Activate the virtual environment. You will have to do this step from the current directoryevery time you start a new terminal. This sets up the environment so the new kivy_venvPython is used.

The script will download and build the SDL dependencies from source. It will also installthe dependencies into a directory named kivy-dependencies. This directory will be usedby Kivy to build and install Kivy from source with SDL support.

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Kivy will need to know where the SDL dependencies are installed. To do so, you must setthe KIVY_DEPS_ROOT environment variable to the path of the kivy-dependencies directory.For example, if you are in the kivy-deps-build directory, you can set the environmentvariable with:

This creates a kivy named folder in your current path. Next, follow the same steps of theInstalling from source above, but instead of installing Kivy via adistribution package or zip file, install it as aneditable install.

The following selectors install backends packaged as wheels by kivy under the Kivy_deps namespace.They are typically released and versioned to match specific Kivy versions, so we provide selectorsto facilitate installation (i.e. instead of having to do pip install kivy kivy_deps.sdl2==x.y.z,you can now do pip install "kivy[sdl2]" to automatically install the correct sdl2 for the Kivyversion).

kivy_deps.gstreamer is an optional dependency which is only needed for audio/video support.We only provide it on Windows, for other platforms it must be installed independently.Alternatively, use ffpyplayer instead.

One can select which of these to use for OpenGL using theKIVY_GL_BACKEND environment variable: By setting it to glew(the default), angle_sdl2, or sdl2. Here, angle_sdl2 is a substitute forglew but requires kivy_deps.sdl2 be installed as well.

Hi im having issues with using the input_type property of kivy's textinput widget. The thing is i made two custom text input one i called StrText where i set input_type = 'text'. Then a second text input named NumText with input_type = 'number'.I tested this on my phone using kivy launcher, and noticed that once i tap on the NumText input and it brings a number keyboard, if i tap on the StrText, it brings the same number keyboard instead of a normal text keyboard. If you play with it a little you'll notice mostly number key board is returned most of the time.Please is there something wrong with my code, or how can i fix this?You'll find my code below

Kivy is a graphical framework that supports many operating systems (linux, windows, osx, android, ios, maybe more already). You use it to build python guis. The kivy project also started their own python-for-android project which provides ways to compile the python interpreter for android and to package it as an actual android app (including java api integration with pyjnius etc.). Kivy is well integrated with it so that you can easily compile a python gui app for android, though I don't think this python-for-android is limited to kivy apps.

In this code, you import Image from the kivy.uix.image sub-package. The Image class takes a lot of different parameters, but the one that you want to use is source. This tells Kivy which image to load. Here, you pass a fully-qualified path to the image. The rest of the code is the same as what you saw in the previous example.

Here, you import BoxLayout from kivy.uix.boxlayout and instantiate it. Then you create a list of colors, which are themselves lists of Red-Blue-Green (RGB) colors. Finally, you loop over a range of 5, creating a button btn for each iteration. To make things a bit more fun, you set the background_color of the button to a random color. You then add the button to your layout with layout.add_widget(btn).

Before using a third-party library like Kivy, we must install it in our working environment. Installing Kivy is as quick as running the python -m pip install kivy command on your terminal or command line. This command will install the library from the Python package index (PyPI).

This command will create a folder called kivy_env containing a Python virtual environment. The Python version in this environment is the same as you get when you run python --version on your command line.

To deeply customize a GUI or design a 2D video game, we may need to draw 2D shapes, such as a rectangle, circle, ellipse, or triangle. Doing this is straightforward in Kivy. The library provides a rich set of shape classes that you can find in the package. Some of these classes include:

When your Kivy project grows, your .kv file will grow as well. So, it is recommended that you split up the file into different files for readability. In such cases, you will end up with multiple .kv files, and the automatic loading mechanism will not be sufficient. You'll have to use the Builder class from kivy.lang.Builder. 17dc91bb1f

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