QPE Publications
QPE members have published in the best political science and economic journals. Here is a list of selected publications
Jha, S., & Shayo, M. (2025). Trading stocks builds financial confidence and compresses the gender gap. The Economic Journal, 135(665), 235-263.
Ash, E., Morelli, M., & Vannoni, M. (2024). More laws, more growth? evidence from us states. Journal of Political Economy.
Eady, G., & Rasmussen, A. (2024). Gendered Perceptions and the Costs of Political Toxicity: Experimental Evidence from Politicians and Citizens in Four Democracies. American Political Science Review, 1-17.
Morgan-Collins, M. (2024). Bringing in the new votes: Turnout of women after enfranchisement. American Political Science Review, 118(2), 619-634.
Colantone, I., Di Lonardo, L., Margalit, Y., & Percoco, M. (2024). The political consequences of green policies: Evidence from Italy. American Political Science Review, 118(1), 108-126.
Hopkins, D. J., Margalit, Y., & Solodoch, O. (2024). Personal economic shocks and public opposition to unauthorized immigration. British Journal of Political Science, 54(3), 928-936.
Bove, V., Di Leo, R., & Giani, M. (2024). Military culture and institutional trust: evidence from conscription reforms in Europe. American journal of political science, 68(2), 714-729
Eichengreen, B., Saka, O., & Aksoy, C. G. (2024). The political scar of epidemics. The Economic Journal, 134(660), 1683-1700.
Acemoglu, D., Ajzenman, N., Aksoy, C. G., Fiszbein, M., & Molina, C. (2024). (Successful) democracies breed their own support. Review of Economic Studies
Atanasov, P., Dana, J. D., & Klein Teeselink, B. (2024). Taste-Based Gender Favouritism in High-Stake Decisions: Evidence from The Price is Right. The Economic Journal. 134(658), 856-883
Klein Teeselink, B. & Melios, G (2024). Origin of (A)symmetry: The Evolution of Out-Party Distrust in the United States. Journal of Politics. First View
Luca Bellodi and Massimo Morelli, and Matia Vannoni (2023) A Costly Commitment: Populism, Government Performance, and the Quality of Bureaucracy. American Journal of Political Science. First View.
Jack Blumenau, Timothy Hicks, and Raluca Pahontu (2023). Risk and Preferences for Government Healthcare Spending: Evidence from the UK COVID-19 Crisis. British Journal of Political Science 53(3): 1070-1080.
Italo Colantone, Livio Di Lonardo, Yotam Margalit, and Marco Percoco (2023). The Political Consequences of Green Policies: Evidence from Italy. American Political Science Review. First View.
Maria Cotofan, Lea Cassar, Robert Dur, and Stephan Meier (2023). Macroeconomic Conditions When Young Shape Job Preferences for Life. Review of Economics and Statistics 105(2): 467-473.
Naomi Egel and Nina Obermeier (2023). A Friend Like Me: The Effect of IO Membership on State Preferences. Journal of Politics 85(1): 340-344.
Mariaelisa Epifanio, Marco Giani, and Ria Ivandic (2023). Wait and See? Public Opinion Dynamics after Terrorist Attacks. Journal of Politics. First View.
Kristin Fabbe, Eleni Kyrkopoulou, Konstantinos Matakos, and Aslı Unan (2023). Control and Fairness: What Determines Elected Local Leaders’ Support for Hosting Refugees in Their Community? Journal of Politics 85(2): 778-783.
Mona Morgan-Collins (2023). Bringing in the New Votes: Turnout of Women after Enfranchisement. American Political Science Review. First View.
Anne Rasmussen, and Stefanie Reher (2023). (Inequality in) Interest Group Involvement and the Legitimacy of Policy Making. British Journal of Political Science 53(1): 45-64.
Michael Vlassopoulos, Abu Siddique, Tabassum Rahman, Debayan Pakrashi, Asad Islam, and Firoz Ahmed (2023). Improving Women’s Mental Health During a Pandemic. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. First View.
Toke Aidt and Gabriel Leon-Ablan (2022). The Interaction of Structural Factors and Diffusion in Social Unrest: Evidence from the Swing Riots. British Journal of Political Science 52(2): 869-885.
