Yasuhiro KIKUCHI's page(to Japanese page)

Yasuihro KIKUCHI's labo focuses on the physical anthropology, the evolution of hominoid (ape) and the origin of the people who live in Japanese islands.

1. Study targeting the fossil hominoids, mainly Nacholapithecus kerioi [middle Miocene, 16-15 million years ago (Ma)] from northern Kenya in Africa

2. Quantitative musculoskeletal analysis contributing to the basic data for reconstruction of fossils

 3. Research for the similarities beyond the different primate species focused on the non-bone/soft tissue morphology and internal bone structures

4.  Study for the human skeletons from the Late Pleistocene stratum at the Shiraho-Saonetabaru Cave site, Ishigaki Island in Japan



5-1-1 Nabeshima, Saga, Japan

Division of human anatomy and biological anthropology, Medicine, Anatomy and Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University

e-mail: kikuchiy(at)cc.saga-u.ac.jp

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