
Here is are brief descriptions and amazon links to my books on economic inequality and economic development.

Inequality, Social Mobility, and Redistribution

(together with N. Berthold, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag, German title "Ungleichheit, soziale Mobilität und Umverteilung", 2017)

Link to amazon can be found here.

Since the beginning of the 1980s, there has been a sharp increase in income inequality in the OECD, accompanied by low opportunities to rise on the income ladder. We explain succinctly how economists measure inequality, how it has developed in rich and poor economies and what factors influence inequality. We also describe the factors that influence social mobility and discuss the consequences of high inequality levels and low levels of social mobility. The book shows how policies responds to rising inequality and discusses the drivers of public redistribution in the political process.

A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Development: The Role of Technology, Inequality, and the State

(Würzburg: Würzburg University Press, 2017)

Link to amazon can be found here.