Jakwang Kim(김자광)

I am a postdoctoral researcher in the PIMS Kantotrovich Initiative Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver jointly advised by Prof. Young-Heon Kim, Prof. Soumik Pal(UW-Seattle), Prof. Khanh Dao Duc, and Prof. Geoffrey Schiebinger. In May 2023, I received my Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison where I was fortunately advised by Prof. Nicolas Garcia Trillos. Prior to joining the Ph.D. program, I received a B.A and M.A in Economics from Korea University in Korea.

My current research broadly focuses on the application of optimal transport in theoretical machine learning. Recently, I am interested in the application of the Schrödinger bridge problem to various problems in statistics and computer science. Also, random graph(both sparse and dense) and its application to discrete mathematics, computer science and statistical physics are of interest too.

Contact email : jakwang.kim at math.ubc.ca