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My name is Melissa King

… but many students question why I am a “king” and not a “queen” 👑

I am a Wife, Mother of two, Educator (Pre-K to 8th grade experience), Innovator, Trainer, and a Tech Geek. First of all, thank you for visiting my website. Second of all, know that YOU are the REAL MVP. Your willingness to make a difference in the lives of the kids you interact with, and your courage to try new things as we learn together is astounding!

If you haven’t already, you will probably discover that I am CRAZY about making learning experiences ENGAGING and MEMORABLE for my students. I love to think BIG & try my best to never forget this quote from Catlin Tucker:

“Now, I consider myself an architect of learning experiences rather than a fountain of knowledge.”

You see, I do not need to "vomit" information to students. Anyone can Google facts, dates, etc. Instead, I believe whole-heartedly in the design of a lesson which stimulates critical thinking and collaboration. I AM an architect of learning experiences.

The world is constantly changing, and so must education. As designers of learning experiences, we have to be willing to make stuff, break stuff, & fail! Learning together from our failure is what matters! You are not alone in this journey!

I hope that you find some inspiration here, and join me in creating & sharing for the good of all students out there!

Contact Info:


The King Family

Sawyer & Savannah

#LAX18 #GoogleEI Cohort- My Forever Geeky Family <3

Innovator Academy Graduation with Google's Melissa Horwitz & Dan Stratford