Heart rate variability is a measure of the beat-to-beat changes in heart rate. This diagram shows three heartbeats recorded on an electrocardiogram (ECG). Note that variation in the time interval between consecutive heartbeats, giving a different heart rate (in beats per minute) for each interbeat interval.

Scientists and physicians consider HRV to be an important indicator of health and fitness. As a marker of physiological resilience and behavioral flexibility, it reflects our ability to adapt effectively to stress and environmental demands. A simple analogy helps to illustrate this point: just as the shifting stance of a tennis player about to receive a serve may facilitate swift adaptation, in healthy individuals the heart remains similarly responsive and resilient, primed and ready to react when needed.

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To derive the full benefits of the HeartMath tools, it is therefore important to learn how to self-activate and eventually sustain a positive emotion. However, for users who initially have trouble achieving or maintaining coherence, practicing heart-focused breathing at a 10-second rhythm, as described above, can be useful training aid. Once individuals grow accustomed to generating coherence through rhythmic breathing and become familiar with how this state feels, they can then begin to practice breathing a positive feeling or attitude through the heart area in order to enhance their experience of the HeartMath tools and their benefits. Eventually, with continuity of practice, most people become able to shift into coherence by directly activating a positive emotion.

HeartMath technology is an innovative approach to improving emotional wellbeing. Learn to change your heart rhythm pattern to create physiological coherence; a scientifically measurable state characterized by increased order and harmony in our mind, emotions and body.

We would love for you to share this article and spread the word on building coherence to create a more heart-connected world! We ask that if you use this article on your site or publication that you please use it in its entirety. Please also include the attribution statement Article made available by HeartMath LLC. www.heartmath.com. The content herein may not be modified or altered without written permission from HeartMath. Please send permission requests to support@heartmath.com.

Throughout much of recorded history, human beings have understood that intelligence, the ability to learn, understand, reason and apply knowledge to shape their environment, was a function of the brain in the head.

Although scientists say it is clear there is still much to learn, future generations may well look back and cite another important discovery as one of the most pivotal of the 20th century. The HeartMath Solution, the book that details the program used by hundreds of thousands of people to access and utilize heart intelligence to improve their lives, discusses this discovery.

Early HeartMath research found that negative emotions threw the nervous system out of balance and when that happened heart rhythms became disordered and appeared jagged on a heart monitor. This placed stress on the physical heart and other organs and threatened serious health problems.

The Inner Balance analyzes our heart rhythm, measured by Heart Rate Variability (HRV), which indicates how emotional states are affecting our nervous system. HRV offers a unique window into the quality of communication between the heart and brain, which directly impacts how we feel and perform.

Our heart rhythm patterns are the best reflection of our inner state. We can use the Inner Balance to see what's going on inside of us and learn how to shift into a state of balance, self-reliance and renewing feelings, such as appreciation and compassion.

School is about to begin for Charlotte students, and that means we are on our way to another exciting year of math games, relationship building, and high fives with Heart students! We are grateful for our wonderful tutors who return year after year to partner with elementary students to work on foundational math skills and confidence each week. What keeps tutors coming back, and what are they most excited about as we get closer to our first week of tutoring? We reached out to a few returning tutors who shared their favorite things about working with students in Heart!

Heart Math Tutoring seeks to ensure that all elementary students have the foundational math skills and enthusiasm for academics they need to be successful. Most students who are struggling in math lack foundational number sense skills that support higher levels of learning and allow them to progress with their class. These students need one-on-one attention and instruction at their level. We believe that volunteer time is one of the only resources currently available to public schools that is not yet fully leveraged. We know that the communities we work in care deeply about the success of children, and when given an opportunity to help that is effective and manageable on a wide scale, volunteers will make a tremendous impact on the academic trajectory of those students who are in most need of support.

There seems to be a growing social media chatter about research conducted at the Heart Math Institute (heartmath.org) on shared electromagnetic fields between horses and humans, which purportedly explain why we feel good around horses. Intrigued that there may be sound science behind the connectivity, peacefulness, and overall exceptional feeling that horse enthusiasts, including myself, consistently experience, I was eager to dig in.

Heart rhythm is measured through electrocardiography (ECG) recordings to provide a reading of Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Unlike Heart Rate (HR), which measures the number of heart beats per minute, HRV measures the changes in the intervals between consecutive heart beats. The fluctuations of a healthy heart are complex, and variability means the heart is flexibly coping with uncertain and shifting environmental and psychological challenges.

In its most simplistic terms, a high HRV reading generally suggests the heart is adjusting quickly to changing circumstances and indicates good health, active coping, and well-being. HRV has been used to reliably assess stress reactions, behavioural dysfunction, and emotional states in humans, horses, and other farm and companion animals (e.g. Rietmann et al., 2004).

There are also two unpublished dissertations cited on the Heart Math Institute site (Cicnait et al., 2016; Dampsey , 2017). The dissertations have yet to been published, nor was I able to find any other publications about horse and human hearts from the primary or secondary authors.

Companion animals have been shown to reduce loneliness and increase affiliation, social engagement, responsiveness, self-esteem and overall psychological well-being (e.g. McCardle et al, 2011). Physiological benefits include decreased risk for cardiovascular disease, shorter recovery time after heart attack, and improved overall physical health (e.g. Allen, 1991; Friedman et al, 2000). Even watching an aquarium of fish facilitates relaxation, lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress responses when performing the stressful task of reading aloud. (Katcher et al.,1983).

Participants having to complete the anxiety-provoking task of solving math problems experience the least stress in the presence of the non-judgmental support offered by their dog, and the highest when in the presence of a close friend (Allen, 1991). Ultimately, if horses offer no additional health benefits over any other animal, it would arguably be infinitely more affordable to stick to hamsters.

As for human/horse heart synchronicity, Hockenhull found that only six of the 34 pairings showed any correlation between horse and handler heart rates. She concludes that the horse/human HR relationship is not straightforward and many intangible, difficult-to-measure factors contribute to this inconsistent picture.

I know I am a member of the most privileged group in the world to have horses in my life. They keep me fit, allow me to connect with nature, and they feed my soul. Anyone reading this article knows there is something profound and unique about this relationship that is different than a relationship with a dog or a cat or even a human. As yet, we still do not know why. Merging electromagnetic heart fields offers a potential explanation worthy of being put to the empirical test. To date, we do not have the evidence to say that this is so.

Explore intriguing aspects of the science of the heart, much of which is still relatively not well known outside the fields of psychophysiology and neurocardiology. Learn about research that bridges the science of the heart and the highly practical, evidence-based skill set known as the HeartMath System.

In both cases, McCraty showed that changes in heart-rate variability (how much the heart speeds up and slows down when a person breaths in and out) changed in statistically significant ways several seconds before the events actually happened. And changes in heart rate differed significantly depending on whether an image was going to be neutral or arousing or whether a bet was going to be won or lost.

A 2004 Center for Disease Control and Prevention survey found that 19 million people in the United States practice some form of meditation. While meditation has become an accepted way of reducing stress and anxiety, there are still many people who either have little time to dedicate to the art of meditation; or have been told by their doctor they should meditate but don't know how. Perhaps they feel frustrated trying to sit still and quiet their mind.

A key goal of meditation is to calm a racing mind. When we can learn how to turn down mental noise and tap into an inner stillness, we connect with deeper feelings and the intuitive guidance of our heart. However, quite often many of us find that we spend a good portion of our meditation trying to chill and quiet the persistence of the mind. It's hard to unplug when your mind won't turn off. Many people tell us they are so fatigued that they fall asleep during their meditation time. e24fc04721

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