September 24-27, 2024

Recent developments in 

Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality

Venue: Panasonic Auditorium, Yukawa Hall at Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics


The KPZ equation was introduced in 1986 to model interface growth and its universality has been studied as an important example in non-equilibrium systems. Exact solutions for one-dimensional systems have been obtained since around 2000, followed by impressive mathematical developments. Experimental realizations using liquid crystal turbulence confirmed its significance in 2010. 

In recent years, understanding of KPZ universality has deepened both physically and mathematically. Also KPZ universality has been found in various physical systems unrelated to interface growth, including anharmonic chains, quantum unitary circuits,  polariton problems and quantum spin chains, advancing research both theoretically and experimentally.

There are numerous intriguing developments in KPZ systems. However, subjects related to KPZ are now very broad and grasping the overall picture has become challenging. This research conference aims to gather relevant researchers, share the latest advancements, and pursue new collaborative research.

Schedule and Venue

      Please check the access map of the YITP webpage.

Invited speakers

Yuta Arai (Chiba University of Commerce, Japan)

Jinho Baik (University of Michigan, US)

Sebastian Diehl (University of Cologne, Germany)

Ryoki Fukushima (University of Tsukuba, Japan)

Jan de Gier (The University of Melbourne, Australia)

Yuki Ishiguro (Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan)

Kohei Motegi (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)

Shuta Nakajima (Meiji University, Japan)

Makoto Nakashima (Nagoya University, Japan)

Tomaž Prosen (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Axel Saenz (Oregon State University, US)

Kazumasa Takeuchi (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

Accommodation information

You can find accommodation information in the accommodation page of the YITP page.


Tomohiro Sasamoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Takashi Imamura (Chiba University)

Makiko Sasada (The University of Tokyo)

Junji Suzuki (Shizuoka University)

Kauzya Fujimoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Hisao Hayakawa (Kyoto University)

Financial Supports 

   This conference is supported by Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics and KAKENHI NO. 22H01143.