Bio-interfaced Electronics Laboratory @ KIST BSI

바이오계면 전자소자 연구실

Connecting Dots between
Material Science, Device Engineering & Biomedical Science

Welcome to the Seong Group, Bio-interfaces Electronics Lab (BIEL),  at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)!

In our lab, we are aiming to establish the in situ, non-destructive, and highly reliable stimulation and recording system for biointerfaces. This will be realized by integrating versatile multidisciplinary researches including: (i) nano/microfabrication research, (ii) organic device fabrication and characterization, (iii) surface reaction analysis, and (iv) stem cell research.


2024. 07.



Positions Available

We are currently looking for highly motivated graduate students and postdocs. If you are interested in a position, please contact Dr. Hyejeong Seong (email: directly.

우리 연구실에서는 열정있는 대학원생과 연구원, postdoc을 모집합니다.
관심 있으신 분은 성혜정 박사 (email:에게 연락주세요.