Yonatan Berman (2022). The Long Run Evolution of Absolute Intergenerational Mobility. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 14(3): 61-83.
Vincenzo Bove, Riccardo Di Leo and Marco Giani (2022). Military Culture and Institutional Trust: Evidence from Conscription Reforms in Europe. American Journal of Political Science. First View.
Guy Grossman, Yotam Margalit, and Tamar Mitts (2022). How the Ultrarich Use Media Ownership as a Political Investment. Journal of Politics 84(4): 1913-1931.
Shaun Hagreaves Heap, Emma Manifold, Kostantionos Matakos, Dimitrios Xefteris (2022). How Does Group Identification Affect Redistribution in Representative Democracies? An Experiment. Journal of Public Economics 215: 104747.
Victor Lavy, Edith Sand, and Moses Shayo (2022). Discrimination Between Religious and Non-Religious Groups: Evidence from Marking High-Stakes Exams Get access Arrow. Economic Journal 132(646): 2308–2324.
Gabriel Leon-Ablan, Toke Aidt, and Max Satchell (2022). The Social Dynamics of Collective Action: Evidence from the Diffusion of the Swing Riots, 1830-31. Journal of Politics 81(1): 209-225.
Abu Siddique, Tabassum Rahman, Debayan Pakrashi, Asad Islamn and Firoz Ahmed (2022). Raising Health Awareness in Rural Communities: A Randomized Experiment in Bangladesh and India. Review of Economics and Statistics. First View.
Gerhard Toews, and Pierre-Louis Vézina (2022). Resource Discoveries, FDI Bonanzas, and Local Multipliers: Evidence from Mozambique. Review of Economics and Statistics 104 (5): 1046–1058.
David Atkin, Eve Colson-Sihra, and Moses Shayo (2021). How Do We Choose Our Identity? A Revealed Preference Approach Using Food Consumption. Journal of Political Economy 129(4): 712-761.
Kirk Bansak, Michael Bechtel, and Yotam Margalit (2021). Why Austerity? The Mass Politics of a Contested Policy. American Political Science Review 115(2): 486-505.
Vojtěch Bartoš, Michal Bauer, Julie Chytilová, and Ian Levely (2021). Effects of Poverty on Impatience: Preferences or Inattention? The Economic Journal 131(638): 2357-2382.
Vojtěch Bartoš, and Ian Levely (2021). Sanctioning and Trustworthiness across Ethnic Groups: Experimental Evidence from Afghanistan. Journal of Public Economics 194: 104347.
Maria Cotofan (2021). Learning from Praise: Evidence from a Field Experiment with Teachers. Journal of Public Economics 204: 104540.
Ferdinand Eibl, Steffen Hertog, and Dan Slater (2021). War Makes the Regime: Regional Rebellions and Political Militarization Worldwide. British Journal of Political Science 51(3): 1002-1023.
Barry Eichengreen, Cevat G. Aksoy, and Orkun Saka (2021). Revenge of the Experts: Will COVID-19Renew or Diminish Public Trust in Science? Journal of Public Economics 193: 104343.
Florian Foos, Peter John, Christian Mueller, and Kevin Cunningham (2021). Social Mobilization in Partisan Spaces. Journal of Politics 83(3): 947-960.
Marco Giani, and Pierre-Guillaume Méon (2021). Global Racist Contagion Following Donald Trump's Election. British Journal of Political Science 51(3): 1332-1339.
Yotam Margalit, and Moses Shayo (2021). How Markets Shape Values and Political Preferences: A Field Experiment. American Journal of Political Science 65(2): 473-492.
Yotam Margalit, and Omer Solodoch (2021). Against the Flow: Public Opposition to Immigration Stock and Flow. British Journal of Political Science 52(3): 1055-1075.
Mona Morgan-Collins (2021). The Electoral Impact of Newly Enfranchised Groups: The Case of Women’s Suffrage in the United States. Journal of Politics 83(1): 150-165.
Roland Hodler, Michele Valsecchi, and Alberto Vesperoni (2021). Ethnic Geography: Measurement and Evidence. Journal of Public Economics 200: 104446.
