcin Unel).  Environmental Defense Fund Economics Discussion Paper Series. EDF EDP 21-07. November 2021.

"Retail electricity design, distributed energy resources and emissions" (2021) (with Burcin Unel, Ricardo Esparza, Beia Spiller and Karen Tapia-Ahumada). Institute for Policy Integrity at NYU School of Law. Working Paper 2021/1. March 2021.

"The US gas pipeline transportation market. An introductory guide with research questions for the energy transition" (2021) Environmental Defense Fund Economics Discussion Paper Series, EDF EDP 21-01, January 2021.

"Turning the corner on US power sector CO2 emissions - a 1990-2015 state level analysis" (2019) (with Alex Bi, Susanne Brooks, Jonathan Camuzeaux and Thomas Stoerk). Environmental Research Letters, 14, 084049.

"Factoring in the forgotten role of renewables in CO2 emission trends using decomposition analysis" (2018) (with Jonathan Camuzeaux, Adrian Mueller, Marius Schneider and Gernot Wagner). Energy Policy, 116, 290-296.

"On refunding of emission taxes and technology diffusion" (2017) (with Jessica Coria). Strategic Behavior and the Environment, 6 (3), 205-248.

"Designing electric utility rates: insights on achieving efficiency, equity, and environmental goals" (2017) (with Frank Convery and Beia Spiller). Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 11 (1), 156-164.

"An introduction to the Green Paradox: the unintended consequences of climate policies" (2015) (with Svenn Jensen, Karen Pittel and Thomas Sterner). Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 9 (2), 246-265.

"Refunded emission payments and diffusion of NOx abatement technologies in Sweden" (2015) (with Jorge Bonilla, Jessica Coria and Thomas Sterner). Ecological Economics, 116, 132-145.

"Putting a price on the future of our children and grandchildren" (2013) (with Maria Damon and Thomas Sterner). In: Livermore, M.A., Revesz, R.L. (eds), The globalization of cost-benefit analysis in environmental policy, Oxford University Press.

"Greenhouse gas taxes on animal food products: Rationale, tax scheme and climate mitigation effects" (2011) (with Stefan Wirsenius and Fredrik Hedenus). Climatic Change, 108 (1-2), 159-184.

"Greenhouse gas-weighted consumption taxes on food as a climate policy instrument" (2010) (with Fredrik Hedenus and Stefan Wirsenius). In: Dias Soares, C., Milne, J.E., Ashiabor, H., Kreiser, L., Deketelaere, K. (eds), Critical issues in environmental taxation: International and comparative perspectives, Volume VIII, Oxford University Press.