
It is important that the child pronounces the Arabic letters correctly and masters their sounds at a young age. Learning incorrect letter pronunciation at this age will affect the student’s ability to correctly pronounce it at a later age. So, Insha’Allah, I will be focusing on teaching your child the correct Pronunciation, Tajweed, Memorization, and meaning of the Surahs. Your help in reviewing and practicing the Surahs with your child is appreciated, but please do not teach or correct any pronunciation. If you think your child has mistakes in his/her pronunciation, please contact me so we can discuss this matter. Conflicting instructions from different sources on how to pronounce letters may confuse the child.

Insha'Allah, this year we plan on finishing around 14 Surahs:

Al-Fatihah, Ayat ALkursi, the last ten Suwar from Juzi' 30, and last two Ayas from Surat Al-Baqarah (285-286).

For each Surah memorized,students will learn:

  • The story and main topic

  • The meaning of main words

After finishing each Surah, students will be tested on it.

The grading rubric will be as follows:

  • Memorization 30%

  • Pronunciations 25%

  • Tajweed 10%

  • Meaning 15%

  • Attendance 10%

  • Participation 10%

Islamic Studies

Insha’Allah, students will have a daily Islamic Studies lesson. By the end of the year, they will learn and achieve:

  • The concept of Allah as The Creator and The Qur’an as our holy book.

  • The concept of the Prophets and Angels.

  • The Pillars of Islam and The Pillars of Faith.

  • Practicing Wudu’, Salah, At-Tahiyat, and Tasbeeh.

  • Practicing Islamic etiquette, manners, and essential values.

  • Memorizing 20 Ad`iyah and phrases.

  • Learning Islamic stories, songs, and rhymes.

The grading rubric for Islamic Studies will be as follows:

  • Assessment & Project 70%

  • Attendance 15%

  • Participation 15%


In Arabic, I am using my own curriculum. We will be using worksheets which I will be providing at the beginning of each quarter.

Every week, we will learn a new letter with sounds and corresponding vocabulary words. These vocabulary words will help students build their speaking ability and improve their understanding of the Arabic language. Therefore, I encourage my students to memorize the vocabulary words of the week. In addition, we will learn a new number and color weekly.

Insha’Allah, your child will be graded weekly on classwork, homework, and handwriting for 10 points each. At the end of each quarter, students will also be tested on the letters, numbers, and colors. The grading rubric for Arabic will be as follows:

  • Reading 50%

  • Homework 10%

  • Class work 10%

  • Hand Writing 10%

  • Spelling 10%

  • Attendance 10%

By the end of the year, you can expect the following from your child:

  • To be able to understand around 300 Arabic vocabulary words.

  • To be able to read and understand Arabic words with three to five letters.

  • To be able to write Arabic letters with their sounds.

  • To be able to recognize colors, numbers, and the names of the days in Arabic.


Insha’Allah, your child will be graded weekly on classwork, homework, and handwriting for 10 points each. For full credit, classwork and homework must be scanned and submitted through google classroom by Friday, neat and fully completed. Students' work sent through Jupiter Ed and WhatsApp will not be accepted.

Late or sloppy homework will result in a 20% deduction of the grade.

Please feel free to reach out for additional support with homework.

Virtual Classroom Rules

  • All students must sign in with their first and last names 5-10 minutes early. Please enter with your microphone muted and your video cameras on.

  • Students must be in a quite area. They must keep their face in the video with the top half of their body and hands showing. Preferably, sitting on a chair with their device on a table. (Not sitting on a bed and no pajamas).

  • Try not to use a cell phone for Zoom meetings. If you receive a phone call, it will disconnect the student from the class. In the case that a cell phone is the only option, please keep it on airplane mode during the class.

  • When students are in Zoom meetings, please limit sibling activity as it may cause a distraction to the class.

  • Eating during class time is not permitted.

  • Please do not use any type of virtual background.

  • Additional recommendations: When students are in the Zoom meetings, please press on gallery view on the top right corner, right click on the teacher’s picture, and PIN the video. This will limit the distractions for the student.


First time: Two verbal warnings.

Second time: Classroom Infraction-Notify the parents.

Third time: Notify the school office and the principal.

Severe Clause: Serious behavior will receive immediate consequences or referral to the principal and won’t go through these steps.

Medical Problems & Allergies

If your child has any medical problems, allergies, special needs, issues, difficulties, or any kind of sensitivities to surroundings that may affect his/her behavior and/or academic ability, please let me know immediately so I may best accommodate your child. This will help me understand your child and enhance my communication with him/her. It will also help enable me to make your child more comfortable in the class.