Kirk Bansak, Michael Bechtel, Jens Hainmueller, and Yotam Margalit (2020). Ideology and the Debate over International Bailouts: The Case of Grexit. Journal of Politics 82(2): 509-528.
Lena Boneva, James Cloyne, Martin Weale, and Tomasz Wieladek (2020). Firms’ Price, Cost and Activity Expectations: Evidence from Micro Data. The Economic Journal 130(627): 555-586.
Agelos Delis, Konstantinos Matakos, and Dimitrios Xefteris (2020). Electoral Spillovers in an Intertwined World: Brexit Effects on the 2016 Spanish Vote. British Journal of Political Science 50(3): 1169-1174.
Amrita Dhillon, Pramila Krishnan, Manasa Patnam, and Carlo Perroni (2020). Secession with Natural Resources. The Economic Journal 130(631): 2207-2248.
Daniele Girardi (2020). Partisan Shocks and Financial Markets: Evidence from Close National Elections. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 12(4): 224-252.
Gabriel Leon-Ablan (2020). Feudalism, Collaboration and Path Dependence in England’s Political Development. British Journal of Political Science 50(2): 511-533.
Abu Siddique and Michael Vlassopoulos (2020). Competitive Preferences and Ethnicity: Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh. The Economic Journal 130(627): 793-821.
Damien Bol, Konstantinos Matakos, Orestis Troumpounis, and Dimitrios Xefteris (2019). Electoral Rules, Strategic Entry and Polarization. Journal of Public Economics 178: 104065.
Rosie Campbell, Philip Cowley, Nick Vivyan, and Markus Wagner (2019). Legislator Dissent as a Valence Signal. British Journal of Political Science 49(1): 105-128.
Rosie Campbell, Philip Cowley, Nick Vivyan, and Markus Wagner (2019). Why Friends and Neighbors? Explaining the Electoral Appeal of Local Roots. Journal of Politics 81(3): 937-951.
Dominik Hangartner, Elias Dinas, Moritz Marbach, Konstantinos Matakos, Dimitrios Xefteris (2019). Does Exposure to the Refugee Crisis Make Natives More Hostile? American Political Science Review 113(2): 442-455.
Saumitra Jha, and Moses Shayo (2019). Valuing Peace: The Effects of Financial Market Exposure on Votes and Political Attitudes. Econometrica 87(5): 1561-1588.
Michal Bauer, Nathan Fiala, and Ian Levely (2018). Trusting Former Rebels: An Experimental Approach to Understanding Reintegration after Civil War. The Economic Journal 128 (613): 1786-1819.
Christopher McConnell, Yotam Margalit, Neil Malhotra, and Matthew Levendusky (2018). The Economic Consequences of Partisanship in a Polarized Era. American Journal of Political Science 62(1): 5-18.
Christopher Parsons, and Pierre-Louis Vézina (2018). Migrant Networks and Trade: The Vietnamese Boat People as a Natural Experiment. The Economic Journal 128(612): F210–F234.
María Cubel, and Santiago Sanchez-Pages (2017). Gender Differences and Stereotypes in Strategic Reasoning. The Economic Journal 127(601): 728-756.
Sung Eun Kim, and Yotam Margalit (2017). Informed Preferences? The Impact of Unions on Workers' Policy Views. American Journal of Political Science 61(3): 728-743.
Moses Shayo, and Asaf Zussman (2017). Conflict and the Persistence of Ethnic Bias. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 9(4): 137-165.
María Cubel, Ana Nuevo‐Chiquero, Santiago Sanchez-Pages, and Marian Vidal‐Fernandez (2016). Do Personality Traits Affect Productivity? Evidence from the Laboratory. The Economic Journal 126(592): 654–681.
Andreas Lendle, Marcelo Olarreaga, Simon Schropp, and Pierre-Louis Vézina (2016). There Goes Gravity: eBay and the Death of Distance. The Economic Journal 126(591): 406-441.
Konstantinos Matakos, Orestis Troumpounis, and Dimitrios Xefteris (2016). Electoral Rule Disproportionality and Platform Polarization. American Journal of Political Science 60(4): 1026-1046.
