This extension protects against web pages tracking the activity state of the page. Some websites use this track to only offer services when the tab is active. By installing this extension a small script is injected into every webpage which overwrites the "document.visibilityState", and "document.hidden" properties to pretend the tab is always in the active state (document.visibilityState = 'visible' and document.hidden = false). This is useful for the webpages that check your visibility state before loading resources like many music webpages. By installing this extension even if the page is opened in the background page, the player will start immediately like the page is loaded on an active tab. Supported Trackings:document.mozHidden (only on Firefox browser)document.webkitHidden (only on Chromium browsers)Supported Events:1. visibilitychange2. webkitvisibilitychange (only on Chromium browsers)3. mozvisibilitychange (only on Firefox browser)4. blur (some websites require the user to keep the tab focused)5. mouseleave (some websites use this method to make sure the user pointer is inside the window)Notes:At the moment there is no exception list, so the extension injects the script on all HTTP and local HTML pages. You need to disable the extension from the options page if you need to bypass the default always active behavior. On Chromium browsers, you can also limit the script injection to a few hostnames by using the right-click context menu item called "This Can Read and Change Site Data" over the browser action button.

I sometimes open the Run dialog in order to type something while watching a video. It is my "notepad". Since the new version of Chrome (currently 60.0.3112.113) Chrome is always on top on my Windows 10 system. How can I make the Run dialog be on top of Chrome again?

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The chrome extension has to be kept unlocked so that the password can be filled in the forms. I know that I can keep it locked when I am not filling up a form. But to unlock it every time I need it is inconvenient. And the downside for keeping it always unlocked is that all the passwords can be revealed if someone else uses my system.

1Password should remain locked when you're not using it. Keeping it unlocked constantly is the best security practice. 

If you find unlocking inconvenient, there are a couple of suggestions I can make:

There is no way to disable the reveal option, but even if there was - that wouldn't be helpful because it is just as easy to copy the password and paste it into a plain text field and see it. To keep your data secure - keep 1Password locked.

@bradr The issue you are showing in your screenshot is a different one that is not related to the original topic. 

If you don't have the 1Password extension installed in Chrome, you need to install it in order to be able to use the desktop app in Chrome. If you do have it installed and are still seeing this message, restart your computer, open and unlock 1Password, then open Chrome - that should fix it.

Please register another loud vote to get rid of the "REVEAL" prompt. That particular "feature" was not present in the standalone 1P v6 that worked so well for m. Once I have unlocked the application or extension I see absolutely NO reason why the needed password is not visible. A very large percentage of web page password fields do not have the "Show" option (and even then, that is one more unnecessary mouse click..) and many, many times I need to see the passwords before submitting it to the web page.

Hey @dkg thanks for reaching out about this. While there is not a setting to display all your passwords in the extension if it is unlocked, you can reveal your passwords for each login item by clicking the chevron icon to the right of it, then click Reveal. Or press Control-Option (or Ctrl + Alt) to reveal all passwords in the item details.

I am using xubuntu 14.04, and google-chrome dev. Selecting 'use system title bar and borders' just makes the sub window not have a title bar, and the default chrome title bar doesn't have the option.

I think it is a two step process. 1) Make chrome not full screen and then click use system title bar and borders. 2) On the top part of the bar that was just amended with your last option change (the part above the tabs) right click and select always on top.

A bit late to the party, but just for people who may pick up this page on a search, new versions of Chrome have a developers tools setting to disable the cache. Show developer tools (spanner->tools->developer tools) and on the bottom right is a tiny little gear. click that and a few settings appear in the developer tools window, one of which is to disable the browser cache. If you can't see it you may have to upgrade to a newer version of chrome.

According to Chrome help pages, Ctrl+F5, Shift+F5, Ctrl+R and Shift+R should force refresh. I haven't had problems with javascript and css but refreshing frames is another story. The caching can also be on your web server. The server can obviously be configured to cache css and javascript files.

