Benjamin Kinnear, MD, MEd

Educator Portfolio


Thank you for visiting my electronic educator portfolio! I am originally from Barnhart, MO, which is a small town south of St. Louis. I attended St. Louis University for undergraduate training, and later went to the University of Missouri, Columbia for medical school where I served as AOA president. I traveled to Cincinnati for Med-Peds residency, followed by a chief resident year. I joined as faculty in 2014 and have been involved in medical education ever since. I am currently a Med-Peds hospitalist at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. This means that I only care for patients when they are hospitalized, and I serve on the general inpatient teams.

I have had the great fortune to be exposed to many great education mentors both locally and nationally, which is both inspiring and humbling as I learn more about who I aspire to be as an educator. I hope to always be improving, and to approach my professional life with humility, openness to change, curiosity, and an unrelenting work ethic. I hope the following pages give insight into who I am as an educator. Please contact me with any questions or feedback, and find me on Twitter!

Thank you,



Twitter - @Midwest_MedPeds