2015 and before
Enriqueta Aragonès, Micael Castanheira, and Marco Giani (2015). Electoral Competition through Issue Selection. American Journal of Political Science 59(1): 71-90.
Shaun Hargreaves Heap, David Rojo Arjona, and Robert Sugden (2014). How Portable Is Level‐0 Behavior? A Test of Level‐k Theory in Games With Non‐Neutral Frames. Econometrica 82(3): 1133-1151.
Michael Bechtel, Jens Hainmueller, and Yotam Margalit (2014). Preferences toward International Redistribution: The Divide Over the Eurozone Bailouts. American Journal of Political Science 58(4): 835-856.
Neil Malhotra, and Yotam Margalit (2014). Expectation Setting and Retrospective Voting. Journal of Politics 76(4): 1000-1016.
Anne Rasmussen, and Brendan J. Caroll (2014). Determinants of upper-class dominance in the heavenly chorus: Lessons from European Union Online Consultations. British Journal of Political Science 44 (2): 445-459.
Anthony M. Bertelli, and Peter John (2013). Public Policy Investment: Risk and Return in British Politics. British Journal of Political Science 43(4): 741-773.
Neil Malhotra and Cecilia Mo, and Yotam Margalit (2013). Economic Explanations for Opposition to Immigration: Distinguishing Between Prevalence and Conditional Impact. American Journal of Political Science 57(2): 391-410
Yotam Margalit (2013). Explaining Social Policy Preferences: Evidence from the Great Recession. American Political Science Review 107(1): 80-103.
Nicholas Sambanis, and Moses Shayo (2013). Social Identification and Ethnic Conflict. American Political Science Review 107(2): 294-325.
George A. Boyne, Oliver James, Peter John, and Nicolai Petrovsky (2012). Party Control, Party Competition and Public Service Performance. British Journal of Political Science 42(3): 641-660.
Nicholas Sambanis, Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl, and Moses Shayo (2012). Parochialism as a Central Challenge in Counterinsurgency. Science 336(6083): 805-808.
Yotam Margalit (2011). Costly Jobs: Trade-related Layoffs, Government Compensation, and Voting in U.S. Elections. American Political Science Review 105(1): 166-188.
Amrita Dhillon, and Jamele Rigolini (2011). Development and the Interaction of Enforcement Institutions. Journal of Public Economics. 95(1-2): 79-87.
Alan Hamlin, and Colin Jennings (2011). Expressive Political Behaviour: Foundations, Scope and Implications. British Journal of Political Science 41(3): 645-670.
Moses Shayo, and Asaf Zussman (2011). Judicial Ingroup Bias in the Shadow of Terrorism. Quarterly Journal of Economics 126(3): 1447-1484.
Anthony M. Bertelli, and Peter John (2010). Government Checking Government: How Performance Measures Expand Distributive Politics. Journal of Politics 72(2): 545-568.
Peter John, and Will Jennings (2010). Punctuations and Turning Points in British Politics: The Policy Agenda of the Queen’s Speech, 1940-2005. British Journal of Political Science 40(3): 561-586.
Esteban Klor, and Moses Shayo (2010). Social Identity and Preferences over Redistribution. Journal of Public Economics 94(3-4): 269-278.
Neil Malhotra, and Yotam Margalit (2010). Short-Term Communication Effects or Longstanding Dispositions? The Public's Response to the Financial Crisis of 2008. Journal of Politics 72(3): 852-867.
George A. Boyne, Oliver James, Peter John, and Nicolai Petrovsky (2009). Democracy and Government Performance: Holding Incumbents Accountable in English Local Governments. Journal of Politics 71(4): 1273-1284.
Shaun Hargreaves Heap, and Daniel J. Zizzo (2009). The Value of Groups. American Economic Review 99(1): 295-323.
Ori Heffetz, and Moses Shayo (2009). How Large Are Non-Budget-Constraint Effects of Prices on Demand? American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 1(4): 170-199.
