About me
Yusuke Koda
I received the B.E. degree in electrical and electronic engineering from Kyoto University in 2016, and the master's. and the Ph.D. degree in informatics from the Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University in 2018 and 2021, respectively, where I am currently an Assistant professor. I was a Postdoctoral Researcher with the Centre for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu, Finland in 2021, where I visited the Centre for Wireless Communications in 2019, to conduct collaborative research. My current research interest is in ultra-wideband wireless communication systems operating on mmWave/sub-THz bands and machine learning-aided wireless communication systems. Since 2023, I have been involved in the 3GPP standardization activities for the RAN TSG. I received the Young Researcher’s Encouragement Award in 2017 from IEEE VTS Japan, the 35th Telecom System Technology Award in 2020 from the telecommunications Advancement Foundation, the 36th Telecom System Technology Student Award in 2021 from the telecommunications Advancement Foundation, Young Researcher's Encouragement Award in 2021 from the institute of electronics, information and communication engineers, Student Research Encouragement Award in 2021 from IEEE Kansai Chapter, and Outstanding Paper Award for Young C&C Researchers in 2022, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Best Paper Award 2023, and IEEE CCNC 2025 Best Poster Award. I was also an IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Exemplary Reviewer in 2020. Moreover, I was a recipient of the Nokia Foundation Centennial Scholarship in 2019.
Assistant Professor
Graduate School of Informatics,
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Postdoctoral Researcher
CWC, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland.
Ph. D (Informatics)
Graduate School of Informatics,
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Visitor in Centre for Wireless Communications
CWC, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland.
M. I. (Apr. 2016 - Mar 2018)
Graduate School of Informatics,
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
B. E. (Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2016)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Research Interests
mmWave/sub-THz Channel Measurement & Modeling & Channel Simulator Development
✔︎ Representative First-Authorized Works
[mmW1] Y. Koda, R. Ouyang, N. Ohmi, and H. Harada, "Survey, taxonomy, and unification of standard mmWave channel models for WPAN, WLAN, and cellular systems in 6G," IEEE Communications Standards Magazine.
[mmW2] Y. Koda, R. Ouyang, N. Ohmi, and H. Harada, "3GPP-compatible channel generation framework for FR2-2 indoor short-range communication," IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation.
[mmW3] Y. Koda, N. Ohmi, H. Endo, and H. Harada, “Comprehensive 3GPP-compatible channel model for FR2-2 short-range communications for various indoor environments,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC 2024.
[subTHz1] Y. Koda, N. Ohmi, H. Endo, and H. Harada, "95 GHz indoor propagation measurement and statistically enhanced 3GPP channel model for sub-THz indoor short-range communications," submitted to a possible publication in IEEE. DOI: 10.36227/techrxiv.171043245.55820651/v2
[subTHz2] Y. Koda, N. Ohmi, H. Endo, and H. Harada, “105 GHz multipath propagation measurements and path loss model for sub-THz indoor short-range communications,” in Proc. IEEE VTC2023-Fall.
[subTHz3] Y. Koda, N. Ohmi, H. Endo, and H. Harada, “95 GHz sub-THz multi-path propagation measurement for indoor conference room desktop,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC 2024.
[sub-THz4] Y. Koda, M. Hashimoto, H. Endo, N. Ohmi, and H. Harada, “3D double-directional 105 GHz channel sounder for ultra-wideband low sub-THz propagation measurement,” accepted at IEEE CCNC 2025 poster session.
(Best poster award)
✔︎ Works with My Supervision
M. Maeda, Y. Koda, N. Ohmi, and H. Harada, “105 GHz multipath propagation measurement and comparison with 60 GHz in office desk environment for ultra-high speed sub-THz WPAN systems,” IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology.
M. Hashimoto, H. Endo, Y. Koda, N. Ohmi, and H. Harada, “Double-directional 105 GHz multipath propagation measurement in lecture hall environment,” accepted at IEEE CCNC 2025.
(34.8% acceptance rate.)
M. Hashimoto, Y. Koda, and H. Harada, “Improved time cluster stochastic channel model for mmWave indoor short-range communications,” in Proc. IEEE PIMRC 2024.
(Received the international conference travel grant from the Hara Research Foundation.)
M. Maeda, Y. Koda, N. Ohmi, and H. Harada, “105 GHz indoor omnidirectional power delay profile measurement in personal office desktop environment,” accepted at IEEE VTC2024-fall.
(Awarded by the IEEE VTS Japan)
H. Endo, Y. Koda, and H. Harada, “A time-alignment algorithm of multiple power delay profiles measured by antenna rotations towards flexible mmWave channel measurements,” in Proc. IEEE VTC2023-spring recent results.
(Awarded by the IEEE VTS Japan)
M. Hashimoto, Y. Koda, N. Ohmi, H. Endo, and H. Harada, “Comprehensive 105 GHz multipath measurements and improved 3GPP stochastic channel model for indoor short-range sub-THz communication systems,” submitted to possible publication in IEEE.
H. Endo, Y. Koda, N. Ohmi, and H. Harada, "Post-processing time alignment method for 60 GHz power angular delay profile without hardware synchronization," submitted to possible publication in IEEE.
