News & Media


Nature Astronomy 2024
Press Release

Three neutron stars detected by ESA’s XMM-Newton and NASA’s Chandra telescopes are between 10 and 100 times colder than others of their same age, putting strong constraints on the equation of state of dense matter. The research was published in Nature Astronomy. You can view the full article here:

and check the press releases from ESA and ICE:

Press Article on the Summer School for Astrostatistics in Crete

Artistic impression on the gravitational lense from a black hole system.

Nature Astronomy 2023
Press Release

Massive, merging binary black holes at solar metallicity is possible through isolated binary evolution scenario. The research was published in Nature Astronomy. Check the press release from ICE:

Photo from conference 1

Talking at a spectacular venue, Centrum Kongresowe ICE Kraków (Poland) during the Special Session 29 of the 2023 meeting of the European Astronomical Society...

Photo from conference 2

...where I showed my latest theoretical results on how X-ray binaries scale with the star formation rate, stellar mass, metallicity, and redshift of the host galaxy.

Group photo of the 2023 Summer School for Astrostatistics in Crete

It might be intensive and hard to organize and teach in a summer school, but it's one of the most fulfilling experiences for me, Jeff Andrews (University of Florida), Paolo Bonfini (Alma Sistemi) and Grigoris Marvelias (Univeristy of Athens). 

We welcomed 30 students from all over the globe, and explored the world of astrostatistics, from classical to Bayesian, and Machine Learning to Deep Learning!


Outreach articles

Artistic impressions of mass transfer in X-ray binary systems.

2'science article on XRBs (Greek)

Image credits:
Left: ESA, NASA, F. Mirabel
Right: ESA/AOES Medialab (right) 


Talk in the 250 years anniversary of the Geneva Observatory

A presentation on the search for extraterrestrial life and intelligence from the antiquity to the modern times! This is one of my favorite subjects for outreach events since it uses a "catchy" subject as a means to talk about philosophy and science. The turning points in the history of the debate of alien life are following closely the changes in the cosmological ideas, the development of sciences, and now the technology!