Laboratory for Advanced Electromagnetics and Photonics

Grove School of Engineering, City College of New York

8/2/18: Our work demonstrating synthetic degrees of freedom of electromagnetic waves for controllable steering in a topological waveguide is published in Nature Communications

6/20/18: Our 3.2M$ DARPA NASCENT proposal on polaritonic and topological metasurfaces, with collaborators from UT Austin and EPFL, and lead by ASRC Photonics Director Andrea Alu, has been selected for award.

6/20/18: Alex Khanikaev receives $390,000.00 award from NSF to conduct research on topological metasurfaces to control scattering and guiding of light.

Novel Aspects of Topological Photonics in Open Optical Systems: Non-Hermiticity and Fano-Resonances

5/16/18: Our work introducing concepts of spin- and valley-tronics into photonics is published in Science Advances, shows new ways to control electromagnetic waves for secure communications

3/16/18: Our experimental work on direct probing of photonic topological transitions and topological guided edge states in all-dielectric Si metasurfaces is published in Nature Communications

3/9/18: Our collaborative work on self-induced topological transitions in nonlinear circuit arrays is published in Nature Electronics, proves self-tuning and robustness of the circuit

Research sponsored by NSF, DARPA, DOD and DOE