2024 Adventure  Challenge in Wisconsin State Parks - Ages 6-8

Tailored Adventures for All Ages and Groups 

Animal Tracks

Explore Wisconsin state parks on an early morning walk with an adult! Look for tracks left by deer, raccoons, squirrels, rabbits, and birds. It's an exciting adventure to discover nature's footprints 

Animal Food Left-Overs

Embark on a woodland adventure and discover clues of forest animals' meals! Look for nibbled leaves, broken nutshells, scattered pinecone scales, and chewed twigs. With an adult, take a walk on a trail. Keep an eye out for messy nests, leftover feathers, and even animal droppings, as they all reveal the secret menu of nature's hungry inhabitants! 

Tree Shapes

Explore the diversity of Wisconsin trees and their unique shapes! Some stand tall and straight like soldiers, while others spread their branches wide like open umbrellas. Some have slender trunks with delicate, lacy leaves, while others have thick, sturdy trunks with wide, round canopies. Can you draw some different tree shapes you see? 

Tree Rings

Tree rings are nature's history book! By counting the rings, we can learn a lot about a tree's age. Each ring represents a year of growth. Wider rings indicate favorable conditions, while thinner rings indicate tougher times. Tree rings also reveal past events like fires, droughts, and even human activities. Count the number of rings found in a tree stump. 

Tic-Tac-Toe in Nature

Embark on a nature hunt with an adult! Collect small treasures like leaves, twigs, and rocks while walking around the campground. Then, back at the campsite or picnic table, create a giant tic-tac-toe board. Use your nature finds as game pieces and enjoy a fun-filled game of tic-tac-toe in the great outdoors! 

Clouds are Weather Forecasters

Clouds are nature's weather forecasters! Different cloud shapes give us clues about the weather. Fluffy white clouds mean fair weather, while dark, towering clouds bring rain or storms. Wispy, high clouds may signal a change in weather. Can you draw the different cloud shapes? 

Secret Storm Clue

Thunder and lightning hold a secret clue! Count the seconds between the lightning flash and the thunder clap. Every 5 seconds equals roughly 1 mile. For example, if you count 15 seconds, the storm is about 3 miles away. Remember, seek shelter when thunder roars, as lightning can be dangerous! Have you ever counted thunder? 

Make Your Thunder

Watch this YouTube Video

Fold your way to a thunder-pop origami! Start with a square paper. Fold it diagonally, then fold the corners to the center. Flip and repeat. Pull the sides to create a popper shape. Finally, blow into it and let it pop for a thunderous surprise! Enjoy the crafty thunderstorm fun! 

Draw a Constellation

Long ago, people looked up at the stars and imagined shapes in the sky. They connected the stars to form pictures and told stories about them. These pictures were called constellations. They named them after animals, mythical creatures, heroes, and other things from their legends and beliefs. Each constellation has its own fascinating tale! Can you find constellations in the night-time sky and draw them? 

ABCs of Nature

Grab a sheet of paper and start writing the ABCs! For each letter, create a picture representing camping or the outdoors. A - Draw a tent, B - Sketch a bonfire with flames, C - Craft a compass pointing north, D - Illustrate a beautiful sunset, E - Show footprints on a hiking trail, F - Capture a fishing rod with a jumping fish, G - Depict glowing fireflies, and H - Create a happy camper roasting marshmallows over a campfire. How many can you draw? 

A Rock's Story

One day, a plain rock stumbled upon a magical stream. As it took a sip, the rock felt a surge of power. It discovered it could absorb stories from the water's flow. Excited, the rock shared its newfound ability, spreading tales of nature, adventures, and wisdom to all who would listen, becoming a cherished storyteller. Gather a rock and draw a picture. Then write a rock story. 

Forest Animals Rock

Create a forest animal shape from rocks. You can start by finding rocks that resemble the body, head, and limbs of the animal you want to create. Use natural materials like moss or twigs to attach the rocks together and add finer details like eyes, ears, or a tail. Let your creativity flow and have fun crafting your unique forest animal!