
Postgraduate Program in High Energy Physics, Astrophysics & Cosmology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Decorative image of a supernova remnant.

Stellar and Planetary Astrophysics

Material coming soon...

Decorative image of the Antennae galaxies

Galaxies and Extragalactic Astrophysics

Material coming soon...


The logos of the ICE, CSIC and IEEC

Bachelor / Masters Theses

Check the list of bachelor and masters theses topics offered by the personnel at the Institute of Space Sciences. Contact me if you are interested in conducting a thesis on X-ray binaries, ultraluminous X-ray sources, and/or binary stellar evolution, whether it would focus on analytical results, data science or scientific programming. 

Photo of the Geneva Observatory with the future addition of the outreach center.

Supervised a BSc (D. Bekri) and a MSc (C. Tan) student on projects related to X-ray binary populations, and localization of gravitational-wave sources.

Photo of the entrance to the Physics Department in the University of Crete.

Ph150: Introduction to Computers: during my PhD, I taught in the labs, designed exams, coordinated teaching assistants, and taught part of the theory on algorithms.

Summer School for Astrostatistics In Crete
Every year around June or July, me and a few friends that passed from the University of Crete (Greece), organize and teach classical and Bayesian statistics, machine and deep learning, and their application on astrophysics. You can use the famous astronomical meetings portal to check for new calls for applications (early Spring).