Will Jennings, and Peter John (2009). The Dynamics of Political Attention: Public Opinion and the Queen's Speech in the United Kingdom. American Journal of Political Science 53(4): 838-854.
Bryan D. Jones, Frank R. Baumgartner, Christian Breunig, Christopher Wlezien, Stuart Soroka, Martial Foucault, Abel François, Christoffer Green‐Pedersen, Chris Koski, Peter John, Peter B. Mortensen, Frédéric Varone, and Stefaan Walgrave (2009). A General Empirical Law of Public Budgets: A Comparative Analysis. American Journal of Political Science 53(4): 855-873.
Santiago Sánchez-Pagés (2009). Conflict as a Part of the Bargaining Process. The Economic Journal 119(539): 1189-1207.
Moses Shayo (2009). A Model of Social Identity with an Application to Political Economy: Nation, Class and Redistribution. American Political Science Review 103(2): 147-174.
Peter John, and Tessa Brannan (2008). How Different Are Telephoning and Canvassing? Results from a ‘Get Out the Vote’ Field Experiment in the British 2005 General Election. British Journal of Political Science 38(3): 565-574.
James Sefton, and Martin Weale (2006). The Concept of Income in a General Equilibrium. The Review of Economic Studies 73 (1): 219-249.
James Mitchell, Richard Smith, Martin Weale, Stephen Wright, and Eduardo Salazar (2005). An Indicator of Monthly GDP and an Early Estimate of Quarterly GDP Growth. The Economic Journal 115 (501): F108-F129.
James Sefton, Justin Van De Ven, and Martin Weale (2005). Means Testing Retirement Benefits: Fostering Equity or Discouraging Savings? The Economic Journal 118 (528): 556-590.
Peter John, Hugh Ward, and Keith Dowding (2004). The Bidding Game: Competitive Funding Regimes and the Political Targeting of Urban Programme Schemes. British Journal of Political Science 34(3): 405-428.
Amrita Dhillon, Susana Peralta (2002). Economic Theories of Voter Turnout. The Economic Journal 112(480): F332-F352.
Jagadeesh Gokhale, Laurence Kotlikoff, James Sefton, and Martin Weale (2001). Simulating the Transmission of Wealth Inequality via Bequests. Journal of Public Economics 79(1): 93-128.
Shaun Hargreaves Heap, and Yanis Varoufakis (2002). Some Experimental Evidence of the Evolution of Discrimination, Co-operation, and Perceptions of Fairness. The Economic Journal 112(481): 679-703.
James Mitchell, Richard Smith, and Martin Weale (2002). Quantification of Qualitative Firm-Level Survey Data. The Economic Journal 112(478): C117-C135.
James Hughes, and Peter John (2001). Local Elites and Transition in Russia: Adaptation or Competition? British Journal of Political Science 31(4): 673-686.
Ray Chambers, Martin Weale, and Robin Youll (2000). The Average Earnings Index. The Economic Journal 110 (461): F100-F121.
Amrita Dhillon, and Jean‐François Mertens (1999). Relative Utilitarianism. Econometrica 67(3): 471-498.
Amrita Dhillon, Carlo Perroni, and Kimberley A. Scharf (1999). Implementing Tax Coordination. Journal of Public Economics 72(2): 243-268.
Richard Smith, Martin Weale, and Steven Satchell (1998). Measurement Error with Accounting Constraints: Point and Interval Estimation for Latent Data with an Application to UK Gross Domestic Product. The Review of Economic Studies 65(1): 109-134.
Keith Dowding, and Peter John (1997). Fairy Tale Critiques and Political Science: A Reply to Kenneth Newton. British Journal of Political Science 27(1): 111-155.
Nigel Pain, Martin Weale, and Garry Young (1997). Britain's Fiscal Problems. The Economic Journal 107 (443): 1142-1156
James Sefton, Martin Weale (1996). The Net National Product and Exhaustible Resources: The Effects of Foreign Trade. Journal of Public Economics 61(1): 21-47.
Peter John, Keith Dowding, and Stephen Biggs (1995). Residential Mobility in London: A Micro-Level Test of the Behavioural Assumptions of the Tiebout Model. British Journal of Political Science 25(3): 379-397.