
A. Articles /  Editorials

among Polish and Turkish EFL pre‑service teachers. Educational Technology Research and Development. 

OASIS  Summary in Turkish

Kılıçkaya, F. (2023). İngilizce öğretmenlerinin Mobil destekli dil öğrenmede açık eğitim kaynakları dil işleme teknolojilerinin kullanıma ilişkin algıları (F. Kılıçkaya, Trans.). OASIS Summary of Kic-Drgas, J. et al. (2023) in ReCALL. 

B. Books / Book Chapters / Translations / Edited Proceedings

C. Newsletter Articles 

learning. APACALL Newsletter, 27, 8-10. 

D. Book/Website/Software Reviews 

E. Ebooks (editing student work)


F. Conference and Seminar Organization

5th International conference on language, literature and culture: Burdur, Turkey: Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Department of Foreign Language Education.

The 6th Metu International Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics And Language Teaching, Middle East Technical University, (Sept. 18-19, 2008)