Summer school on Optimal Transport, Stochastic Analysis and Applications to Machine Learning

The main goal of this summer school is to expose junior researchers to the exciting research opportunities in diverse topics arising from optimal transport, stochastic analysis, and their applications to machine learning. Participants will have various opportunities to get inspired and to interact with others through lectures, discussions, and social activities.

Date & Venue

June 3 (Mon) - June 7 (Fri), 2024

Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)

All participants should register to attend. Please register by March 31 via the following link: Registration 

Lecture Series

Beatrice Acciaio (ETH Zurich)

Sinho Chewi (Institute for Advanced Study)

Dejan Slepčev (Carnegie Mellon University)

Feng-Yu Wang (Tianjin University)

Invited Talks

Brendan Pass (University of Alberta)

Chenchen Mou (City University of Hong Kong)

Hanbaek Lyu (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Se-Young Yun (KAIST)

Dan Mikulincer (MIT)

Asuka Takatsu (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

Hyungju Hwang (POSTECH) 

Jakwang Kim (University of British Columbia)

Andrew Warren (University of British Columbia)

Tongseok Lim (Purdue University) 

Chulhee Yun (KAIST)

Nabarun Deb (University of Chicago)


Zhen-Qing Chen (University of Washington), Wanmo Kang  (KAIST), Young-Heon Kim (University of British Columbia), Jioon Lee (KAIST), Kyeongsik Nam (KAIST), Soumik Pal (University of Washington), Brendan Pass (University of Alberta)

Contact information

Kyeongsik Nam (, Young-Heon Kim (, Soumik Pal (, SAARC (


Kantorovich Initiative

Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology

National Science Foundation 

Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences 

Stochastic Analysis & Application Research Center