✔︎ Open sub-THz Channel Simulator (Kyoto University Channel Generator)
✔︎ Press Release
Next Generation NR-based mmWave/sub-THz Wireless Communication Systems & Testbed
✔︎ Representative First-Authorized Works
Y. Koda, R. Okura, and H. Harada, "Toward 3GPP sidelink-based millimeter wave wireless personal area network for out-of-coverage scenarios," IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
Y. Koda, R. Okura, and H. Harada, “NR sidelink-based virtual community network in mmWave unlicensed band: Deployment ecosystem, requirements, and link-level evaluations,” submitted to possible publication in IEEE.
✔︎ Works with My Supervision (or Co-authorized Works)
R. Okura, Y. Koda, and H. Harada, “Performance evaluation of low sub-THz 5G NR sidelink for ultra-wideband short-range communication,” in Proc. IEEE VTC2024-fall.
(Awarded by the IEEE VTS Japan)
S. Uemori, R. Okura, Y. Koda, and H. Harada, “Highly-efficient sidelink SSB format and synchronization algorithm for common-mode signaling in 5G NR sidelink-based mmWave WPAN systems,” accepted for IEEE WCNC 2025.
(Received the international conference travel grant from the Hara Research Foundation.)
H. Harada, S. Mori, N. Ohmi, Y. Koda, and K. Mizutani, “Design of 3GPP-based millimeter-wave band wireless virtual community network,” in Proc. IEEE VTC2023-Spring recent results, Florence, Italy, Jun. 2023, pp. 1–5. (paper)
[In Japanese] 大倉諒吾,香田優介,原田博司,“ミリ波5Gサイドリンク通信における見通し外端末への報知信号中継アルゴリズム” SRW 研究会,東京工業大学,2023 年 3 月.
(短距離無線通信研究会 研究奨励賞受賞)
[In Japanese] 上森智史,大倉諒吾,香田優介,原田博司,“ミリ波サイドリンク通信システムにおける報知チャネルの同期手法” SRW 研究会,東京大学本郷キャンパス,2024 年 3 月.
(短距離無線通信研究会 優秀学生賞受賞)
✔︎ Contribution to Standardization
"Views on Additional RAN1-led Topics: Study Proposal of Sidelink Evolution above 30 GHz for Internet of Everything," RAN 102, RP-233177
Vision/Sensing data-Assisted MmWave/sub-THz communication systems
✔︎ Representative First-Authorized Works
Y. Koda, “Visual data-driven millimeter wave communication systems,” Ph.D. Dissertation
Y. Koda, K. Nakashima, K. Yamamoto, T. Nishio, and M. Morikura, “Handover management for mmWave networks with proactive performance prediction using camera images and deep reinforcement learning,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. (80+ citations, Awarded by Telecommunications Advancement Foundation)
Y. Koda, J. Park, M. Bennis, K. Yamamoto, T. Nishio, M. Morikura, and K. Nakashima, “Communication-efficient multimodal split learning for mmWave received power prediction,” IEEE Communications Letters (60+ citations, Awarded by IEEE Kansai Chapter)
Y. Koda, K. Yamamoto, T. Nishio, and M. Morikura, “Reinforcement learning based predictive handover for pedestrian-aware mmWave networks,” in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM Workshops (50+ citations).
Y. Koda, M. Shinzaki, K. Yamamoto, T. Nishio, et. al., “Millimeter wave communications on overhead messenger wire: Deep reinforcement learning-based predictive beam tracking,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking.
Y. Koda, J. Park, M. Bennis, K. Yamamoto, T. Nishio, and M. Morikura, “One pixel image and RF signal based split learning for mmWave received power prediction,” in Proc. ACM CoNEXT2019 poster.
✔︎ Works with My Supervision
M. Shinzaki, Y. Koda, K. Yamamoto, et.al., “Zero-shot adaptation for mmWave beam-tracking on overhead messenger wires through robust adversarial reinforcement learning,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking.
K. Nakashima, Y. Koda, K. Yamamoto, et. al., “Impact of input data size on received power prediction using depth images for mmWave communications,” in Proc. IEEE VTC2018-Fall. (Awarded by the IEEE VTS Japan)
M. Shinzaki, Y. Koda, K. Yamamoto, et. al., “Deep reinforcement learning-based beam tracking from mmWave antennas installed on overhead messenger wires,” in Proc. IEEE VTC2020-fall. (Awarded by the IEEE VTS Japan)
✔︎ Co-authorized Works
T. Nishio, Y. Koda, J. Park, M. Bennis, and K. Doppler, “When wireless communications meet computer vision in beyond 5G,” IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 76-83, Jun. 2021.
T. Nishio, H. Okamoto, K. Nakashima, Y. Koda, K. Yamamoto, M. Morikura, Y. Asai, and R. Miyatake, “Proactive received power prediction using machine learning and depth images for mmWave networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 37, no. 11, pp. 2413-2427, Nov. 2019.
Academic Activities
Organizing Committee Member
IEEE PIMRC 2022, Virtual Platform Vice Chair
Technical Program Committee Member
IEEE PIMRC 2022, Track 2: Networking and MAC
IEEE VTC2022-spring, Track 10: Signal processing for wireless communications
IEEE VTC2022-spring workshops, Intelligent IoT Connectivity, Automation and Applications (ICA 2022)
IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (Exemplary reviewer in 2020)
IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals
IEICE Transactions on Communications
Hindawi Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Journal of Communications and Information Networks
Computer Networks
IEEE VTC 2022-Spring
Wireless Days 2019
WPMC 2017
Domestic academic society
Professional licenses
On-The-Ground Ⅰ-Category Special Radio Operator
Contact me
koda (at) i.kyoto-u.ac.jp