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The horizontalDeterminate Kotlin function is triggered when the first button is clicked. It is used to start/stop Horizontal ProgressBar. A Handler is associated with a single thread. It is used to send messages to the Thread. The btnProgressBarSecondary click triggers the second progress bar. We have created two handlers - one for the normal progress and second for the subtasks. In each of them, we are setting the thread to sleep. For the secondary thread, the sleep time is 1/100 of the primary progress thread. The progress value is displayed on the TextView. Output:

Kotlin Download File With Progress

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Do you want to upload a file using the clean Retrofit syntax, but aren't sure how to receive the result as well as the upload progress? We will be using Retrofit to perform the file upload, building an implementation that is able to receive the completion progress at intervals and then complete with the remote API response.

Whilst long-running operations are happening, it is nice for the user to see that activity is occurring, such as a progress view being displayed. For the case of a file upload we can show the real progress, which can be represented by the number of bytes transmitted out of the total file size.

We are developing a messaging application that is able to attach a file to a message thread. It is worth noting that we are using Kotlin Coroutines, however, it can be altered to use regular callbacks or a reactive framework such as RxJava.

Our endpoint is a POST request that contains a multipart body, consisting of the filename, file MIME type, file size and the file itself. We can define it using Retrofit, specifying the required parts.

Monitoring upload progress can be achieved by using our own CountingRequestBody which wraps around the file RequestBody that would have been used before. The data that is transmitted is the same as before, allowing the raw file RequestBody to be delegated to for the content type and content length.

Transmitting the request body is performed by writing it to a Sink, we will wrap the default sink with our own one that counts the bytes that are transmitted and reports them back via a progress callback.

Whilst observing the upload progress, there will either be progress or a completed response, the perfect candidate for a sealed class. This will allow CountingRequestResult to be the return type and callers can handle both progress updates and the completed result.

Now that we have a way of uploading a file and receiving the upload progress, we can write our FileUploader. Creating the request body for our upload request involves using a CountingRequestBody that reports progress and completion to a MutableStateFlow (or another reactive type).

The upload request consists of using the Retrofit function we implemented at the beginning, providing the file details and the created request body that will count progress. The Retrofit definition and the format of the request parts will depend on how each particular API is put together. Here we are using a request that contains various plaintext parts for the file details and then one for the file to be uploaded.

Monitoring the progress of a web request may not be immediately obvious when reading through the Retrofit API, however, the powerful APIs of OkHttp and Okio can get the job done nicely. The solution we have developed can be used for any web request, as the counting process can be wrapped around any RequestBody that needs to be sent in a request.

Warning: As this is a story of mistakes we made and then corrected over time, do not use any of the initial or intermediate forms of code here in your own projects, only the final fixed version. ?

First things first, let's see how you can upload a file to an API using Retrofit. Most APIs will expect a multipart form to contain the file data. You can declare a method inside a Retrofit interface like the one below to support that operation:

Whenever writeTo is invoked to write this RequestBody to the network, we loop through the contents of the file manually, write the bytes, and invoke the callback, calculating the percentage of the upload completed so far.

The improvement is to (instead of handling a FileInputStream manually) create a custom OkHttp Sink implementation (based on the handy ForwardingSink), which will perform the counting and corresponding progress callbacks for us.

This is natural, and lots of apps have setups like this. What's notable here is that HttpLoggingInterceptor and CurlInterceptor will both log the request and call requestBody.writeTo() internally to do that.

That's bad enough, but then we also had the requirement to allow our users to set their own OkHttpClient instances for the SDK to use, where they could also add more interceptors of their own, which may or may not invoke writeTo in the request body (one or more times!).

We could've somehow provided an additional API where they can increment progressUpdatesToSkip to account for this, but then they could also have interceptors that will sometimes read the body but not at other times, based on some dynamic condition... There's clearly no winning with this approach, and it's an awful rabbit hole to go down.

A real solution would be intercepting the call with an OkHttp network interceptor, but we can't pass in individual callbacks per different Retrofit upload calls with that approach (at least not easily).

This way nothing that previous interceptors do with the request will interfere with the progress reporting, as they'll still have the original RequestBody to work with, and the special progress-tracking wrapper is only added at the very last moment before it actually goes out to the network.

There is one remaining issue with this progress tracking: Whenever the body gets written, it's only written into local buffers, and what we track is how fast we're writing to that buffer. This then still needs to make it over the network, which can take some time.

If you want to learn more about how Okio (and OkHttp, Retrofit, and Moshi) work super efficiently with data, watch A Few Ok Libraries by Jake Wharton. For an introduction to Moshi, check out Say Hi to Moshi.

We announced the upcoming end-of-support for AWS SDK for Java (v1). We recommend that you migrate to AWS SDK for Java v2. For dates, additional details, and information on how to migrate, please refer to the linked announcement.

You can use the AWS SDK for Java TransferManager class to reliably transfer files from the localenvironment to Amazon S3 and to copy objects from one S3 location to another. TransferManager canget the progress of a transfer and pause or resume uploads and downloads.

These code examples assume that you understand the material inUsing the AWS SDK for Javaand have configured default AWS credentials using the information inSet up AWS Credentials and Region for Development.

TheMultipleFileUploadobject returned by uploadFileList can be used to query the transfer state or progress. SeePoll the Current Progress of a TransferandGet Transfer Progress with a ProgressListenerfor more information.

You get progress of transfers if you poll for events before calling waitForCompletion,implement a polling mechanism on a separate thread, or receive progress updates asynchronouslyusing aProgressListener.

AProgressListenerrequires only one method, progressChanged, which takes aProgressEventobject. You can use the object to get the total bytes of the operation by calling its getBytesmethod, and the number of bytes transferred so far by calling getBytesTransferred.

The MultipleFileUploadclass can return information about its subtransfers by calling its getSubTransfers method. Itreturns an unmodifiable Collection ofUploadobjects that provide the individual transfer status and progress of each sub-transfer.

Sorry for the delay, I liked RM's approach but there is a problem: the blast output file does not update itself until the program stop working, therefore it's not possible to retrieve progress information in real time.

I don't think so, but if I'm wrong, I would be happy because I miss it too. What I'm doing now is (works with a tab delimited output and a multifasta file query) to find the last query ID written in the blast output, and then to find it into the fasta file. This works only because sequences are "blasted" in the same order as in the query file.

might be good to add what kind of output format you require to have a correct Query grep. Default output as well as html or default tabular without interspersed query info will fail the calculation likely...

Here is a cross-platform solution in bash. The script indicates the percentage of rows in the input file consumed by blast in real time, which is a very good proxy of the process progress when the query is a large set of sequences. It's based on the idea that the input can be piped to blast, and the piping command can output the current status to a different stream.

On unix systems you could use the "watch" command to cat for instance the tail of your output file to screen. You can make it more fancy by including a grep to just show the query ID and calculate the % like RM just suggested.

Part of an application that we were developing for one of our client included downloading of zip files, which contain all source- and multimedia files of some web page. The downloaded files are then stored in the local storage on the android device. This allowed the users to open and view the downloaded zipped web page even when the device had no access to the internet. Downloading of a zip file can be achieved with a simple HTTP GET request. As per our commonly used tech stack, we used the Retrofit library to provide this HTTP request. 152ee80cbc

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