

Agent Bendy: Okay, Agent Bendy here back again, so it looks like the crazy lunatic named Ink Bendy got deleted in the game world, and yeah, he's definitely dead. No signs of life from him anymore. So anyways, I unplugged the PS5 and Im going to take it in the office for inspection to show Agent Chickenwing. I forgot to mention, we won this war against Ink Bendy because I teamed up with a group of Bendys. At first, I didn't trust them because you never know if they're involved in Ink Bendy's unsucessful plan, but turns out we're on the same boat as the group of Bendys.

But anyways, I found a device that was connected to the PS5 and I plugged it into my computer and turns out he had some viruses on it so I was able to wipe the viruses off the device and my computer, but it looks like Ink Bendy had some files in this device, and Im going to look into it, these files looks like his backup plans just in case his PLAN A and PLAN B becomes a total flop. It looks like he was trying to corrupt people who go near Ink Bendy and it hasn't been activated. So I am going to wipe off the corruption before it spreads and causes any trouble.

Computer: "Are you sure you want to delete this file?"

Agent Bendy: Yes, do it.

Computer: "Alright, working on it.."

Computer: "System error, failed to delete. Your hard drive is damaged and your files are corrupted."

Agent Bendy: WHAT THE?!?

(computer explodes)

Agent Bendy: NO!

(corruption spreads over the office)

Agent Bendy: I gotta get out of here!

Agent Bendy: I'll talk to you guys late-




Agent Bendy: Alright, it's been a while since I've uploaded a message on here but, I went inside this crazy guy's warehouse and he captured more victims for his masterplan. He was talking with the first victim he captured which his name was Bendy, and then.. oh my goodness, I don't know if I can say of what I saw but it was crazy that I cannot describe what happened!

I must inform Agent Chickenwing about this, but unfortunately, my workplace is on the other side of where I was watching what went down during the crazy guy's first plan (which failed badly) and then I don't know about his second plan... but I've heard he's gonna control everyone and I need people to help me stop him, because if his plans end up working, we are all doomed and we are being forced under his control...

Whoever is reading this message, we don't have much time left..



Agent Bendy: Oh my god. Okay so a LOT of complicated things happened just now. I'm trapped inside of this game world that has a lot of game franchises, but I entered the PS5 world! This is crazy!!

I have the fastest loading times ever but what gets in my way is these what it's called? Bosses? Boss fights? Yup, I have to fight my way through these guys. But this game world is very interesting. I can explore everything! This is super beautiful! I would tell you guys to enter but it's kinda risky. But today I went to this race course looking game with this bean shaped guys and I had to fight my way to apparently win a crown?!? I could exchange that for a lot of cash! It's solid gold too!

But anyways, I gotta go, looks like these bosses are back.



???: Oh. my. gosh. That was. creepy. Alright so I'll explain what happened. So! You know how I said I found a secret base? Well I did! It was awesome! But also terrifying at the same time. I walked in and I hear two people talking and I take a peek and I found the person that sort of looks like me who went missing!

But it looks like the other person and him are the same person!!! Except that other Bendy had ink all over his face and we can only see his smile. Then I was recording the whole thing and the Bendy with ink on this face, well, let's call him Ink Bendy. But Ink Bendy just went inside Bendy and controls Bendy like he's possessed! That was some creepy stuff I saw but what's even more creepy that he turned around and spotted me! So I ran away as fast as I could and I heard yelling saying, "WHOEVER IS OUT THERE! YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE YOU NOSY IDIOT!" So I went back to my little home and I ran out of breath.

But thankfully, I am okay. But sadly, when I was recording of what happened, somehow, the video file got corrupted! I don't know how that even happened and it keeps flashing green and dark green but I can hear audio, the audio sounds like really bad quality. Yeah, I think I probably shouldn't go too far while exploring. Bad idea. Definitely a bad idea. But anyways, I found a lost wallet on the ground which had 500 dollars! Am I lucky or something??

But anyways, I got a hotel, got food, and yeah. So It looks like I'm gonna be in the hotel for a couple months. But the bed is comfy, couch is comfy too. But I got even more lucky because I didn't get a trashy TV! It had LOTS of channels! The view is nice, I could even see the whole town from all the way over here! So I explored the hotel room, found out that it has a pool and yeah, I went for a little swim and went back to the hotel room. (sigh) Well. I'm not gonna lie. Waiting 22 years to have all of this was worth it!

Oh and you guys are wondering, how am I uploading messages with no internet? Well, let's just say, I went to a gas station and they had free "WiFi", I think that is how you pronounce it, but I got free WiFi and let's just say. The WiFi at the gas station sucks. Let's just say, lots of buffering, longer loading time, it even takes 8 HOURS to upload a message! But! Since Im at this hotel, the internet is pretty good here! When I uploaded a message (which didn't go public) uploaded in 3 seconds! Wow! That is very fast!

(yawns) But anyways, I gotta get some sleep, maybe I could go exploring at this town I found, but the thing is that since I don't have a car, how am I supposed to get there???? Well. There is one solution. Walking. Well anyways, I gotta get ready for the next day. Man, I cannot wait what the future holds! Alright guys, see you guys this Saturday! This is (POOR CONNECTION) (GOOD CONNECTION) signing off!



???: Testing. testing. Hello??? Anyone there? This is (POOR CONNECTION) at a really fancy hotel right now! Internet is great so Im gonna end this message real quick.


???: Okay, so the laptop was on 0% battery but I was somehow able to charge it with my hands. It sounds crazy that no one would believe it. But it's at 98% now.

So I escaped the inky loop. Again, been trapped in there for 22 years and no food, and no water. But somehow I survived. But anyways, I'm back on Earth and yeah. A lot has changed since I've been trapped. There's self driving cars, next generation consoles like PS5 and Xbox Series X. I still have my old PS1 but I cannot remember where I put it! There's also cell phones, 4K TVs and a lot! (sigh) I remember the last time I used my old TV. Good times.

But anyways, I see on the news and a person went missing after being kidnapped by a crazy person! I saw the person who got kidnapped and he looks just like me! Well, a little bit different. Isn't it crazy that it's already the year 2020?!?

So I tried getting a room in a hotel but I forgot my wallet! And I had to sleep outside in the cold winter! But I saw a book of how to survive in the forest. So I went to a nearby forest, started a campfire and yeah! My little home!

In case you're wondering, I know where I live but I ended up somewhere very far! Wait a second. Is that a secret base? I'm going to check it out! I'll upload another message tomorrow!



???: Hello? Can anyone hear me? If you can hear me, I need your help, I've been stuck in this place for 22 years and I need to get out. Somehow I found this old laptop, it barely works, but it could help me get out of this inky loop. I've been typing in this document app of the adventures i've been in. But I probably won't be able to send another message since this laptop's battery is at 15%. I gotta do something quick.

But I think I have found a way out, someone once told me that if your inside the inky loop, you may have a chance of not escaping, but there are two ways to get out, but it's risky. Step One: You have to wait until someone powers off the loop, and go to the light, all the way, but if your not fast enough, the ink loops starts to fade away and you go with it. Step Two: You have to dig your way out but it will take 1 year to get out of it. So I think I'm going to try Step Two, because if I try to do Step One, then this is the only message I can upload.

UGH, what am I thinking??!? Digging my way out is gonna take forever! I gotta do Step One!

Wait, before I turn off the loop, I just saw two people walk into the light and they just vanished! I guess that's Step Three? I'll try it, but it will take me a long time though. Probably an hour or two.

Anyways, I gotta start running and walking, I can't waste anymore time, I'll send another message in 3 hours. Hopefully this is the way out. But if you guys can help me, my name is-