My Health Portal

Mobile and Responsive web design

Project Overview

The Product

My health portal is a Cape Town based app that helps community members to find and book a health practitioner in their area. The app is designed for community members who have access to a device to access it. The app aims to bridge the gap between doctors and patients.


Finding the right medical specialist can be tough, especially if you get sick in a new city. Another headache is waiting rooms in a hospital or doctors office. Usually people just want to go in and go out, for which booking in advance is very helpful.

My role

The lead UX designer leading the app and responsive website design from concept to delivery

My Responsibilities

Conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, iterating on designs, determining information architecture, and responsive design.

Project Duration

June 2022-July 2022


Build an app that will help community members to find a medical practitioner in their area and book appointments too.

User Research


The research question was deduced from conducting a survey on few people who reside in the city Cape Town. Survey was conducted via google forms where the link was shared in the community Facebook page. People indicated that they rely mostly on recommendations they get from friends and family when they have to find a medical practitioner. Some indicated their frustrations with waiting lines for doctor’s appointment.


Here are some of the personas I have made

Problem statement:

Terry is a caregiver for Mrs. Jenkins who needs to book a doctor’s appointment for Mrs. Jenkins in advance because she needs to avoid sitting in the waiting room with Mrs. Jenkins.

Problem statement:

James is an junior accountant who needs to find a nearest dentist

because he just moved to the city and does not know anyone around.

Paper wireframes

I took time to draft paper wireframes of screens of the app. This gave me idea of features that should make it to the digital wireframes and to be able to pick those features that solves the user pain points. The idea was to make every information available for the user on home screen.

Digital wireframe

After drafting some paper wireframes I had to put the ideas in a digital design. The designs follows a simple user flow for finding and booking a doctors appointment.

Here are some more screens

Low-fidelity Prototype

To prepare for usability testing, I created a low-fidelity prototype that connected the user flow of booking a doctor appointment.

View here

Usability Study


Study Parameters

Study type. Unmoderated usability study

Location. Cape Town, remote

Participants. 4 Participants

Length. 5-10 minutes


Here are some of the findings of the usability study.


People want to be able to select their favorite practitioner.


People want to be able to give doctor reviews

Booking for someone else

People wants to be able to book to someone else.


Users in the usability study indicated that they would like to see the reliability of the doctor they are booking with, I have accomplished this by adding patients review system that shows the rating of the doctor.

Before usability study

After usability study

Before usability study

After usability study

In the usability study users indicated they would want an option to book for someone else, I included a pop up option that ask the user who they are booking for.

Here are of the Mock ups...

Hi-fidelity prototype

The hi-fi prototype follows the same user flow as the the low-fi including the changes made from the usability study and visual changes.

View here

Accessibility Considerations


Interactive labels are labeled clearly that are visible to users.


The home screen includes almost every information that the user will need to use the app thus reduces difficulties with navigating around the app.


After finishing designing the app, I started designing the responsive web version. I initially created a site map that game the idea of the structure of the website and how each screen should be, to have a very cohesive user experience across the devices.

Responsive designs

The designs for screen size variation included mobile, tablet, and desktop. I optimized the designs to fit specific user needs of each device and screen size.

Mobile Screen

Tablet Screen

Desktop Screen

Take Away


Users indicated that the app could be useful especially for someone who just relocated to a new place.

"This app could be a life saver and I mean literally" ~ David

What I learned:

I learned that a problem cannot be solved completely but coming close to a feasible and useful solution is always a goal in design and that is what I was aiming for with the design.