
My portfolio consists of topics in data preprocessing and analysis, data visualization and supervised machine learning as I keep expanding  and updating it continuously. They are presented below with links to the code  and blogpost.

Brief descriptions of each project is given. Clicking  on the images would link you to the blogpost while the links beneath each project would direct you to view the codes on github. 

Airbnb NYC Listing Dashboard

For this project, I analyzed the Airbnb New York City 2019 listing data downloaded from Kaggle. Cleaning and pre-processing was done using Google sheets. Further exploration and analytical insights from the data was carried out using Tableau to create a dashboard and deployed for interactivity.

Skills: Google Sheet, Tableau, Data Visualization

Link to code

Company Layoffs Analysis

Layoffs occur when companies dismiss a handful of its employees from work. During the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, there were significant layoffs in major industries. The highest number of layoffs was noted towards the end of 2022. This dashboard explores the mass layoff across industries and countries from the years 2020 - 2022. These numbers are based on the data I downloaded in December, 2020 from Kaggle.

 Skills: Tableau.

Link to code

Twitter Data Analysis

This project  focused on cleaning, pre-processing, and exploratory analysis of raw Twitter data on COVID-19. The data was stored in a csv file and read into a MySQL database, where it was analyzed. Created a Streamlit web app that displays various data visualizations. Fixing issues, writing unittests, and integrating Travis CI to run tests automatically whenever a commit to the Github repository is made.

Skills: Python,Topic modelling, Sentiment analysis, Scikit-learn, NLP, SQL, Travis CI, Streamlit, Modular coding, Unittesting

Link to code

Tellco Data Analysis

The main goal of this project is to analyze Tellco's data to determine whether it is worthwhile to purchase or sell. Analyzed data from a telecom company's users to find growth prospects and provide recommendations. K-means was used to divide users into separate clusters. In the telecommunications industry, an exploratory analysis was conducted to examine customer behavior. Developed self-explanatory visualizations with plotly, seaborn, and matplotlib to gain valuable insights about how to improve customer experience and lower churn rates. Experience Analysis, Satisfaction Analysis, and Engagement Analysis were among the metrics computed. Management received a full report on the analysis in order to make decisions.

Skills: Python, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn.

Link to code

Matco Restaurant Sales Forecast

I made use of Time Series Analysis to forecast sales. I collected data from my dad's newly opened Restaurant which covers approximately 4 months record of the total sales each day. Analysis was made and some insights discovered, the AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model was used.

Skills: Python, Linear regression, ARIMA, Statistics.

Link to code

XYZ Supermarket Data Analysis

This project analyses the supermarket data which has 3 different branches across the country with recorded sales information for 3 months to help the company understand sales trends, uncover more insights and determine its growth, as the rise of supermarkets competition is seen to increase.

Skills: Python, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Numpy.

Link to code

Credit Card Fraud Detection System

Created a web application using streamlit. It allows user to upload dataset, select a model and visual from the side-bar. The system gives a summary of the data, model and display its accuracy.

Skills: Streamlit, Data analysis, Python, Supervised classification, Heroku. 

Link to code 

Real-time COVID-19 Dashboard Visualization 

Visualizing and building dashboard on the corona virus (COVID-19) cases in Africa.

Skills: Data visualization, PowerBI.

Link to dashboard 

Bank Campaign Data Analysis

Insights from a direct marketing campaign to analyze if the bank term deposit would be yes(1) or no(0) from customers and also understand different types of people interested in the campaign and most likely to subscribe to similar ones in future .

Skills: Python, Pandas, Matplotlib, Data analysis, Data visuallization.

Link to documentation

Predicting House Prices With Machine Learning

Predicted Boston house prices based on features and trends of the data.

Skills: Data wrangling, Data analysis and visualization, Regression modelling, Machine learning.

Link to code