Frequently Asked  Questions 

Series Collection Related Questions:

Q: When do you usually upload new episodes?

A: I usually upload them weekly but now, there are 2 new episodes every 2 weeks only one time in a month currently.

Q: Where can I watch "Bendy and the Wrath Of Ink"?

A: The only places you can watch is on this website, or on the KirbyEmanuel YouTube channel. You can find the episodes on one of my YouTube playlists.

Q: Will there be more content involving Bendy?

A: There will be spinoffs coming soon and the events that happen in those spinoffs basically happened during Bendy and the Wrath Of Ink. So those spinoffs are basically in the same universe as Bendy and the Wrath Of Ink.

Q: What's with the delays?

A: Sometimes, episodes may be delayed due to issues with my editing app, or last minute decisions, or it needs some improvising, etc.

YouTube Channel Related Questions:

Q: When do you usually upload?

A: I usually upload when I feel like it, or I may sometimes go live if there's some game event happening. But I sometimes like to make just chatting streams sometimes, but I don't do them very often though.

Q: What made you start YouTube?

A: Well, when I was young, I watched a lot of YouTubers and it motivated to start my own YouTube channel! So it all started when I grabbed my phone and started recording videos with my Kirby plush!

Q: Have you collaborated with anyone before?

A: Yes I have! If you are looking to start a collab with me, let me know!

Q: I've heard about your Fan Art Contest, will it return anytime soon?

A: Yes, it will make a return at some point! Just don't know when sadly, but it'll return eventually!

Have any more questions? Ask me on social media @itskirbyemanuel or on my contact email! Go to the "Socials" tab!