Yusuke Koda

I am an Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Informatics at Kyoto University, Japan.

Latest News

Aug 2024

IEEE PIMRC paper has received a travel grant from the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation

(以下の論文が、電気通信普及財団 海外渡航旅費援助に採択されました)

Comprehensive 3GPP-compatible channel model for FR2-2 short-range communications for various indoor environments” 

Aug 2024

Additional IEEE VTC-Fall paper has been accepted.

Performance evaluation of low sub-THz 5G NR sidelink for ultra-wideband short-range communication” 

Jul 2024

IEEE VTC-Fall paper has been accepted.

“105 GHz indoor omnidirectional power delay profile measurement in personal office desktop environment” 

MAY 2024

Kyoto University Generative Wireless Initiative has been established &

 Our channel generator (KUCG: Kyoto University Channel Generator) has been released


Contributed with more than 40 journal/conference papers

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Contact me

koda (at) i.kyoto-u.ac.jp