Your best bet is to clear the cache between each load. With the latest version of Chrome, the hotkey is the same as firefox (on Mac, it's Shift-Command-Del). However, they haven't focused the "Clear Browsing Data" button, so you have to use your mouse to click that button -- which is a total PIA when compared to Firefox (Shift-Command-Del + Return), or Safari (Option-Command-E + Return).

the 2.5 ways i do it are not "automatic" but they're very quick, and i don't have to remember to switch back from private browsing - a) install Mouse Gestures and use (this is a great extension anyways, but even more so now that I know about) Up, Down, Up - this is a cacheless reload. You can get it here

c) the .5 is a kind of a hack - but if you are working with CSS files, open a new tab and type in the address to the CSS file itself - you can see what changes are there, as well as make sure that you've gotten the latest one by refreshing this file before your other file. a bit of a pain, i know, but always works.

One thing is annoying me already a longer time and I could not find out how to change this.Whenever I am developing my web apps, the dev tools of Chrome always jump to the "sources" tab automatically (in german: "Quellen" like in my gif animation.)

This tab is not interesting for me, because I am debugging with VS Code already.

I want to see the output of the console or the network tab all the time.

In my case the issue was that I had breakpoints set in VSCode itself, rather than DevTools. (not sure if it's relevant, these breakpoints were unbound because I was working on a userscript, which can't be mapped to the browser). The DevTools would simply flash debugger paused message for a split of a second and open a file in the source tab. In some cases it would open and immediately close files. I couldn't figure out why these files were opened...

As part of our build the code is minimised I'm currently debugging some js and constantly have to click the pretty print button in chrome dev tools. Is there a way to permanently enable pretty printing in chrome dev tools ?

I have set all PDFs in Windows (Settings - Default Programs) to open in NitroPro, and they do if I am double-clicking a PDF on already on the computer. But if I download a PDF through Chrome and click on it in the browser window, Chrome opens the PDF.

Unfortunately, I am in a situation where I must download dozens of different PDF labels one at a time and open them one at a time. For each, I need Nitro to open and not the Chrome PDF reader, but I cannot see a way to have Nitro take over this function from Chrome.

- Enter the following in the search field: chrome://settings which you bring you to Chromes settings page. 

 - Scroll down and select "Advanced" under "Privacy and Security" select Content Settings.

 - Towards the bottom of the screen select PDF Documents and move the switch to turn on the option to download PDF files instead of opening them within the browser.

Searching for PDF takes me to a PDF Settings, but this is just, "Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Chrome" with an On-Off switch. Helpful, certainly, as I was at least able to turn off Chrome and simply download all PDFs. Still a nuisance, but a step closer.

2021 Nitro Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Nitro, the Nitro logo, Nitro Pro, and Nitro Sign are trademarks and/or registered trademarks, of Nitro Software, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.

For example: Normally, robot will click to button to open dialog, but now, chrome will be closed when clicking on that (same with another activities not using simulate click). So, the process will be stopped.

My UiPath version is: 2021.10.04 and Chrome version is 98.0.4758.82. I tried to update UiPath Studio version to the newest but this problem still happens. Otherwise, I tried to use basic activities and Modern activities too, but still facing it.

There is an issue at Click and Type Into activities (Hardware Event). So, I tested with another simple process is click to button to open dialog and input text into field (this field prevent simulate type).

If your click and type into throwing an error. could you please re indicate the elemnt in the particular field or button! and also please open that activity in UiExplorer and attach the snap here. so that we will look in to it make the selector dynamic.

Since Windows 10 ONLY allows me as a sys admin to set a list of default application associations via an .xml file ONE TIME at a computer login or a user login via GPO, HOW IN THE WORLD DOES GOOGLE CHROME REPEATEDLY KEEP CHANGING THE DEFAULT PDF VIEWER TO ITSELF FOR MY USERS???? 152ee80cbc

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