FAQ - Khaki Kitab

What's is khaki kitab?

The base of Khaki Kitab is vedic astrology. This book have unique pattern of Astrology. All constant in this book with example charts and remedies on each topic. The have new look with western & Vedic Charts. This book has great stories on each topic along with astrology charts. Khaki kitab is great combination of Yantra, Tantra, Mantra, Vastu and colour science. We also guide how we make yantra on specific need also we provide Jal vidya to check hidden things. "Get This Book"

In which language is khaki kitab available & how its different from others?

khaki Kitab is available in hindi language. Most of the square horoscopes are found in India, which is very easy to see, but in ancient times it has been seen in the round. Khaki book shows all aspects in both ways. Often all Indian gurus learn from the tradition of the disciple, which has slowly vanished the principal. Khaki book presents all those principals along with today's technology.

Is Khaki Kitab a single book?

Yes, khaki Kitab is a single book but its print available in 4 parts. 1st one is basis but different from others. 2nd have in deeper with degree wise and available in part A&B, And 3rd have Astrological remedies only.

How Khaki Kitab assure about results?

khaki kitab Astrology is based ancient study of the planets & Zodiac. Technology is highly developed in these days. World biggest science lab NASA also provides latest position of planets. Due to this all astrology related software is available. Now we can see all planets positions correctly.

With help of all ancient Astrology principals and NASA planet's location services it's gives results pin point.

Is khaki kitab have Remedies in all parts?

Yes, all khaki Kitab have full of remedies. In P-1, P-2A, P-2B Remedies level is different and it's related to care and our day to day activities. Because every action (Karma) produce a result. The purification of karma is also remedies to make life smooth. In P-3 remedies has different aspects. Some time we work fine but results are not good. In that time we clean aura,make yantra, chant Mantra use tantra and check hidden things. In P-3 is with example charts & detailed process to use remedies.

What's khaki kitab P-1?

This book is totally different from old ones. Who Zodiac effect in our life? We cover all questions of human life. With help of this book any professional & beginners can boost knowledge in Astrology. All clear cut facts available in this book of human life. We cover all 12 house With 144 stories with Charts in detail. If someone come in office or call you, you can easily identify that soul and his surrounding environment. You will know what question he has come to ask. "Get This Book"

What's in khaki kitab P-2@A ?

Khaki kitab P-2@A is deeper. In this part we cover all astrology principles with concept of five elements. How chart degree affects us and changes our identity in our life. All details available in this book, House wise degree wise with sample charts. In this part we also cover all information about 2, 6, 7,8,12 houses. What is problem of all above house and how we control with our day to day activities? "Get This Book"

What's in khaki kitab P-2@B ?

Khaki Kitab P-2B it's self have different kind of power. This book is all about 8th house on Astrology. Every one has fear about 8th house but it is most important house of our life. 8th house is profit house of our Karma (10th house). So it's important to understand what's is our Karma. If you really want successful life in business then its important to understand 8th house. "Get This Book"

What's in khaki kitab P-3 ?

This is Final book of Khaki kitab hindi Astrology series. This book is totally remedies base. All principles with example charts available in this book. Tantra to see hidden items is also in this book. please note this book not available for those who not read other three book.

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