I grew up doing a lot of manual labor jobs and would often dream of better ways to do them. Ever since I started learning about mechatronics and robotics in college, I knew it was the perfect career path for me. I would be delighted to have a job combining computers and machines to accomplish a task. I want to free up our incredible minds so they can work on more important things. Seeking every opportunity to learn and improve led me to obtain a masters degree researching human robot co-manipulation. With that project now drawing to a close, I am seeking my next opportunity, a place to share my passion, learn, and grow. 

In my spare time, I enjoy learning new skills and finding hobbies. I’ve enjoyed everything from cooking to woodworking and from unicycling to racquetball. I also love to spend time in the great outdoors hiking and camping with my family. 

Autonomous Driving

Robotic Vision

discbot navigation.mp4

Disc-bot Navigation