Join the revolution


Kranti empowers girls from Mumbai's red-light areas to become agents of social change.

Kranti's Mission

Kranti is a women's rights NGO that provides a healing home, comprehensive education and personalized opportunities to India’s socially disadvantaged young women in order to empower and equip them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to build fulfilling futures and become agents of positive change in the world.

Kranti's Vision

We envision an India

  • Where the basic human rights of every woman are recognized and striven for.
  • Where these human rights guarantee her access to a comprehensive education.
  • Where her education grants her the agency and independence to control her own life.
  • Where this agency enables her to make a significant intellectual contribution to the world.
  • Where society’s value of her contribution instigates an enduring confidence and strength.
  • Where this collective strength of India’s women ignites a generational empowerment, and provides every woman the opportunity to live up to her full potential intellectually, socially, spiritually, and physically.

Kranti's Objectives

  • Human Rights
  • Comprehensive Education
  • Agency & Independence
  • Intellectual Contribution Strength
  • Fulfilled Potential


You are picnicking with friends along a rapidly flowing river. Halfway through your meal, you see a young girl drowning - you jump in and pull her out. You don't pay attention to where she goes, and you sit back down to dry off and finish your picnic. Two minutes later, you see somebody else drowning. You jump in and save her, too. Five minutes later, there are ten people in the river, and you're frantically trying to save them. Then there are 40, then 80. In your desperation to save them, you never stop to understand where they are coming from, who is throwing them in, and where they go after you save them.

This is the story of how many NGOs react to social problems - pulling people out of a river without any plans for what should follow or how to address the source of the problem. In the field of anti-trafficking, rescue operations often violate the human rights of those being rescued; rehabilitation rarely provides the care and training necessary for women to heal and sustain livelihoods; and repatriation practices frequently return women to situations where they are just as vulnerable to the socio-economic factors that were originally responsible for their trafficking - but often with the additional stigma of having worked in the sex industry. Consequently, many girls and women, despite receiving services from NGOs, often end up in the same or worse conditions than before they were trafficked.

Mumbai, India

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