2023: KG-49

KG-49 will be in-person, at ZigZag Mountain Farm, Rhododendron, Oregon:
Aug. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (Thurs. 3:00 PM - Mon. 11:00 AM).

The farm’s phone, website: (503) 922-3162 , zigzagmountainfarm.com .

Here’s where you can download or look at the PDF invitation flyer for KG-49:  KG49flyer(print-area).pdf


The two of us who hosted a one-day “part2” on Zoom on the Saturday a week after the in-person KG last year are still planning to attend the in-person KG-49 this year.  We are not ourselves planning to do a “part2” this year.  But we can assist anybody who wants to have one.  The Zoom URL used last year is available to use with no work on your part, and I would post the info here and send out an email announcement for you.  And the same Google Docs Bulletin Board is still there to be used again.  (Updating the Bulletin Board for reuse would take a bit of work on your part.)