About me

I enjoy using analytic tools, python, and SQL programming languages to extract insights from data. I possess pretty good knowledge in building dashboard visuals that translate data points into business insights with experience in executing data-driven solutions to increase efficiency, accuracy, and utility of internal data processing

I currently work as a social media analyst, making reports analyzing user engagement, consumer behaviour, trends, brand sentiment, identifying competitive threats and making informed decisions that drive growth and support digital strategy. 

I'm passionate about data analysis, data engineering, internet of things (IoT) and managing developer communities, and I'm eager to learn, grow, and succeed in the data industry. I learnt to code through a variety of online and offline classes, as well as trial and error. Each endeavour teaches me something new. Some of the skills I have gained are highlighted below. 


Programming languages: Python , SQL.     

Visualization: Tableau, PowerBi, Google sheet, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly. 

Data Science: Data wrangling, Statistics, Supervised ML.          

ETL & Orchestration: Airflow, DBT.

CI/CD: Github workflows, DVC.

Tools: Jupyter notebook, Google colab, Visual Studio Code, Kaggle kernel, Git & github.

Soft skills:  Technical writing , Technical presentation, Teamwork, Public speaking.