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Ms. Kienitz

My name is Chelsea Kienitz and I am teaching 8th Grade Reading and Writing! There are some very exciting and interesting things we will be exploring and learning throughout this school year. On this web page, I will be sharing what is taking place in class, updates, and information related to Reading and Writing. There will also be information about due dates, grading rubrics, and project descriptions. I am excited to start the school year with all of your students! Please do not hesitate to contact me for any reason.

Random Facts!!!

Hometown: Edgerton, WI

Favorite food: anything with potatoes!

Favorite Drink: Orange Fanta

Hobbies: Card making (crafts), going to see movies, hanging out with family and friends, and reading

Dislikes: Crowds, Onions, and bugs (especially butterflies!)

Favorite animal: Pugs (like my dog, Kilo)

Favorite Genre: Sci-fi and fantasy for books, plays, and movies

Why I became a teacher?

I love learning, and what better way to learn than in a school with all of you! I especially like reading and writing as you can explore new places through the imagination of others, and yourself. I also enjoy learning about the past, present, and future of where I live and where others live to really grow my cultural lense. I have continued to learn a lot over the last few years. I look forward to sharing what I know and learning from all of you as well!

What can you expect from me and my classroom?

There are a couple things that I hope you find in my classroom, but the biggest one is a love of reading! There is a quote by Frank Serafini that I have always liked:

“There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there are only children who have not found the right book.”

I also hope to implement a Growth mindset in my classroom and help students learn through flexible seating, Universal Design for Learning strategies, and Technology usage. More information about all of these fun and benefical educational opportunities can be found on the "Websites and Resources" page on this website. I am always trying to bring new and interesting tools and resources into the classroom to help all students experience learning and grow wherever they are working.

I am available to help as much as I can. If we are able to have in-person learning, I will be available each day until 4 PM. Students can come to get some extra help or to work on homework. My room will be available.

920-478-3633 Ext. 2128