


The article with a high resolution structure of the amazing phycobilisome is out! Phycobilisomes, harvest light energy to fuel the engine of light (Photosystem II) and the orange carotenoid protein (OCP) protects it from self-destruction when too much light is harvested.

Structural and quantum chemical basis for OCP-mediated quenching of phycobilisomes


We publish a preprint about a method we developed for efficient linear DNA transfection of mammalian cells.

Biodegradable silica nanoparticles for efficient linear DNA gene delivery


Today Irene joined our lab as the first graduate student!


We published a new News and Views article about modeling the photosynthetic electron transport chain and its importance to improve crop yields.

How model guided photosynthetic bioengineering can help to feed the world 


A new News and Views article is out about recent research on the repair cycle of Photosystem II.

A step closer to fully understand how the engine of life is repaired from damages caused by its fuel 


We published a News and Views article highlighting the diversity of volatile isoprenoids produced in wild Freesia species.

Encoding wild fragrance: The role of allelic variants in floral odor emissions