
CALL or TEXT 909-964-8293

To begin, please select your vessel:

29 foot Grady White fully rigged for fishing! Click on the image to find out more about our boat!

Fastest vessel in the Mission Bay Fleet, this boat will put you far offshore, in very little time. This four pack vessel balances speed, comfort, room, and price perfectly.

29 foot Grady White fully rigged for fishing! Click on the image to find out more about our boat!

(Currently not available)

36 foot Californian with full walk around deck, galley, and comfortable amenities. This vessel is our most cost efficient six pack and is perfect for local or off shore fishing for up to six passengers.

Overnight four pack trips are also available. Just ask!

(Currently not available)

25 Foot Parker if fast and seaworthy and ready to take you to get some fish, local or offshore.