Research & Teaching

"How 'Free' is Free Speech in Academia? Consequences for Researchers and Their Research" with Lorenzo Palladini (Luxembourg)*Very preliminary draft -- please do not share, distribute, or cite! We're doing a major re-write - with many new results!
  • Steven Klepper Award for Best Young Scholar Paper DRUID 2024

Freedom of speech plays a crucial role in science and the pursuit of knowledge. However, recent evidence indicates a decline in such freedom in the academy with rising calls for sanctions against scholars who make statements about matters of public interest that are perceived as controversial. Using a novel dataset, we examine the effect of these incidents using a series of difference-in-difference designs. We find that the affected scholar’s body of work, published prior to the incident, receives 4 percent fewer citations after the incident. Affected scholars also become less productive after the incidents, publishing 20 percent fewer works, and receiving 15 percent fewer citations than scholars with similar characteristics. Scholars at the same institutions and those in closer coauthorship networks tend to cite the work of affected scholars less often suggesting a 'distancing' effect as one of the mechanisms. Leveraging a large language model (GPT4) to assist with the classification of the rich qualitative data, we find that negative effects are observable for incidents involving subjects within and outside of the scholar’s academic field, and whether or not the incidents are based on statements classified as hate speech or not. Our paper sheds light on the theoretical framework of the Mertonian norm of universalism: do scientists separate the research from the researcher's personal characteristics? The evidence we present suggests this norm may not be upheld, which has implications for the inclusivity, objectivity, and trust in science.

“Improving Idea Discovery and Development in Team Science” with Solène Delecourt (Berkeley Haas), Rem Koning (Harvard Business School), and Kyle Myers (Harvard Business School) [IRB approved]
  • An RCT testing whether giving scientists 'management training' improves their scientific output

"Ideology in the Scientific Workforce" with Jessica Khan (Northwest Florida State College) [IRB approved; experiments in progress]
  • Hopefully the draft is coming in Fall 2024!

"The Impact of Government Shutdowns on Scientific Productivity" with Christian Helmers (Santa Clara) [IRB approved]
  • Hopefully the draft is coming in Fall 2024!

Teaching and Research Assistance

Year 1

Fall 2021: TA for Intro Statistical Inference

Spring 2022: TA for Intro Statistical Inference

Summer 2022: Research Assistant 

Year 2

Fall 2022: TA for Intro Statistical Inference

Spring 2022: Research Assistant

Summer 2023: Research Assistant 

Year 3

Fall 2023: TA for Advanced Game Theory

Spring 2023: Research Assistant

Summer 2023: Research Assistant

Year 4

Fall 2024: TA for Introduction to Business and Finance