
Research Interest: Market Design, Information Economics, Matching, Merger & Acquisition, Pricing, Attention, Social Network 

Research by Topic


[1] "Signaling in Online Credit Markets," with Kei Kawai and Ken Onishi,  Journal of Political Economy, 2022 (published version)

[2] "A Structural Model of Multi-Tasking Salesforce: Job Task Allocation and Incentive Plan Design," with Minkyung Kim and K. SudhirManagement Science, 2022 (published version)

        Finalist, 2022 Frank M. Bass Award

[3]  "Taxation and Market Power in the Legal Marijuana Industry ," with Brett Hollenbeck, RAND Journal of Economics, 2021 (published version)

         Media coverage: UCLA Anderson Review, Leafy, Connecticut Post, Investorplace, Portland Business Journal, Sierra Sun Times

[4]  "Behavioral Analytics: Strategies for Integrating Behavioral Science with Machine Learning," with Hagen, Linda, Nathan Yang, Bryan Bollinger, Allison Chaney, Daria Dzyabura, Jordan Etkin, Avi Goldfarb, Liu Liu, K. Sudhir, Yanwen Wang, James Wright, and Ying Zhu, forthcoming at Marketing Letters, 2020

[5] "Designing Context-Based Marketing: Product Recommendations under Time Pressure" (previously circulated as "Identifying Consumer Attention: A Product-Availability Approach," with Kohei Kawaguchi and Yasutora Watanabe, Management Science, 2021 (published version

Slides: JIMS

[6] "Mergers, Innovation, and Entry-Exit Dynamics: The Consolidation of the Hard Disk Drive Industry (1996-2015)," with Mitsuru Igami, Review of Economic Studies, 2020 (published version)

      Media coverage: LSE Business Review, 2020 Economic Report of the President 

[7] "When Salespeople Manage Customer Relationships: Multidimensional Incentives and Private Information," with Rodrigo Canales, Minkyung Kim, and K. Sudhir, Journal of Marketing Research,  2019 (published version)

   Winner, 2021 Don Lehmann Award 

[8] "Inspiration from the "Biggest Loser": Social Interactions in a Weight Loss Program," with Nathan Yang, Marketing Science, 2020

        Media coverage: Yale Insights, National Affairs, my body+soul, ScienceDaily, News Medical

[9]  "Effectiveness of Product Recommendation under Time and Social Pressures," with Kohei Kawaguchi and Yasutora Watanabe , Marketing Science, 2019 

[10] "Estimating Supermodular Games Using Rationalizable Strategies," with Yasutora Watanabe, Advances in Econometrics, 2013.

[11] "A Note on Estimation of Two-Sided Matching Models," with Yasutora Watanabe, Economics Letters, 2012.

Working Papers

[12] "Engagement Dynamics in mHealth" with Yikun Jiang, and Nathan Yang, Revision Requested at Marketing Science, March 2024

[13] "Entry by Merger: Estimates from a Two-Sided Matching Model with Externalities," with Yasutora WatanabeRevision Requested at RAND Journal of Economics, December 2020 (3rd round, under revision) 

          For those who are interested in the estimation strategy used in this paper, please check the slides I used in Yale Graduate IO course: Slides

[14] "Harnessing the Small Victories: Goal Design Strategies for a Mobile Calorie and Weight Loss Tracking Application,"  with Nathan Yang, Reject and Resubmit at Management Science, November 2018

[15] "Passive and Active Attention and Inattention to Baseball Telecasts: Implications for Content (Re-)Design," with Xiao Liu and Matt Shum, March 2024 

            Media coverage: Los Angeles Daily News

[16] "When to Target Customers? Retention Management using Dynamic Off-Policy Policy Learning,” with Kohei Yata, Ryosuke Okada, and Ryuya Ko, May 2024

         Poster (KDD '21): link

[17] "Retailer Price Competition and Assortment Differentiation: Evidence from Entry Lotteries" with Brett Hollenbeck and Sylvia Hristakeva, June 2024

[18] "Pricing Mechanism in Online Credit Markets," March 2020

Work in Progress:

"The Role of Strategic Retail Assortment Differentiation in Brand Proliferation," with Brett Hollenbeck and Sylvia Hristakeva 

"Addiction and Alcohol Taxation: Evidence from Japanese Beer Industry," with Kohei Hayashida, Masakazu Ishihara, and Makoto Mizuno 

"Demand Spillover and Inequality in the WIC Program," with Jose Miguel Abito, Kathleen Hui, and Yuval Salant 

"Optimal Retargeting," with Ryuya Ko, and Kohei Yata

"Dynamic Pricing with Inventory," with Ryuya Ko

"Product Variety and Taxation: Evidence from Japanese Beer Industry," with Kohei Hayashida, Masakazu Ishihara, and Makoto Mizuno

"Estimating a Model of Strategic Network Formation and Its Effects on Performance: An Application to the U.S. Venture Capital Market" October 2014 

                 Formerly distributed as "Strategic Network Formation and Performance in the Venture Capital Industry," 

"Working under Search and Information Frictions: Evidence from an Online Labor Market Experiment"